Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
Question? Has anyone stopped to ask why is it that Cloud and Tifa share the same cell in the OG Shinra HQ prision? This isn't to prove anything either way, but I find it really interesting that the other side, likes to use this scene about Tifa being jealous. Of course she. I am not sure why because both CLoud and Tifa are in the same room, and if you actually talk to Tifa, it gives better contex to what is happening. She isn't some ravenous jealous women that she is made out to be. I was pleasantly surprised they removed this for the Remake.

download (3).jpg

On the lighter side of the house I love how the Final Fantasy Abridged team did this scene.

"Address the Elephant CLOUD!"


Pro Adventurer
Good evening all, I hope this would strike up some interesting conversation in here, It is Friday night, and I am kinda bored. So I challenge you all to say what is your secret / guilty pleasure about this pairing?

I guess I will start it off.

Mine perhaps will always be the promise at the Water Tower. Something about childhood innocence always makes my heart explode. :hearteyes:ff7-remake-cloud-tifa-nibelheim-900x506.jpg

This one comes in a very close second. The amount of devotion that Tifa has. She is willing to give up EVERYTHING! Just to be by his side.Final Fantasy VII Screenshot 10 tifa cloud.jpg


Pro Adventurer
Mine is basically all of Crisis Core. Even though Cloud is being silly by not just telling Tifa he didn't make SOLIDER, it just makes my heart glow watching him interact with her secretly.

Also the emails she sends Zack about wanting to date a blond SOLIDER.

Also also, this is a pretty popular scene, but EVERYTHING about Cloud finding Tifa in the church in AC just breaks my heart in two. His facial expressions, the way his voice cracks as he calls her name. I just love it so much.


Pro Adventurer
Mine is basically all of Crisis Core. Even though Cloud is being silly by not just telling Tifa he didn't make SOLIDER, it just makes my heart glow watching him interact with her secretly.

Also the emails she sends Zack about wanting to date a blond SOLIDER.

Also also, this is a pretty popular scene, but EVERYTHING about Cloud finding Tifa in the church in AC just breaks my heart in two. His facial expressions, the way his voice cracks as he calls her name. I just love it so much.


I agree. When I first saw this I was heartbroken.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Well, if they were your parents I don't think you'd be all giddy by the thought of them screwing each other. I know I won't ever welcome the mental image of my parents trying to conceive me. Just no. :sadpanda:


Pro Adventurer
There's just that five minutes every now and again where you think, Marlene and Denzel have a pair of really cool parents.

Or I have issues... :puppy:

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
It's 23 been years, I want to move on, and I want Cloud to move on, AC, CC, everything has slowly worked our ways towards the resolution, now just stick the landing.
I just ship for shits and giggles and I don't understand how some people need canon to ship stuff. I remember shipping male King of Fighers characters before yaoi was cool and nowadays I ship too many ships and I'm the mothership now (that's why I'm doing Sephiorh/Jenova, I'm depraved like that). So I don't know what to think of tumblr kids concerned about their ship's popularity... it's kinda sad they think they need some kind of approval. My parents were over-critical with my tastes in media and internet was this place I went to have fun and talk about series and videogames and anime I liked.

Why would people care if their ship is or becomes canon? Just go create fanart, fanfiction, whatever! Have fun with your ship! Poke fun at it!

Correct me if I am wrong but Cloud X Aerith only believe in "if it is in the credits it is canon" line? I need help out of this craziness. :wallbanger::loopy:
just when i undersatnd youth culture this happens.jpg

The LTD needs to get shitposted to non-existence.
I'm doing my part, less ranting and more shitposting dude. :monster:

I did find it strange that the LTD does have a lot of pro Cloud X Tifa voices in it from my prospective. I am not necessarily saying that they ship that particular pairing but maybe what Cat on Mars says is true, that the amount of Cloud X Tifa pairing individuals in the LTD could be drastically exaggerated. Although it is hard to gauge whether or not he is joking or being serious. So I dunno.

It was a firmly cheek-in-tongue comment. There is a good number of Cloud/Tifa shippers all over the LTD thread (hell, technically I'm one of them) but some corners of the internet believe we're CloTi central because here we like canon and facts. If you like canon and don't hate Tifa that's enough for some hardcore shippers to label you anti Clerith.

I saw AC on youtube somewhere a while ago. I then went and bought the blu ray from Amazon (is this even a legit version?), but it's still unsealed right now. Not sure I'll have time to get around to it yet. What is the actual difference between AC and ACC, and how does it affect the CxT pairing?
In addition, ACC has a brief Zerith scene at the end. :monster:
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Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Technically this isn't the LTD thread so I can rant here. Most of my posts in the LTD thread had been me shitposting. You can not accuse me of not doing my part. :watchingu:

Re: shipping
I don't really ship; I submarine. And I don't need the canon, when I can have the CANNON! :desu:

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Oh god, I am seeing something lewd with that cannon. I am sorry, mother, you brought up a disappointing son. May the gods have mercy on my soul.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
Holy shit dude I have to hurry up and do the truly hardcore Seph/Jenova's head stuff. If that still gives you a boner you're hopeless lmao


Pro Adventurer
I just ship for shits and giggles and I don't understand how some people need canon to ship stuff. I remember shipping male King of Fighers characters before yaoi was cool and nowadays I ship too many ships and I'm the mothership now (that's why I'm doing Sephiorh/Jenova, I'm depraved like that). So I don't know what to think of tumblr kids concerned about their ship's popularity... it's kinda sad they think they need some kind of approval. My parents were over-critical with my tastes in media and internet was this place I went to have fun and talk about series and videogames and anime I liked.

