Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Being a Cetra at the pink place is interesting. Only the most mature of debaters are granted that title!

...and access to a Cloti-bashing forum.


Celes Chere

Only the most mature of debaters are granted that title!

Lmao, I remember reading their Guide to be a Cetra. Hilarious. Especially since the OP was so into herself.

To be a Cetra (such as myself) you have to be mature, elegant, supreme (like me).


Great Old One
Being a Cetra at the pink place is interesting. Only the most mature of debaters are granted that title!

...and access to a Cloti-bashing forum.

.... :monster:
Orite, and they're incline to speak lower of those undeserving of being a Cetra. :monster:

Tampon Game, anyone?

Lmao, I remember reading their Guide to be a Cetra. Hilarious. Especially since the OP was so into herself.

To be a Cetra (such as myself) you have to be mature, elegant, supreme (like me).
LOL, are you serious? They have... a CETRA GUIDE!?

Apparently, to be a Cetra, you must be perfect. Just like Aerith! And to be Aerith, you'll need some gel to hold in those bangs in place, love pink, and especially love Cloud! Did I mention you have to fucking hate Tifa and Zack? But, you know, supporting other pairings is okay otherwise.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
No, to be a Cetra, you must KISS ASS and OBEY THE CULT LEADER.

Ah, good ole flamewarrior classifications.

I'm some place between big cat, kung fu master, and big dog.

And maybe Godfather, if I allow my ego to take me.

But FFG and Anastar, philosophers? Profundus Maximus, maybe. Ferrous cranus seems applicable too.

Shroudykins wishes he was actually an artful dodger.


Great Old One
But FFG and Anastar, philosophers? Profundus Maximus, maybe. Ferrous cranus seems applicable too.

Cyber Sisters are an extremely fierce confederation of fighting females who act something like a shrill Greek chorus, echoing and amplifying one another's voice until their foes retreat in disarray. They are generally leaderless, but anyone who challenges one Cyber Sister can expect to be savagely attacked by the others. Only the most powerful and battle-hardened of Warriors is strong enough to weather a Cyber Sisters attack.


Great Old One
Cyber Sisters are an aggregate. As a whole, Pinkers are cyber sisters. As inidividuals, however, they are not.
Alright, here:

Innocence Abused guards her purity jealously and cannot countenance crude language and gets the vapors over frank references to intimate bodily functions. This digital ingénue is a very weak Warrior.


Innocence... being torn apart. By us demons.


Higher Further Faster
Are you talking to me when you say that?! D:

Also I'm thinking that this big moment in ACC that everyone thinks will be Cloti is just going to be children running down a street, imho.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oh god, you need to go to the thread in General Chat and post there. I already classified what YOU are hitoshura! :monster:

As for Ryushikaze, you're an android too. Just like me. And a Tireless Rebutter, with a mix of Philosopher, Ideologue and Athiest too. :monster:

You should post there too Tennyo XD


AI Researcher
Don't pigeon-hole me!

Also I'm thinking that this big moment in ACC that everyone thinks will be Cloti is just going to be children running down a street, imho.
That's what people get for pinning hopes on something they know nothing about :monster:


Higher Further Faster
Well I wasn't the one going around saying that it would be. Would have been nice, though, oh well.

Unless the children running down the street to the church was to set things up for Cloud and Tifa's secret meeting. :monster:


Your Mom
Did everyone see hitobito's latest translations of early drafts on the front page? Very Cloti-riffic. Of course, what do you expect from such a corrupt Cloti?


Great Old One
I have yet to check...

EDIT: Checked it out. Very nice Cloti stuff. This one definitely caught my eye:

“…… I want to go…. home….. Mom…. Tifa….”

And this:

Tifa: “What do you mean? It doesn’t matter if you didn’t make it into SOLDIER, as long as your tried your best.”

I hate it when I have to hear claims about how Tifa would only like Cloud if he joined SOLDIER. Does that mean she doesn't like him now, after she found out he never got into SOLDIER? Seriously people, SE won't make their characters that pathetic.
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Celes Chere

Did everyone see hitobito's latest translations of early drafts on the front page? Very Cloti-riffic. Of course, what do you expect from such a corrupt Cloti?

I saw it, loved it!

Of course, it's not pro CT because...

Ah, screw it. Normally I would have something silleh to say, but I'll be straightforward.

They're shitheads.


Your Mom
I hate it when I have to hear claims about how Tifa would only like Cloud if he joined SOLDIER.
I know, me too. It doesn't matter to her, because she likes Cloud, not just the idea of having a hero boyfriend.

Also, she performed mouth-to-mouth on him. :monster:


Great Old One
I know, me too. It doesn't matter to her, because she likes Cloud, not just the idea of having a hero boyfriend.
The Zack/Tifa pairing -> supported by Cleriths =

An excuse to which why they support the Zack/Tifa pairing. Because he'll be the 'hero,' she always wanted.

Also, she performed mouth-to-mouth on him. :monster:
Wonder how the pinkers feel about that. :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Oh god, you need to go to the thread in General Chat and post there. I already classified what YOU are hitoshura! :monster:

As for Ryushikaze, you're an android too. Just like me. And a Tireless Rebutter, with a mix of Philosopher, Ideologue and Athiest too. :monster:

You should post there too Tennyo XD

That's the problem, in a way. I have facets of so many different warriors, it's very hard to peg me into one. Like I fail Android for the simple fact that I do take a sadistic pleasure in playing with my chewtoys in a big cat fashion, though I do otherwise fit that notion. I am a Kung Fu Master in that I adore bringing the master stroke to an argument.
I'd say I'm not so much an ideologue since I do try and have a more concrete basis than the loose collections of notions the ideologue holds.
Similarly, while I AM an atheist, the flamewarrior atheist definition is slightly off, as it takes upon itself a fervor I generally don't manage to be arsed into having.

Philosopher I could accept, though 'ponderous' strikes me as a bit too pejorative. On the other hand, such thought given to the subject might just peg me the philosopher anyways, so :monster:.
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