Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
Absolutely! Aerith is capable and resourceful. She can't beat people up physically like Cloud and Tifa can, but her skill with magic (and the odd chair here and there) means that she's far from helpless.

The Remake positions both Cloud and Tifa as the protectors of the group and of Aerith in particular. Cloud, of course, began when he was asked by Aerith to be her bodyguad, but Tifa just naturally inhabited that role almost immediately after meeting Aerith, even paying attention to her emotional distress and fears ("We found you" & "We'll find a way out together").
Yes, this. You're right about her magic abilities and her best weapon, the "metal chair". How could I forget? And just to add, I love how Aerith may be phsyically weaker, but she's mentally tougher than I imagined. Like when Tifa was understandably worried about the plate falling on Sector 7, Aerith helped to ease her mind by talking about positive things.

They're both so supportive of each other. Tifa gets a lot of flak for being hesitant to go against Elmyra's wishes. But she would never jeapardize Aerith's life out of jealousy. Like even in the OG, I saw someone post this scene:

Tifa is the one here convincing Cloud to go save Aerith, just like Aerith convinced him to go help Tifa in Wall Market before. They're good friends, risking their lives for each other.

Honestly, at this point, my heart and gut feeling knows Cloud and Tifa will end up together. Too many puzzle pieces falling into place for these two, setting things up for them.

But if anything happens to Cloud, I'm turning full on AerTi. ?


Pro Adventurer
@odekopeko I like every thing you said but I really like it for the 'turning full on AerTi' because, guilty as charged.

btw some fanart, the first one wrecked me. I'm not sure what state SE expects to leave me in when Remake arrives at this part if a fanart can evoke an emotional reaction.

and the absolute comedy of fanart from this morning



Pro Adventurer
I have a feeling that the Life Stream scene in the Remake is going to be great, especially with the implementation of modern graphics. Do you think they are going to change anything in the sequence? Or will they completely remove this part of the game?


Pro Adventurer
SE's decision to "keep time equal btw heroines" has been so beneficial for Cloti when it comes to new player's first impressions.

I haven't watched many streamers but the majority of the ones I watched were already sold to Cloti by the time Aerith shows up. And while they all loved Aerith and her cute moments with Cloud, you can feel a certain "wall" there when it comes to shipping them together because of Tifa and her moments with Cloud.

Tbh, this pretty much explains OG very well. By pushing Aerith first in OG, it created a certain resistance for some people to accept Tifa as the main love interest later on (because first impressions are powerful. Cloud's persona being remembered as 'stoic' when he's revealed to be such a dork is a good example of it).

Remake doesn't need to push the same agenda as OG due to the decision of split the games in parts, which gives them much time to develop certain moments in a better way and ofc, Compilation exists now so they have a better picture of the whole story and where they want to arrive with it.
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Pro Adventurer
I have a feeling that the Life Stream scene in the Remake is going to be great, especially with the implementation of modern graphics. Do you think they are going to change anything in the sequence? Or will they completely remove this part
This is the part I am waiting for most, so I just hope they don't mess it up.

of the game?

Well, Nomura called the Lifestream Sequence his favorite scene in the game so I'm not too worried about it.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
SE's decision to "keep time equal btw heroines" has been so beneficial for Cloti when it comes to new player's first impressions.
I haven't watched many streamers but the majority of the ones I watched were already sold to Cloti by the time Aerith shows up. And while they all loved Aerith and her cute moments with Cloud, you can feel a certain "wall" there when it comes to shipping them together because of Tifa and her moments with Cloud.

