Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


You look like you need a monkey
A random thought while I was thinking about what I like about this pairing and it's highly subjective. To me, it felt like Cloud agreeing to be Aerith's bodyguard, his protection over her and ultimately guilt towards her death actually stems from his promise to Tifa. In a way, protecting Aerith may be Cloud vicariously trying to live out his promise to Tifa. A lot of people make out the Cloud x Aerith connection to be that of a hero and a damsel in distress, and Cloud agrees to take on that role because pehaps there is an innate desire for him to fulfil the role of a protector because of his promise to Tifa and failure to protect her when they were kids. Because Tifa is very independent and capable, Cloud never could fully fulfil that role.

It's kinda like I'm longing for acceptance from my parents, but because I'm not getting it from them, I get acceptance through other means like teachers, friends, colleagues etc.

Cloud's a naturally sensitive person and I'm sure that he feels the need to step up and help others on his own. However, given that his insecurities were what stopped him from getting close to other people, I also think that Cloud's desire and promise to protect Tifa might have been the kickstart he needed to step outside of his self-imposed safe zone to become a protector to others as well. Perhaps his protectiveness of others might also have something to do with him wanting to be the type of person he thinks would be "worthy" of Tifa's attention.

On that note though, that's why it was also nice to see that in the Remake they gave us so many more scenes where both Cloud and Tifa came to each other's aid.

I love this! It's really shows that their relationship is one of mutual give and take. They're two powerful and capable people who can certainly handle a lot of the crap that comes their way, but at the same time they don't shy away from supporting each other.

NGL, I also wonder if the Remake explicitly showing them come to each other's rescue could have been to address some of the OG fandom's criticism and misconception of Tifa as a damsel in distress.


Pro Adventurer
A random thought while I was thinking about what I like about this pairing and it's highly subjective. To me, it felt like Cloud agreeing to be Aerith's bodyguard, his protection over her and ultimately guilt towards her death actually stems from his promise to Tifa. In a way, protecting Aerith may be Cloud vicariously trying to live out his promise to Tifa. A lot of people make out the Cloud x Aerith connection to be that of a hero and a damsel in distress, and Cloud agrees to take on that role because pehaps there is an innate desire for him to fulfil the role of a protector because of his promise to Tifa and failure to protect her when they were kids. Because Tifa is very independent and capable, Cloud never could fully fulfil that role.

It's kinda like I'm longing for acceptance from my parents, but because I'm not getting it from them, I get acceptance through other means like teachers, friends, colleagues etc.

On that note though, that's why it was also nice to see that in the Remake they gave us so many more scenes where both Cloud and Tifa came to each other's aid.

I never thought of that way. What gives a lot of credence to your point is the fact that Cloud's mind is of 16 year old and because he has been swimming in the Mako tank for such a long time. The Hero and Damsel in Distress troupe between Cloud X Aerith (AKA the Disney effect) make even more sense now. I see the appeal of the pairing between them. However, this doesn't appeal to me at all, I have had my fill of Disney stories, perhaps that is why I don't prefer the pairing. So, I guess it is Cloud's natural desire to protect those around him could stem from his Promise to TIfa all those years ago. I can see that for sure.

Cloud's a naturally sensitive person and I'm sure that he feels the need to step up and help others on his own. However, given that his insecurities were what stopped him from getting close to other people, I also think that Cloud's desire and promise to protect Tifa might have been the kickstart he needed to step outside of his self-imposed safe zone to become a protector to others as well. Perhaps his protectiveness of others might also have something to do with him wanting to be the type of person he thinks would be "worthy" of Tifa's attention.

I love this! It's really shows that their relationship is one of mutual give and take. They're two powerful and capable people who can certainly handle a lot of the crap that comes their way, but at the same time they don't shy away from supporting each other.

NGL, I also wonder if the Remake explicitly showing them come to each other's rescue could have been to address some of the OG fandom's criticism and misconception of Tifa as a damsel in distress.

Correct me if I am wrong, Tifa, really has never been a damsel in distress. I think that was a given if you played the Remake. Tifa has made several comments about that she can take care of herself. That is not to say that she doesn't want to be rescued by her man, every now and then though. I think this fact has pretty much sealed the deal with me with Tifa X Cloud pairing all those years ago. A strong independent women who can take care of herself but sill have a very guarded sensitive side who wants to be rescued by her Hero. I love it!


