LTD aside, it's one of the best lines Tifa gets imo.
In a story largely about secrets, misinformation, and deception, she si the character offering us an alternative: turning from the head to the heart.
To someone like Cloud (and Tifa) words hold less power, especially when Sephiroth can manipulate those words and everything around them. Cloud's heart calls out to Tifa, even when he's ppoisoned and lost. He hears hers and she hears his in the whirlwind of the Lifestream. So the hesistancy and frustration of trying to fit their hearts into prescibed molds and into words is unnecessary. not only that, but they are surface and inadequate in containing what's beneath. What they share is a connection beyond words. And that? That Sephiroth and the world cannot reach.
I like how its one of those quotes that just speaks to the themes of FFVII, Tifa's character itself, Cloud's inability to express himself, their relationship...everything. It's fundamentally not only very Tifa, but also very FFVII.
I think my fave of hers has to be this though:
Do you think the stars can hear us?
Do you think they see how hard we’re fighting for them?
Pfft, break my heart, why don't you, Teef? /totally irrelevant musings