Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Higher Further Faster
Do you guys think Cloud and Tifa ever eat fresh low-fat pasture-raised Black Angus burgers? With lots of ketchup and a glass of cold milk. Yum...

Guess what I'm eating. XD


Higher Further Faster
Oh believe me it's delicious.

And I'm sure Tifa would be able to do it justice with her epic cooking skillz and Cloud and the kids would be going "OMNOMNOM" until they were so full they could burst. lol


Great Old One
Do you guys think Cloud and Tifa ever eat fresh low-fat pasture-raised Black Angus burgers? With lots of ketchup and a glass of cold milk. Yum...

Cloud and Tifa eating has reminded me of this:



Actually, I was thinking about the one doujinshi strip where Cloud does something to Tifa's finger after she cuts herself. Anyone remember that one? :monster:


Pro Adventurer
And I'm sure Tifa would be able to do it justice with her epic cooking skillz and Cloud and the kids would be going "OMNOMNOM" until they were so full they could burst. lol three little hamsters! :awesome: <3


Cloud and Tifa eating has reminded me of this:



Actually, I was thinking about the one doujinshi strip where Cloud does something to Tifa's finger after she cuts herself. Anyone remember that one? :monster:
I approve of the fanart, consider it saved. :awesomonster:

And that definitely rings a bell. Does anyone have it? D:


Higher Further Faster
A dounjinshi where Cloud does what to Tifa's finger? He licks the blood off or something? D:

I've never heard of this.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Okay, cutest mental picture ever - Cloud and the kids actually saying "OMNOMNOM"...

I think I get a completely different mental picture there, and the kids aren't involved at all.

Technically, neither are clothes. three little hamsters! :awesome: <3

Hamtaro Fantasy 7?

I approve of the fanart, consider it saved. :awesomonster:

And that definitely rings a bell. Does anyone have it? D:

Any other defining characteristics?


Great Old One
LAWL spacesheem, that Omnomnomnomnomnom picture is adorable. :monster:

I think I get a completely different mental picture there, and the kids aren't involved at all.

Technically, neither are clothes.

A dounjinshi where Cloud does what to Tifa's finger? He licks the blood off or something? D:
I know it comes from FFWonder. It's a small doujinshi strip about Tifa getting a cut on her finger, so Cloud 'volunteers,' and sucks her finger.

Tifa then loses it and they both have sex after that, I think. :monster:


Great Old One
No, just gets out of control. :monster:

Wait, so you guys are telling me you never saw this doujinshi strip? D; I assumed it was known.


Higher Further Faster
lol I know I'm just joking.

And no, I've never seen this doujin before. There was another one I saw where Yuffie used some materia on Tifa to make her look ugly but instead of being uglier Tifa was actually more beautiful and her and Cloud get it on because he's trying to make her feel better. :monster:

Of course in actuality Tifa didn't really look any different when the effects wore off. XD


Great Old One
Wow, I want to see that one, I've never heard about that one. :monster:

It's fairly short. You see Tifa getting a cut, Cloud sucking it, then these little duckies showing up - indicating that they're having sex, and then later you see Tifa doing a suru face. :monster:

And of course!


Great Old One


And also, I'll look for it. I think I saw it over at the Cloti Italian Forum, but I can't locate the site URL. T_T

@Tiff: Aww. ^_^


Higher Further Faster
I used to have it. I don't know if I do anymore or where it is. Probably on one of my external drives and I cba to plug it in. XD

Besides, maybe I shouldn't share it. It's rather explicit. :awesome:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I kind of want to see both of those doujinshi you've mentioned now, out of curiosity or something :monster: If you're concerned about getting in trouble just PM them :wackymonster:


Great Old One
The doujinshi strip I was referring to doesn't have explicit content. :O But I will try to look for it. :)
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