You look like you need a monkey
Correct me if I am wrong, Tifa, really has never been a damsel in distress. I think that was a given if you played the Remake. Tifa has made several comments about that she can take care of herself. That is not to say that she doesn't want to be rescued by her man, every now and then though. I think this fact has pretty much sealed the deal with me with Tifa X Cloud pairing all those years ago. A strong independent women who can take care of herself but sill have a very guarded sensitive side who wants to be rescued by her Hero. I love it!

You're right, she's never been a damsel in distress, even in the OG (as sparse as it was about other party members besides Cloud). But back then, a not insignificant number of gamers who played the OG took her asking Cloud to promise to save her as the setup for being nothing more than a DID. A lot of people were content enough with first impressions and didn't look beyond the surface. They didn't seem to consider Tifa's skill as a martial artist as enough to dissuade them from the notion.

Personally, I think the LTD also contributed to some of the negative interpretations. Funnily enough, some anti-Cloti arguments made back then was that Tifa as a hapless damsel did not deserve Cloud's respect and love, but at the same time she's also too powerful of a martial artist and too capable of protecting herself that she'd only make Cloud feel inadequate. :wacky:

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
Funnily enough, some anti-Cloti arguments made back then was that Tifa as a hapless damsel did not deserve Cloud's respect and love, but at the same time she's also too powerful of a martial artist and too capable of protecting herself that she'd only make Cloud feel inadequate. :wacky:

You know, I see this as proof that Tifa is the most realistic character ever created for a FF.
Tifa is a woman and nothing she does will be good enough and whatever she does is wrong, and she's either a slut or a prude, a doormat or a nagging, emasculating bitch, too strong because she's independient or too weak because she needs help sometimes. Sometimes she's both at the same time, because female characters can't be complex and flawed, no no, they need to be perfect because women are perfect pure angels who can do no wrong.
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Pro Adventurer
Not trying to bring real life virtue signaling up on this forum, but I find it very bizarre in the way the world is today, you would think that there would be a lot more people dismissing the damsel in distress troupe verses those that defend it.

What is worse is that people tend to forget the entire basis of Aerith X Cloud's relationship is the very notion of a Damsel in Distress troupe. The entire body guard work. Cloud was always coming to her rescue, except the one time that he couldn't prevent her death, and because of that he is feeling guilty that he failed her. He wasn't able to save her. She is the poster girl of what a damsel in distress is. I am not trying to diminish her impact on the story here but if you look at it that way you can understand that she needed rescuing at every major plot turn in the game. With that said, it really doesn't do anything good for her character and who Aerith really is.

It makes Aerith seem very incapable of taking care of herself. Which is completely stupid because she is perfectly capable of doing so before she meet Cloud. So, what you are telling me is that when Cloud comes in the picture she suddenly needs a man to take care of her. Very unrealistic. This is were my frustration with Aerith really lies. We have proof that she can take care of herself and yet she decides to rely on her prince charming to come in an save her each and every-time she gets into a bind.

Now, Is it fair to say that, when Tifa asked Cloud to promise that whenever she is in a pinch that Cloud would come and save her? Is Tifa now a damsel in distress? Is that any different? To answer this I think it is not the same because, it was a childhood wish of Tifa's, she wanted to experience what it is like to have someone "her hero" to come and save her. It was not because she NEEDED someone to save her it was because she WANTED to see what it felt like. She wanted to experience it just once. Looking at the flashbacks proves this point. She was very assertive before Sephiroth killed her father and destroyed her hometown. At that time she didn't need anyone to help her. She would probably punch you in the face for just even mentioning that.

As those who have played the OG knows, that Cloud actually took the promise to her to heart and did indeed come to save her. Tifa didn't know that Cloud came and saved her until much later in the Lifestream scene. It wasn't that Tifa, necessarily needed to be saved by him, no that was not the case. It was the fact that she put herself in a bad situation because of her blind hatred of all things Shinra. She took on Sephiroth by HERSELF of all things. (the #1 Shinra Soldier I might add) This shows that she is a perfectly capable women that could handle herself in a fight. Sadly it is just that she bit off more than what she can chew by going after Sephiroth.

