Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm really curious how people could think the letter comes from Aerith and not Tifa...

That's a new one.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm really curious how people could think the letter comes from Aerith and not Tifa...

That's a new one.

Post Mortem Postal Service.

Seriously, though, some people think everything is Aerith's doing. She's the slum dwelling flower selling Materia Jesus in their eyes.


AI Researcher
It depends how you look at it. I don't remember where they've specifically said it was a letter, or where it was from Tifa except from English fansites.

In a way, there's a message from Aerith in the film, which was supposed to use elements from the original. It was a message to children, rather than to Cloud, though.

But there's so little known about the original version. Tifa being in it apparently means the message can't be from her, but we don't know the composition of it. Tifa might just appear at the end, after sending a message with kids. Cloud goes back to Tifa, and that's where she appears. Or it could be Cloud leaving Tifa, then getting a message and finding out it's from Aerith and going off for flower field lovin'. Or Cloud leaving Tifa, then getting a message, which sends him back to Tifa. Cloud and Tifa could both get the message, maybe Tifa coming in later, and find out it was from Aerith.

There's so many ways you could spin that vague outline of a plot.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
IIRC, I don't think it was ever specified as a letter, though we do know that Tifa was in it as she, Cloud, and kids were the only characters.

The IGN article recently declared the message was from her, though their reliability is an unknown variable in this instance.

Still, while Hitobito's right, and there's endless spin you can toss on it (IT'S FROM PRISCILLA!), parsimony favors none of it save the one that includes the character actually in the movie.


Higher Further Faster
I actually like the idea of Cloud showing up to a set-up meeting with Tifa and vice versa on behalf of Aerith. I find that idea to be cute! ^_^


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah, you're right hitoshura, but I think if it were from Aerith or if she were in it, she'd have been listed as one of the characters. It just seems pretty out there to suddenly shoe horn or declare Aerith was apart of it when the characters were distinctly stated as Cloud, Tifa, and some orphan kids.

But it doesn't matter. We'll be seeing very soon :monster:


Your Mom
Could it be a message from Aerith saying she doesn't blame him? Is Enuo just Mako trying to confuse me? Is this supposed to be a panda? :sadpanda:

So many questions. Cannot cope.


AI Researcher
But Aerith is a part of everything :monster:

I agree that Tifa seems like the most logical choice, given she's the only one mentioned. It doesn't stop Aerith being there spiritually or anything, I don't see how Tifa is such an unreasonable option.

I actually like the idea of Cloud showing up to a set-up meeting with Tifa and vice versa on behalf of Aerith. I find that idea to be cute! ^_^
My writing is poignant, not 'cute'. You take that back D:

Edit; Re: Isabella
I didn't remember that bit, but that could be a possibility as well. It wasn't said how much exactly of the original was used, and it could just be the message and not the method of delivery (or both, but used seperately).
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Fiat Lux
Isabella said:
Is Enuo just Mako trying to confuse me?

Mack got sucked into the Void, and now I'm squatting in his house.

You can just imagine Cloud leaving the church at the end of ACC & finding a scented letter on the steps. He slowly unravels it to read:


Cloud ruffles his fringe over his eyes and drives into the flower fields. Technically he should crash, but this is Cloud.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Mako is dead. I am Neo Makoeyes! All memories...dimensions...existence... All that
is shall be returned to nothing. Then I, too, can disappear... ...forever!!!

Sorry, I'm on an FFV kick at the moment after I tore Enuo a new asshole in FFV Advance. Plus, he just looks fucking awesome. Ultimate evil necromancers ftw. :monster:

Fuck character designs. Nomura needs to keep designing monsters too.

Anyways, yeah. I just highly doubt though its gonna be some necrophiliac love letter from beyond the grave telling Cloud to meet her in some flowerfield past the Midgar Wastelands so they can have spirit sex (i.e. zombie sex) and live happily ever after until Cloud decides to dive headfirst into the Lifestream til he chokes and dies and/or succumbs to Mako poisoning because he couldn't wait for his spiritual pootang.

Somehow that just doesn't seem like the message. :monster:


Your Mom
Yeah, but there are infinite ways to revive her.
Cloud's found the ultimate way ... for spirit sexxors!

Seriously, of all the LTD-related arguments I've seen, that has to be the biggest WTFery for me. For a C/A shipper to speculate in a "hey, wouldn't it be cool if ..." way is one thing. But to believe in it enough to bring it to a debate? To actually think Cloud/Aerith flowerfield hookups was the message we're supposed to take away from AC? How does that happen within a rational person's brain?

Cannot cope.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Clearly if she can make her hand solid enough to hold and give Cloud a lift up to Bahamut, she can make her [CENSORED] solid enough to be [CENSORED] by Cloud's [CENSORED] while in a flowerfield.

I mean, clearly that's what the creators were thinking when they showed Cloud riding alone in the flower field picking flowers with Aerith there. Picking flowers is also a metaphor for taking someone's virginity. It's not rocket science folks. :monster:

Celes Chere


Cannot cope.

My favorites are definitely these two~

1. In AC when Cloud closes his eyes facing towards the sky as it's raining, he is 'kissing the rain'. This is him giving Aerith what he couldn't give her while she was still alive, so he's making up for it here.

2.When Zack said "Sorry, friend. Looks like you don't have a place here." Zack obviously realized Cloud's undying love for Aerith, which is why he said sorry. He knew that Cloud wanted to die and be with Aerith, but it wasn't his time to die.


3. RED EQUALS PINK :monster:


Higher Further Faster
Mack got sucked into the Void, and now I'm squatting in his house.

You can just imagine Cloud leaving the church at the end of ACC & finding a scented letter on the steps. He slowly unravels it to read:


Cloud ruffles his fringe over his eyes and drives into the flower fields. Technically he should crash, but this is Cloud.

*dies* o lawd XD


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Aerith has a hand fetish and Cloud knew it. So that totally was like sex to them. Hence why he did it and why its so deep and meaningful.



Higher Further Faster
Hand fetish makes me think of foot fetish and so...just ew.... :X

This thread is suddenly chock full of ew. :P


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Aerith's hand being kissed in a play > Cloud and Tifa sleeping together beneath the Highwind after sharing their feelings.

Clearly that's the whole point of it all.

And you know hands are hot Tennyo. Don't be hatin' :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You're wrong, that's what. :monster:

I reject your reality and substitute my own.

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