Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
It's said if you could print out all the bad fanficition and stack it on top of each other it would go halfway to moon.

The Tifa hentai stack would go all the way to the sun. :whistle:

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
Who is that now?
He means me. XD I was trying to find info on Angelalex -- I was fully convinced that he was some kind of a joke, and I was planning to be all like "ha! He ain't for real! You guys can't stop humoring him now."

Anyway, I found a link to THAT FANFIC. It said "adultfanfiction", so I was afraid to read it myself, and got the ~braver~ peeps of Faith to read it.

Spirit!sex fic is possibly more ridic than the fic that y'all are going on about. Reason: that fics y'all are going on about was probably a joke, as in the writer was probably just being silly. Spirit!sex fic, however? The writer was serious, dude.
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Pro Adventurer
If it was a joke, it was a really bad one. It gave me tears instead of lulz! D': To be honest it didn't seem like one to me, I don't think a joke would be so... descriptive. DDD: But for the sake of the author's mental health I really hope that's the case.


Your Mom
This is totally meaningless, but it gave me a chuckle. Because I'm silly like that. :monster:

From the Sakurai interview:
Also, Maaya-chan's Aerith had an accepting, motherly and feminine feel to her. Almost makes me want to call her Mother.(laughs)
See, Sakurai gets it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
So, Cloud's VA think's Maaya's Aerith is motherly, and is a Tifa man.

It's AMAZING how LITTLE he know his character[/sarcasm]


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Cloud: I am in love with Tifa.

C/A shipper: You're just a Biased Cloti! You don't know what you really think!

Cloud: Um...


Your Mom
I know you were being sarcastic Ryu, but I really was struck by how well he does know his character. This isn't just a job for him. He thinks through Cloud's every nuance. You guys should read the whole interview if you haven't already. It's a good read. In fact, shouldn't it be posted on the front page? (Or has it been and I'm just out of it?)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Oh, no, I did read the interview, and that man is crazy into his character.


Fire and Blood
Hi guys. I've been lurking here and there and reading a lot of your posts - and you made me laugh a lot XD

This is my first post here, but since I played FF7 a long time ago and don't remember all the details, I feel like a noob XD - beside, I haven't played any other FF-related game so yeah :wacky:

I only heard recently about the Chocobo stable scene, and this definitely got me writing a CloTi fic - because it's kinky, so it's good? Haha turned out that - I think - the fic is really cute, in its own way >___>"

So yeah, this is dedicated to you, and to Danna XD
Rating is M and the name well... it struck me, how the creators always went on about Tifa being a catalyst for Cloud so :monster: I hope you'll like it :monster:


Higher Further Faster
Aww first post and already using the Cookie Monster. I'm so proud. *wipes tear*

That said I shall have to give your fic a read. And I always write reviews. My pen name on is Nentikobe, watch for it. :monster:

Also @ Sakurai being into his role as Cloud: The interview makes it clear that he was such a Cloud fanboy before he got the role. I like the way he describes his reaction when he found out that the Cloud in KH was the same character. It's so cute! <3


Pro Adventurer
I like the way Cloud asks permission. Shinra must have the same sexual assault training that we do. :monster:

Welcome Syn.


Pro Adventurer
Aww first post and already using the Cookie Monster. I'm so proud. *wipes tear*
True, true. <3 I like you already Syneiam, welcome. :monster: I'll give your fic a read too! But I can't now because apparently I blush really bad when I read M-rated stuff and it's embarassing when there are people around. :'D

This is totally meaningless, but it gave me a chuckle. Because I'm silly like that. :monster:

From the Sakurai interview:

See, Sakurai gets it.
My thoughts exactly. :awesome: Sakurai is teh awsum.

And while we're on about meaningless stuff that gave us a chuckle - the other day I watched the Reminiscence of FFVII Compilation thing that came with ACC. I thought it was really cute how it started with the scene with Cloud and Tifa at the well. I was totally expecting it to start with some random scene from CC or BC or something like that. DDD:


AI Researcher
Reminiscence of FFVII Compilation is chronological, so the promise scene makes sense as the first one.

Not that I've seen it :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I need to not see it myself. Someone should not PM me to where I can not find a torrent to not see it myself.


Pro Adventurer
Reminiscence of FFVII Compilation is chronological, so the promise scene makes sense as the first one.

Not that I've seen it :monster:
I'm probably wrong, but doesn't the stuff at the beginning of CC happen before ~The Promise~? You're right anyway, it kinda makes sense to be the first scene. :monster:

Still, I wasn't expecting to see FFVII in it. Considering that it has its own reminiscence and all. :3 But it was pretty awesome. :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I must now hate you for having a 59 inch screen, Bella.

But yes. Send the not PMs my way.


AI Researcher
I seriously haven't seen it, that chronological thing was in the trailer introduction of it. I assumed when people said 'promise/well' they meant the one from BC or something.

But now I'll feel disappointed when I do watch it on a screen not even half of what Bella has :awesomonster:
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