These are just my thoughts on those that are calling Tifa a damsel in distress. It just gets under my skin, when people spread those type of things that are based off nothing but head canons and blind hatred of Tifa.
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Fire and Blood
Ah, this reminds me of the mails Tifa sends to Zack, especially:

Any girl would love to have a blond SOLDIER guy protect her when she's in a pinch. Well, it's no good waiting for my blond knight in shining armor to show up, so I've started learning how to fight, myself.

Unironically, the first part refers to her promise with Cloud, but also applies to Aerith. However, you have to wonder if Tifa felt bad for pushing that promise onto Cloud, with the latter half. She knows deep down that she should count only on herself to save herself, which shows that Tifa is very independant, and while she wishes to experience being saved by her hero, she will still try to get by by herself. Which is shown again when she goes to Don Corneo's mansion. Cloud has disappeared? She's worried about this, but a girl has to go (without the approval of Barret may I add) and try to get much needed info. Luckily for her, Cloud does come to save her lol.

But yeah, Tifa is very well fleshed, and probably the most realistic character in FFVII.

Also, coming back to Cloud fake persona, it also definitely stems from that promise; not only Tifa thinks he's a SOLDIER so in his mind, he's like well, a mix between Zack but also Sephiroth (this is why he's so cold at the beginning and scares Tifa off since she's didn't like him even before he went nuts), but the promise also plays a part in how he thinks he should save everyone. The fun fact is, I don't think Tifa really minds this part, because as I've already stated, she likes the Cloud who tries to help everyone. This is the true way for him to be her hero.

As a side note though, in the OG you gained Tifa-romance points by having her in your party and having Cloud guarding her (protecting her from attacks).


Pro Adventurer
I never thought of that way. What gives a lot of credence to your point is the fact that Cloud's mind is of 16 year old and because he has been swimming in the Mako tank for such a long time. The Hero and Damsel in Distress troupe between Cloud X Aerith (AKA the Disney effect) make even more sense now. I see the appeal of the pairing between them. However, this doesn't appeal to me at all, I have had my fill of Disney stories, perhaps that is why I don't prefer the pairing. So, I guess it is Cloud's natural desire to protect those around him could stem from his Promise to TIfa all those years ago. I can see that for sure.

Correct me if I am wrong, Tifa, really has never been a damsel in distress. I think that was a given if you played the Remake. Tifa has made several comments about that she can take care of herself. That is not to say that she doesn't want to be rescued by her man, every now and then though. I think this fact has pretty much sealed the deal with me with Tifa X Cloud pairing all those years ago. A strong independent women who can take care of herself but sill have a very guarded sensitive side who wants to be rescued by her Hero. I love it!

The thing is not only does Cloud fail to be Aerith's bodyguard(by attacking/almost killing her, albeit under Seph's control), Aerith also comes to realize this near the end of her life. So if we are to accept the romantic Disney framing of their "deal" then ultimately Aerith rejects it, after realizing Cloud isn't actually her bodyguard. He's actually a threat to her life. In other words, Cloud isn't the hero she's looking for.

Tifa fell off Mt.Nibel. That's when she was the damsel, and Cloud tried to save her. However, neither Cloud nor Tifa want/need her to be the damsel. Like I said before, Tifa needs a man who activates her maternal almonds. In other words, she needs a man who needs her. For some reason people misunderstand Tifa as having some sort of fetish for a "knight in shining armor." She doesn't. The reason she made that promise with Cloud wasn't because she actually wanted to be saved. She made it because she wanted to see Cloud again, so she tied him down through a verbal agreement. Even Crisis Core gets this wrong about Tifa.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifa fell off Mt.Nibel. That's when she was the damsel, and Cloud tried to save her. However, neither Cloud nor Tifa want/need her to be the damsel. Like I said before, Tifa needs a man who activates her maternal almonds. In other words, she needs a man who needs her. For some reason people misunderstand Tifa as having some sort of fetish for a "knight in shining armor." She doesn't. The reason she made that promise with Cloud wasn't because she actually wanted to be saved. She made it because she wanted to see Cloud again, so she tied him down through a verbal agreement. Even Crisis Core gets this wrong about Tifa.