Why would people care if their ship is or becomes canon? Just go create fanart, fanfiction, whatever! Have fun with your ship! Poke fun at it!

It was a firmly cheek-in-tongue comment. There is a good number of Cloud/Tifa shippers all over the LTD thread (hell, technically I'm one of them) but some corners of the internet believe we're CloTi central because here we like canon and facts. If you like canon and don't hate Tifa that's enough for some hardcore shippers to label you anti Clerith.


In addition, ACC has a brief Zerith scene at the end. :monster:

I know that it was. I think that I have had my fill of the LTD.


Pro Adventurer
Speaking of the LTD, it hasn't even been that long for me, but I feel like I've had my fill too. I mean, why bother when Cloud only sees Tifa as a sister, right?

Sibling gaze, Exhibit A:

Exhibit B: Sibling Gasp when in physical contact with her body

So that leaves me with this one burning question, why did the devs even entertain the idea of having Cloud rummage through his sister/platonic friend's underwear drawers, almost as if he had other non-sibling, non-platonic ideas in his head about her? Yuck.

Still thinking about these cute ass pink socks though. (That's my guilty pleasure.)


Pro Adventurer
I've been going through fanart, and not one of them has Tifa playing the piano. That's a bummer because I think she really loves music, and I'd love to commission one with a scene like that in mind.

Also, I remember Cloud in the OG knowing to play a bit on Tifa's piano too. So maybe he did do a bit of stalking while she was at her piano.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
Exhibit B: Sibling Gasp when in physical contact with her body her boobs.
big breasts_ _ _cool.gif

Looking at those socks makes me really want them to fix these textures soon, lol.
Who wants a childhood flashback of Cloud sitting outside Tifa's window listening to her play piano? Me.
Me too!

I've been going through fanart, and not one of them has Tifa playing the piano. That's a bummer because I think she really loves music, and I'd love to commission one with a scene like that in mind.
Because pianos are a pain in the ass to draw, that's why.
My commissions are open right now.
Also, he definitely stalked her. He remembered the notes she always had trouble playing, didn't he?


Pro Adventurer
Looking at those socks makes me really want them to fix these textures soon, lol.

Speaking of Tifa's room, there's a lot of musical memorabilia in there. Who wants a childhood flashback of Cloud sitting outside Tifa's window listening to her play piano? Me.

We need this! Oh, my goodness. That would be Heavenly! Yeah, perhaps, he did listen to Tifa play her Theme Song. I love it!

Speaking of the LTD, it hasn't even been that long for me, but I feel like I've had my fill too. I mean, why bother when Cloud only sees Tifa as a sister, right?

Sibling gaze, Exhibit A:

View attachment 6530
Exhibit B: Sibling Gasp when in physical contact with her body
View attachment 6531

So that leaves me with this one burning question, why did the devs even entertain the idea of having Cloud rummage through his sister/platonic friend's underwear drawers, almost as if he had other non-sibling, non-platonic ideas in his head about her? Yuck.

Still thinking about these cute ass pink socks though. (That's my guilty pleasure.)
View attachment 6513

@odekopeko, I always felt that point of view very disturbing. I guess when you can't find a reasonable rebuttal for what is happening on the screen, you have to make up some excuse to justify your point of view about what is being portrayed right in front of you. How can you get a platonic relationship vibe from these? You don't have to like Tifa, or anything about her to understand that these two have a deep connection between them.

Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel.

I would love to show these interactions to people who are neutral or new to the game and see what their reactions would be.170895-ff7r12-orig-1-article_m-1.jpeg
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Pro Adventurer
This one comes in a very close second. The amount of devotion that Tifa has. She is willing to give up EVERYTHING! Just to be by his side.View attachment 6512

Mine is definitely the above scene in Mideel too. Never have so much love and devotion been expressed in just 8 words, probably in any game.

I just love how well they complement each other in every way - from a story perspective, character development, character design and of course gameplay. They are the ultimate power couple.

A random thought while I was thinking about what I like about this pairing and it's highly subjective. To me, it felt like Cloud agreeing to be Aerith's bodyguard, his protection over her and ultimately guilt towards her death actually stems from his promise to Tifa. In a way, protecting Aerith may be Cloud vicariously trying to live out his promise to Tifa. A lot of people make out the Cloud x Aerith connection to be that of a hero and a damsel in distress, and Cloud agrees to take on that role because pehaps there is an innate desire for him to fulfil the role of a protector because of his promise to Tifa and failure to protect her when they were kids. Because Tifa is very independent and capable, Cloud never could fully fulfil that role.

It's kinda like I'm longing for acceptance from my parents, but because I'm not getting it from them, I get acceptance through other means like teachers, friends, colleagues etc.

On that note though, that's why it was also nice to see that in the Remake they gave us so many more scenes where both Cloud and Tifa came to each other's aid.
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