Not only that, the narrative keeps a steady supply of Tifa and Cloud moments after Aerith appears and interacts with Cloud. What's more, sometimes even looks like Aerith is trying to get Tifa and Cloud together, from convincing Cloud to go after Tifa in Wall market to telling Tifa to "follow her heart" and go save Cloud.
Aerith is a confirmed CloTi shipper. :awesome:

I'm having this headcanon that Aerith is bi and wants to try both scoops of ice cream so she saves herself time and puts them in the same cone, vanilla/chocolate combo style. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
Not only that, the narrative keeps a steady supply of Tifa and Cloud moments after Aerith appears and interacts with Cloud. What's more, sometimes even looks like Aerith is trying to get Tifa and Cloud together, from convincing Cloud to go after Tifa in Wall market to telling Tifa to "follow her heart" and go save Cloud.
Aerith is a confirmed CloTi shipper. :awesome:
I'm always wary of making such an assumption that a character from ship A is pushing ship B, but yeah, there are some scenes with Aerith that are rather...telling?! Honestly, I think we will only know when part 2 drops, and we finally see more of her dynamic with Cloud and Tifa.

That said, I'm sure SE will keep milking the LTD as much as they can so Idk lol part two can't come soon enough :rage:

I'm having this headcanon that Aerith is bi and wants to try both scoops of ice cream so she saves herself time and puts them in the same cone, vanilla/chocolate combo style. :awesome:



Pro Adventurer
Well, it makes a bunch of sense once you recontextualize Aerith like they have to.

1) Aerith is aware of her impending death so why would she pursue Cloud as heavily as she does when knows it's doomed? She knows it's never gonna happen

2) Aerith is somewhat if not fully aware that this Cloud isn't the real Cloud. Cloud would be falling in love with Aerith under false circumstances

3) Aerith knows Cloud likes Tifa too because of the flower that she knows he gave to someone but wouldn't say

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
I'm going to end up setting a damn gofundme so I can release a series of fanbooks exploring my crazy headcanon regarding A/T/C dynamics because boy oh boy, the possibilities...
Just to be clear, I don't even see the triangle. Aerith is interested in Cloud and Tifa at the same time (greedy, greedy Aerith... I can't blame her, tho :P) and having them in a relationship is a handy way to have them around, Cloud is interested in both girls by different reasons because his relationship with each girl is very different and is confused by the situation and none the wiser to Aerith and Tifa's relationship (he doesn't know what's going on, what else is new) and Tifa is interested in Cloud but likes Aerith a lot and she doesn't know what to make of the situation, her lack of experience makes her very confused about her feelings towards Cloud and Aerith alike.
So no triangle here, it's a circle. :monster:

And if you add Zack or more charaters in Part 2, you get this:

I know this is the CloTi club but I just want everybody happy and having sex being loved.

I love Aerith's 'follow your heart' line. It's a thumbs up straight from the other side of the triangle, but does she say the same thing in JP? If not, what is it?
This was discussed in the LTD and other users that can understand Japanese said she says exactly the same thing.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
I'm 99.99% certain this Remake, once completed (if at all), will end with Cloud and Tifa's relationship clear for all to see. The 0.01% are those who views the story with pink shipping goggles. There's just a lot of signs in Part 1; it's somewhat obvious where the Remake is going. And when that time comes, we'll finally put a damn nail on this LTD coffin once and for all---hopefully. Then I'll die content knowing that two fictional characters who I don't even strongly ship got to bone each other in HD graphics. If they don't, however, I'll trust Cat to make one.


Pro Adventurer
I'm going to end up setting a damn gofundme so I can release a series of fanbooks exploring my crazy headcanon regarding A/T/C dynamics because boy oh boy, the possibilities...
Just to be clear, I don't even see the triangle. Aerith is interested in Cloud and Tifa at the same time (greedy, greedy Aerith... I can't blame her, tho :P) and having them in a relationship is a handy way to have them around, Cloud is interested in both girls by different reasons because his relationship with each girl is very different and is confused by the situation and none the wiser to Aerith and Tifa's relationship (he doesn't know what's going on, what else is new) and Tifa is interested in Cloud but likes Aerith a lot and she doesn't know what to make of the situation, her lack of experience makes her very confused about her feelings towards Cloud and Aerith alike.
So no triangle here, it's a circle. :monster:

And if you add Zack or more charaters in Part 2, you get this:

I know this is the CloTi club but I just want everybody happy and having sex being loved.