I share this interpretation as well. I think the promise was almost a knee jerk response to his news of departure. What I like about the remake is the disappointment when Cloud said he was leaving for Midgar that is very obvious in Tifa’s facial expression. It’s fleeting but there, and of course her verbal response to Cloud comes across as nonchalant but as we know they were both playing it cool ?
But keeping in mind that this is a teenage girl with a burgeoning crush it’s not out of place that she would entertain a fantasy about her hero saving her too. What I love about the dynamic between the two as it develops over the course of the game is that the writers subvert this notion that she must be saved by Cloud; she ultimately saves him by helping him regain his true identity. She obviously can take her of herself but she’s also Cloud’s ride or die and vice versa. Overall they save each other really. But this never comes across as kitschy for a fantasy video game. It’s rather nuanced and mature.


Pro Adventurer
A random thought while I was thinking about what I like about this pairing and it's highly subjective. To me, it felt like Cloud agreeing to be Aerith's bodyguard, his protection over her and ultimately guilt towards her death actually stems from his promise to Tifa. In a way, protecting Aerith may be Cloud vicariously trying to live out his promise to Tifa. A lot of people make out the Cloud x Aerith connection to be that of a hero and a damsel in distress, and Cloud agrees to take on that role because pehaps there is an innate desire for him to fulfil the role of a protector because of his promise to Tifa and failure to protect her when they were kids. Because Tifa is very independent and capable, Cloud never could fully fulfil that role.

It's kinda like I'm longing for acceptance from my parents, but because I'm not getting it from them, I get acceptance through other means like teachers, friends, colleagues etc.

On that note though, that's why it was also nice to see that in the Remake they gave us so many more scenes where both Cloud and Tifa came to each other's aid.

Cloud's a naturally sensitive person and I'm sure that he feels the need to step up and help others on his own. However, given that his insecurities were what stopped him from getting close to other people, I also think that Cloud's desire and promise to protect Tifa might have been the kickstart he needed to step outside of his self-imposed safe zone to become a protector to others as well. Perhaps his protectiveness of others might also have something to do with him wanting to be the type of person he thinks would be "worthy" of Tifa's attention.

Great observations. I was just replaying chapter 8 and wondering exactly this. Because not just Aerith but Sector 5, in general, plays into Cloud's hero desire. I don't see Aerith as a 'damsel in distress' (at least not Remake Aerith), but she's someone that, in Cloud's eyes, needs protection ( the whole bodyguard deal initiate this), and you can really see it in their battle quotes ( Cloud: "Stay behind!") or how he tries to keep her out of battles and quest if he can.

Sector 5 has also a whole different mood from Sector 7, and while he was admired by the S7 people from his merc skills, in S5 the idea is much more of a hero than a Merc. The kids there worship him and even the missions were somehow more "sweet in nature" (aka saving kids, help an elderly and so on) than those in S7.

And honestly? Tifa really doesn't really "feed" Cloud's hero persona.

She's someone who Cloud sees as equal and trusts to be alongside him in battle, you can see it thought the whole game from their quotes battles to her constant presence alongside him. Even at the Wall Market chapter, when the whole point of the mission was to save her, you never feel like it's because he doesn't trust her abilities, but because he's worried at what could go wrong if she's alone. And I love this! I love how they see each other as equals, always watching each other back. I love that Cloud's desire to 'help' may have started to grow from his promise to protect her, but that in the end, she is the only one who "saves" him when she brings him back from the lifestream. Cloud may be everyone's hero, but Tifa is his.

This is also why my fav Remake scene is why she saves him after Rufus's fight, that was really "Cloti in a nutshell" aka the 'heroine saving the hero so he can save everyone'.

Funnily enough, some anti-Cloti arguments made back then was that Tifa as a hapless damsel did not deserve Cloud's respect and love, but at the same time she's also too powerful of a martial artist and too capable of protecting herself that she'd only make Cloud feel inadequate. :wacky:

Back then? Unfortunately, I just saw this same argument being used against her two days ago :/ some things never change...
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Pro Adventurer
Tifa fell off Mt.Nibel. That's when she was the damsel, and Cloud tried to save her. However, neither Cloud nor Tifa want/need her to be the damsel. Like I said before, Tifa needs a man who activates her maternal almonds. In other words, she needs a man who needs her. For some reason people misunderstand Tifa as having some sort of fetish for a "knight in shining armor." She doesn't. The reason she made that promise with Cloud wasn't because she actually wanted to be saved. She made it because she wanted to see Cloud again, so she tied him down through a verbal agreement. Even Crisis Core gets this wrong about Tifa.

