Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

Death Sin

Memento mori
Just DS is fine
Well, I suppose if I were to pick a club this would definitely be my first pick, so... there room for one more, people? :)


Tifa's personality was still the best one, though :monster:

Well with the mood I'm in the next sig is going to be my FU one again. And point many PN towards it.

And my Tifa Sig will make a comeback. Don't you worry. You can't keep a good personality down.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
How could they not? Unless they were some kind of *gasp* Pink Nazi.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
o lawd. I love how they pretend to like her to preserve some pretence of "neutrality" in the debate. :monster:


Ja, it's pretty transparent. Not like glass, but invisible glass kind of transparent.

I still don't see how not liking a character somehow means that you are unable to tell fact from fiction. I don't like Teetus, but I'm not saying he and Yuna never hooked up, ya know?


Ja, it's pretty transparent. Not like glass, but invisible glass kind of transparent.

I still don't see how not liking a character somehow means that you are unable to tell fact from fiction. I don't like Teetus, but I'm not saying he and Yuna never hooked up, ya know?

I hate Wakka for hooking up with my Big Boobed Beauty Lulu. But I can accept it.

I can......

And the PN love Tifa. With ANYONE but Cloud.
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Death Sin

Memento mori
Just DS is fine
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! (PS: DS is fine. Death Sin sounds too formal and stuff :monster:)

And Vendel your sigs aren't awesome... They're epic (and yeah, I've seen the Tifa's Personality one... Oh, how I lol' ed).

Also I find it funny that some so called "fans" diminuish and twist the characters around just to favour their shipping and yet apparently claim they love the said characters and respect the game's narrative... that means that either we've been playing a different game or some people need to open their eyes, smell the coffee and accept reality as it is. I mean, we might not agree with some stuff of the Compilation titles but at least we can respect and acknowledge things as they are. Had the CloudxAerith relationship been further developed and became a reality, I would respect it the same way I respect the CloudxTifa one, because, above everything, I like FF7 for its story, not because of a particular pairing or character.

Plus I like Tifa and Aerith all the same, so its all good. Thing is, Aerith never met the real Cloud, nor there was any indication whatsoever that there was anything going on between them than a building friendship. Yes, she was a dear comrade and important for Cloud, true, but that was pretty much the same to all the other AVALANCHE members. She's in Cloud's heart and memories, no doubt about it, but on the same level of Zack. Two important people/friends that Cloud lost and was unable to save. Are they dear to Cloud, most certainly.... Does that mean any sort of romance? Well, not really, otherwise I would say Clack would have a much bigger emphasis than Clerith (with ACC and all).

These are complete different kinds of emotions... People need to stop for a moment, take a deep breath and see things from the perspective of the game creators. The answers have petty much all been given, either in the titles themselves or further explained in the Ultimanias, so its not really a matter of twisting things around with out own interpretations but to the see7accept the facts as they have been presented.

Quoting the X-Files: "The truth is out there" ...all we need is to see it as it is and accept it :)
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Hi guys... I'm growing more and more fond of this couple to the point where I'm actually becoming less Clephiroth than Cloti which is HUGE because Sephiroth/Cloud has been my OTP since I first played Kingdom Hearts.

Anyway, I have Sims 3, I moved a Cloud and a Tifa in and well, Tifa had her baby in the Sims today. It was a boy. I named him Shoes (Don't ask)

Here Sephiroth calmly helps her with her labor pains :monster:
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
So how does Sephiroth deal with the new kid?

I'm just so happy I finally got to see this XD


Great Old One
New pictures I found - I think, :monster:




I've been planning a Cloti doujinshi for quite a while, and I made some sketches. When I come back home I'll show it to you guys, :monster:
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