Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Great Old One
I'm not sure...I hope its another game, THEN a remake, personally.
Just crossing my fingers for no... Vincent as the main character.

...And you're right. Cloud is showing a lot more emotion than in AC. I dunno about the original game since we can't quite see his face on those polygons but...:monster:
Orite, which totally proves why Cloud and Tifa possibly couldn't have done anything under the Highwind. I mean GEEZ, they're in the exact same fucking position, and we don't see there CLOTHES BEING DIRTY.


I hope there's another sequel to, but I'd prefer another movie. Not game. But if Sephiroth comes back to life, then...


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
BBM said:
But if Sephiroth comes back to life, then...

You will see Cloud water skiing with Tifa piloting a boat to the area of the final battle and suddenly a shark will appear from the clear, still waters and Cloud will leap above it epically and strike Sephiroth in the air. :monster:


Great Old One
You will see Cloud water skiing with Tifa piloting a boat to the area of the final battle and suddenly a shark will appear from the clear, still waters and Cloud will leap above it epically and strike Sephiroth in the air. :monster:



AERITH IS... the dead girl....?

Imo, it'd be epic to see a shark 8D

The shark will bite Cloud's head off.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
Can I join fellow Cloti fans?

I was reading the last post and yes, Cloud and trying to save Tifa.



Fiat Lux
Does anyone remember Zelda from ACF? I don't know what side of fence she was on, but I remember her posting in LTD. Where's she at?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
She was on the sane side, then hopped to the pink one. I think she's over at the pink place.

And Zephy, I'm gonna have to one up you with the end of that sequence.


Just in case anyone wants to claim he veers away or some such nonsense.


Higher Further Faster
Silly Ryu and Zephyr, Cloud is actually trying to kill Tifa. Look how he has his sword at the ready to strike her down as he drives by. :monster:
Aah. Perspective. Wonderful.

ZOMG. Did you guys see Aerith's ghost?..She's dressed in black and white and it sort of looks like Tifa! Tsk Tsk.

By the way...I so can't wait for ACC. I feel some CloTi coming. :monster:
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Your Mom
I'd be very surprised if we get anything more definitively Cloti than we've already gotten. Showing outright affection just doesn't fit within FF7.

As for there ever being a sequel -- I can't imagine them laying all that groundwork for Genesis, then just dropping him.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wow. So he WAS driving and hauling ass to Tifa. Fucking awesome. I love being right. :monster:

I'm so fucking glad they changed that. While it was neat having Cloud ride into Edge in the original it just seemed so...perfect. I mean, if Bahamut SHIN were tearing ass in my city, I wouldn't have an easy time getting to where I wanted, likewise I wouldn't be driving all slow and cool too.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wow...I...I have no words. That's pretty fucking hilarious. Who IS that? XD

Honestly, I bowed out because I eventually saw reason and facts clearly meant fuck all to them and got bored. And sadly with the way ACF rules were fashioned if you do anything that went against what the hive mind of a club wanted, it was trolling and thus bad. :monster:

...But shit. My secret's been revealed. Oh well, guess the cat had to come out of the bag sometime.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
This site is fucking awesome. Holy shit Masamune, you rock for giving this to me. It's about all the different type of internet arguers or "Flame Warriors" on the interwebs.

Yeah...I sometimes bounce between Android and Tireless Rebutter I think :monster:

But I'm also Admin as well, so you best watch your mouths. :monster:
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Your Mom
The guy's definition of android:

Android doesn't anger, nor does he engage in actual combat, rather he will merely point out the logical inconsistencies of other Warriors. Irony and sarcasm are completely lost on Android, and being impossible to insult or injure in any way, he is invulnerable to conventional attack. If, for example, someone were to call him a pinhead, he would get out a tape measure and after finding that his cranium falls within normal size specifications Android would dismiss the comment as erroneous. Android's circuits are not equipped to process ambiguous or aesthetic input, consequently any extensive discussion involving personal feelings, intuition, art and metaphorical allusions will quickly drive Android from the field of battle.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yup, that's me!

This is me as well:

For Tireless Rebutter there is no such thing as a trivial dispute. He regards all challenges as barbarians at the gates. His unflagging tenacity in making his points numbs and eventually wears down the opposition. Confident that his arguments are sound, Tireless Rebutter can't understand why he is universally loathed.



Your Mom
LOL, Mako that one applies to a lot of people here. I see you guys throw down over the smallest of details all the time. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I do not throw down all the time.

I throw down a lot less than I have before and I expect you to back up such erroneous assertions with factual, tangible proof before throwing them out in the wind like that.

The fact is, is that....

Oh shit, I almost fell for that. Good one! :monster:

Check out the general chat thread I made for this. It is epic. I think I even added another one to myself. XDDD

Celes Chere

I think she's over at the pink place.

She is, she's even a Cetra there. Sad, isn't it? I feel like dressing in black and mourning a death. :/

I'd be very surprised if we get anything more definitively Cloti than we've already gotten.

I thought It'd be cute if they showed Cloud holding her hand and smiling at her. Because damn, him risking his life to save hers is just not cutting it. Same with Zack for Aerith. Apparently, that's brother-sister relationship being shown.


Great Old One
Lookie what I found on the internetz:

Makoeyes is an android? Tell me something I don't know!
LOL, oh my god. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

THIS is proof that people take it way. too. far.

I thought It'd be cute if they showed Cloud holding her hand and smiling at her. Because damn, him risking his life to save hers is just not cutting it. Same with Zack for Aerith. Apparently, that's brother-sister relationship being shown.
Mm, I agree. I would probably squeal like a fangirl 'ew,' at the site of Cloud trying to feel up Tifa, but if he held her hand or something, that'd be nice... 'Course, that wouldn't be enough proof and one way or another we'll hear them say that Cloud's lips moved to mouth the word, 'Aerith,' meaning he's imagining Aerith while he's with Tifa!
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