Even then, I wouldn't even say that she was a damsel at Mt Nibel. TIfa was determined to see her Mom because she heard that the dead is over the Mtn. So she intentionally put herself into danger by walking across that bridge.

"Tifa missed her step"
I ran to her but didn't make it in time"
"we both fell off the cliff"

I wouldn't really call that a Damsel in Distress. To me it is just Cloud didn't reach her in time, because perhaps he was too far away. Tifa was pretty far ahead in that sequence, she was probably more than half way across the bridge before Cloud stepped on to the bridge.

I share this interpretation as well. I think the promise was almost a knee jerk response to his news of departure. What I like about the remake is the disappointment when Cloud said he was leaving for Midgar that is very obvious in Tifa’s facial expression. It’s fleeting but there, and of course her verbal response to Cloud comes across as nonchalant but as we know they were both playing it cool ?
But keeping in mind that this is a teenage girl with a burgeoning crush it’s not out of place that she would entertain a fantasy about her hero saving her too. What I love about the dynamic between the two as it develops over the course of the game is that the writers subvert this notion that she must be saved by Cloud; she ultimately saves him by helping him regain his true identity. She obviously can take her of herself but she’s also Cloud’s ride or die and vice versa. Overall they save each other really. But this never comes across as kitschy for a fantasy video game. It’s rather nuanced and mature.

I did mention this on an earlier page. I picked up on this too during my first play through. There was a lot of disappointment on Tifa's face when Cloud told her he is leaving.

Could you imagine if Tifa would have confessed to Cloud that night? Instead they made a promise. I guess you can kinda make it out to be a confession now that I am thinking about it. I would like to believe that if Tifa was more assertive at that moment the game never would have been. Either Cloud would have never left, or he would have taken Tifa with him and Cloud would just be a mercenary for hire. However, that is not her personality.

This really shows you just how deep Tifa's character is. She was written very well. I still have to argue that people think Tifa was just thrown into the game at the last moment to give Cloud a companion at the end of the game. To me too much care was giving to her character for that to be the case.
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Pro Adventurer
I always felt that point of view very disturbing. I guess when you can't find a reasonable rebuttal for what is happening on the screen, you have to make up some excuse to justify your point of view about what is being portrayed right in front of you. How can you get a platonic relationship vibe from these? You don't have to like Tifa, or anything about her to understand that these two have a deep connection between them.

I would love to show these interactions to people who are neutral or new to the game and see what their reactions would be.View attachment 6534
I think it was mentioned SQEX couples have sweet exchanges and longing glances before hugging first. So putting aside that Cloud's awkward af. Tifa didn't get any longing glances and sweet words from Cloud along with that hug. That's the explanation for why the hug isn't seen as romantic.

And that's actually a fair assessment. Because it was borne out of his desire to comfort, and her desire to be comforted, and this is just at the beginning of their budding relationship. Theirs is a slow burn. Cloud's head is still messed up right now.

In order for any hug to be seen as romantic, Cloud would need to say something sweet to Tifa, and then hug her.

And after OP tweeted this, her friend shuddered at the thought instead. He was worried that this very scenario that he desperately wants for his pairing might actually happen between Cloud and Tifa in Part 2 instead.

Their friends said they will not buy the game if that happens. /THE END

In conclusion, I now know the embrace has romantic subtext, because they also want that embrace. It's just not because it's "Teefa."

Regarding Aerith as a damsel in distress. I agree with @Yumelinh that she is definitely playing into that role, but I feel she's just doing it for fun at first. Neither of the girls really want him to be their hero/bodyguard for real. And Aerith is physically weaker, so she brings out Tifa's protective instincts too. Neither of these women are damsels in distress imho.


Pro Adventurer
on a side note: This “Yeah... Tifa... We finally meet again” is such a powerful line ;-; They went through so much to finally fully 'meet' each other again as Cloud and Tifa from Nilbheim... I can't wait to see it in the Remak in 2135 :'(

Also, "I'm... Cloud. The master of my own illusionary world. But I can't remain trapped in an illusion any more...I'm going to live my life without pretending." is my absolute fav FFVII line and I'm just... can't waitttt!!