This was discussed in the LTD and other users that can understand Japanese said she says exactly the same thing.

The way that I like to interpret it.

Zack is Cloud and Aerith's boyfriend.

Cloud is Tifa, Aerith and Zack's boyfriend.

Aerith is Tifa, Cloud and Zack's girlfriend.

Tifa is Aerith and Cloud's girlfriend.


Pro Adventurer
I'm 99.99% certain this Remake, once completed (if at all), will end with Cloud and Tifa's relationship clear for all to see. The 0.01% are those who views the story with pink shipping goggles. There's just a lot of signs in Part 1; it's somewhat obvious where the Remake is going. And when that time comes, we'll finally put a damn nail on this LTD coffin once and for all---hopefully. Then I'll die content knowing that two fictional characters who I don't even strongly ship got to bone each other in HD graphics. If they don't, however, I'll trust Cat to make one.

Cool post on it by that person whose analysis that I love:

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
No, no, no... I personally think the LTD is over for a long time now. What I meant is the general audience perception of the LTD. There's still a good chunk of the fandom that insists everything is open to interpretation which is a bunch of bullocks. Sure, there are a few things that are open to interpretation, but it sure isn't everything. And the conclusion is right there, just that apparently it isn't as plain to see.

Or maybe I just woke up pretty cranky. There's a good chance I'll disagree with my post later when my mind's more awake.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
The way that I like to interpret it.

Zack is Cloud and Aerith's boyfriend.

Cloud is Tifa, Aerith and Zack's boyfriend.

Aerith is Tifa, Cloud and Zack's girlfriend.

Tifa is Aerith and Cloud's girlfriend.

Lmao do you really think Zack and Tifa wouldn't end up fucking in that scenario? They'd be sexfriends in no time and Tifa would have to enforce a "no orgies in the kitchen" policy.
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Pro Adventurer
Cool post on it by that person whose analysis that I love:

Thank you for the post. There are some interesting things that were brought up in that blog. I picked up on a lot of them during my first play-through. so I am glad I wasn't the only one who interpreted things the same way.

I love how #6 is often forgotten or conveniently overlooked.

When they see Tifa on the way to Wallmarket Aerith pushes Cloud to rescue her. And when they meet Chocobo Sam and he asks about what they want with Tifa and Cloud starts “We wanna save–” Aerith says “Save her from a life without this handsome guy” confusing Cloud and having Chocobo Sam comment Cloud has a crush on Tifa later.

Anyways, great post @Final_Heaven

Edited to add:
I am being sincere here when I ask this question. Were there any romantic inclinations between Aerith and Cloud after Sector 7 plate being dropped? It seemed like most of it, if not all of it stops after Marlene shows Aerith the flower in Seventh Heaven.
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Pro Adventurer
Cool post on it by that person whose analysis that I love:

Oh! I love this blog and her posts. They are very insightful!

But there are a few points here that I don't personally agree tbh :sweatsmile: I think we might be looking way too much into certain scenes to prove Aerith is pushing Cloti when in reality it was never supposed to be 'that deep' or should've been interpreted this way. I'm saying this while agreeing that there are a few scenes that she does seem to be pushing said narrative, but I think that where we are now in part 1 is just too early and there's not enough evidence to say for sure that we're heading into that direction aka Aerith is stepping out for Cloti.
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Fire and Blood
I agree, it's way too soon to know what Aerith will do in the next game. She was flirting way less than in the OG with Cloud, but the overarching story may have needed her to not be as flirting. Also she might think she won't die finally, so she'll still want to be with Cloud. There are tons of parameters that can change and make her change her own way of reacting to Cloud. Will the whispers continue to appear? There is a big chance that they will, indeed.

For Cloud and Tifa, in theory, nothing changes, except if Tifa dies. But I don't believe it because Cloud needs Tifa alive to be himself and for the story to work, on a narrative level. So what Aerith does or does not has little effect on them as a pair that ends up together.
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