I dunno why but I've always found the effeminate guys to be pretty hot.....
imo an effeminate man is just.... sexy. :3
Didn't I say that it was a matter of taste on like the first and second page?
Seriously. There are women here and in Japan, who do prefer their men to be as feminine as possible before going into hormone therapy. It's just human nature.
Just like there are guys who prefer their women hairy (i.e. "natural") and would prefer them to be as close to masculine as possible before getting testosterone injections.
It just happens. People are weird like that.![]()
And stubble is even worse! How do you make out with something that feels like sandpaper?
LMAO @ Dacon
Solid Snake is handsome at the least. There's nothing ugly about him and his features and body are quite proportionate and good looking. I don't see how you could deny his looks unless you seriously got something against facial hair and muscles. Let's be fair here, people.
Sure does fucking suck he's an old man like Big Boss now. I'll never forgive you Kojima. Never.
Oh no, I'm not criticizing, I'm just teasing, is all. Take no offense, Channy!
I asked because there was a study comparing the attractiveness factor of men with beards, stubble, and no facial hair. Men with stubble were considered the most attractive by miles. Just cross referencing I suppose.
Ah, here's a question. They say that some women shy away from 'manly' men and to more 'effeminate' men because the latter are seen as less threatening and more approachable. Is this true?
I could see that. As just a superficial aspect, I would say they're more attractive. You have movie stars with a little bit of stubble who make it look good ala Johnny Depp, but when you think about it, if you have to wake up to that every day, kiss it in the morning, stroke your hands along his chin.. It'd be like getting pricked with hundreds of little needles.
I can see that too actually, and that makes sense. A lot of women are afraid of men who can easily over power them and abuse them, and more effeminate men have a softer appeal to them. Like.. "Oh he's just so soft and caring and he doesn't need to work out a billion times a day to exert his masculinity..."
I guess it depends on the guy. If your hair is rough, then yeah, shit sucks. But if you have say, fine hair, then that would be different. I had a girlfriend that loved when I had stubble because my face had a 'manly' texture. She said she didn't like it when my face was too smooth because it was like a woman's and she would just date a woman if that's what she wanted.
But on the other hand, many women like manly men because they feel protected and safe. A lot of women like the feeling that if some shit goes down, the guy actually has a capability to defend himself and her (or hypothetically in the back of the mind, their kids) instead of breaking like glass. Or even emotionally, a sense of not backing down.
Another thing that ties into my lesbianism/effeminate man candy fetish, is I like guys with long hair. Not ridiculous girl long hair, but say.. Johnny Depp shoulder length hair, or Keanu Reeves hair just around the jaw line.
Yeah, but even effeminite scrawny guys can still hold their own in a situation. Or at least, hold their own against a woman and over power her unless she's an Amazon.
Yeah but, who's more likely to be able to hold their own in a sticky situation; a scrawny guy, or a guy who has Solid Snake's physique?
What if said stickiness involves the lady holding a shotgun?
I wouldn't say long hair is super effeminate or even inherently effeminate. Guys can definitely get away with long hair, and hell, even from a historical perspective, the Biblical Samson had long hair and that was the source of his strength!
Yeah but, who's more likely to be able to hold their own in a sticky situation; a scrawny guy, or a guy who has Solid Snake's physique?
that too.Martial arts? Try knowledge of human anatomy and any useful tool that can cause a significant amount of damage, which covers a wide variety of items.
The point is that anyone with decent enough martial arts training or whatnot can probably overpower a wide swath of the population, so much so that one shouldn't judge a person's physical prowess based on their size.
The scrawny guy because he weighs less so he can run away faster?
Yeah but that's not how most people think, and most people don't have martial arts training, so when it all comes down to it with everything else removed, a person with muscles/mass is more likely to win in a physical test than a person without.
The point is you were making broad generalised statements. In reality, it doesn't work like that. There are other factors besides physical size that are also important.Yeah but that's not how most people think, and most people don't have martial arts training, so when it all comes down to it with everything else removed, a person with muscles/mass is more likely to win in a physical test than a person without. And two people with equal martial arts training of the same kind and skill, the person with more muscle and mass almost always has a solid advantage.