Pro Adventurer
And after OP tweeted this, her friend shuddered at the thought instead. He was worried that this very scenario that he desperately wants for his pairing might actually happen between Cloud and Tifa in Part 2 instead.

Their friends said they will not buy the game if that happens. /THE END

In conclusion, I now know the embrace has romantic subtext, because they also want that embrace. It's just not because it's "Teefa."

Peko I'm so sorry you have to see this side of the fandom, lol. Fortunately people like this are few in number, but the problem is that they're loud and make their thoughts known to every corner of the internet.


Pro Adventurer
And after OP tweeted this, her friend shuddered at the thought instead. He was worried that this very scenario that he desperately wants for his pairing might actually happen between Cloud and Tifa in Part 2 instead.

Their friends said they will not buy the game if that happens. /THE END

In conclusion, I now know the embrace has romantic subtext, because they also want that embrace. It's just not because it's "Teefa."

What?! Wait, just to make sure that I understand. Their friends wouldn't buy part 2 because of a possible Cloud X Tifa pairing? That is a bit harsh.

on a side note: This “Yeah... Tifa... We finally meet again” is such a powerful line ;-; They went through so much to finally fully 'meet' each other again as Cloud and Tifa from Nilbheim... I can't wait to see it in the Remak in 2135 :'(

Also, "I'm... Cloud. The master of my own illusionary world. But I can't remain trapped in an illusion any more...I'm going to live my life without pretending." is my absolute fav FFVII line and I'm just... can't waitttt!!


This is one of my top 5 favorite moments! You can just hear the music while looking at this scene.
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Pro Adventurer
Oh no, it's okay @minami758. It's hard to read tone in my text, but I was actually chuckling over it. The difference between the hardcore shippers and me is that I can still love and appreciate what the CxA pairing had, even if the narrative pushes CxT.

@Graymouse This is just the toxic, anti-Tifa shippers. Not the majority. It's like the same 10-20 people. They're just really loud on SNS. But I had a nice discussion with one of them, and personally I feel if I don't approach them aggressively, or try to invalidate their feelings, they're a lot nicer.


Pro Adventurer

I'm loving to see that there's a lot of streamers playing OG FFVII due to Remake release. It just so great to get to watch this game resurface again :')

on that note:

if the time doesn't work go to 11:35


I love her reaction to when she found out that the whole story of FF7 goes back to Cloud wanting to impress Tifa. Also the under the highwind scene reaction. It is true that it is not hard to figure out what happened that night.

@Yumelinh I found a translated version of the this one.

This is so precious! Work out date! I love it!
Also, "oh you want it tonight?" LoL!
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You look like you need a monkey
Regarding Aerith as a damsel in distress. I agree with @Yumelinh that she is definitely playing into that role, but I feel she's just doing it for fun at first. Neither of the girls really want him to be their hero/bodyguard for real. And Aerith is physically weaker, so she brings out Tifa's protective instincts too. Neither of these women are damsels in distress imho.

Absolutely! Aerith is capable and resourceful. She can't beat people up physically like Cloud and Tifa can, but her skill with magic (and the odd chair here and there) means that she's far from helpless.

The Remake positions both Cloud and Tifa as the protectors of the group and of Aerith in particular. Cloud, of course, began when he was asked by Aerith to be her bodyguad, but Tifa just naturally inhabited that role almost immediately after meeting Aerith, even paying attention to her emotional distress and fears ("We found you" & "We'll find a way out together").


Pro Adventurer
The Remake positions both Cloud and Tifa as the protectors of the group and of Aerith in particular. Cloud, of course, began when he was asked by Aerith to be her bodyguad, but Tifa just naturally inhabited that role almost immediately after meeting Aerith, even paying attention to her emotional distress and fears ("We found you" & "We'll find a way out together").

This. Which is really emphasised in this particular screencap:ancientcaregivers.png

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
@Graymouse Cute chibis and pretty pretty colors, the keys to my heart<3
When Cloud caress Tifa's cheek before heading to kill Sephiroth or die trying has to be my favourite CloTi moment btw.

"You came for me".
The whole A/T/C relationship in a nutshell. :awesome:
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