Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Fire and Blood

Seriously though, the Japaneses do love that Yin and Yang stuff XD I thought it was the only reason for SE to push it in AC/ACC, so that people would see where the romance was XD



That thing is me. solved again


Anyways.....enough 69ing.

Last night at work I was thinking about Cloud and Tifa's relationship (yes my job is so mind numbing I actually began to seriously think about this).

And one things that sticks out is how these two can't seem to catch a relationship break. They never really got a romance period. They declare their love for each other the night before they figure they are going to die. After that is done they are running around trying to figure out what to do. They set up in edge and decide to build a life there.

But even then Cloud has to run all over creation for supplies. (not to mention Tifa is having guilt issues at this point) But hey things settle down and you think these two love birds might now get the chance for some extended "them" time. But no. Barret has to run off. Leaving this young couple who haven't even had time for a normal relationship as the primary caregivers for a child.

So now you have two people who work full time and are raising a child (They probably had to schedule snuggle time at this point). So not only do you have these problems but you have the social retard Cloud living a normal life for the first time and he is trying to adjust to that as well.

Tifa of course adjust much more quickly than Cloud. The whole situation has a comfort zone for her. But Cloud the emotional retard that he is continues to have problems. He "doesn't know how to approach her". Of course "her" meaning both of the ladies.

But on a fateful day Cloud discovers a young boy who is suffering. This boy to them both represents a chance to atone for past sins. When they take this child into their hearts and home Cloud suddenly gets it. He makes a point of spending more time with his family. He starts acting like a father and not just some guy who lives there and gets the supplies (and sleeps with the owner).

But at this point Cloud's tardness takes over. While as Tifa feels that caring for and loving this child is a sort of atonement. Cloud feels the need to save him (a very important drive for Cloud). So he takes off. And while he is gone he get terminally ill and falls into a depression. Leaving His family behind to go angst at churches and cliffs with swords.

I mean what else could be thrown in front of this relationship?

To me the THE emotional scene of the movie is the end when Tifa and Cloud smile at each other. (well she smiles and gives him the "mmmm hummm" look and he gives her the "heh heh sex" look in return). This is the point where we know these two love birds will have a happy ending. Everything and I do mean EVERYTHING has been thrown on/at these two. But they have come through.


A note on the smile Tifa gives him. When he first wakes up you can tell Tifa is glad to see him. She already knows that he has regained the will to fight. And will be retuning home. So his few simple words ring true. "I'm here" (or was it "I'm home"?) are all that he needed to say.

But the clincher was seeing Cloud take their son and cure him of his sickness. Everything was going to be alright. They were going to be alright. Remember Tifa likes seeing Cloud be super-dad. So I find it completely natural that seeing this that Tifa upon meeting Clouds eye again would let him know how she feels in no uncertain terms. "Cloud seeing you like this makes me wetter than if I was standing in that water". With Cloud responding with "tee hee make up sex!".

Yes I know long post is looong. But I just felt like throwing that out there. If you must be harsh with me....please be gentle. IE use lube. :scared:
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Fire and Blood
Is there anyone who didn't get that 'make up sex' vibe in the end? I remember people were saying Tifa's look at the end was definitely foxy lol when AC came out XD


Pro Adventurer
Is there anyone who didn't get that 'make up sex' vibe in the end? I remember people were saying Tifa's look at the end was definitely foxy lol when AC came out XD
From what I see it's really hard not to get that vibe. I've said this before somewhere, but my parents watched that scene and they gave me a really funny look. The "wtf there's canoodling in this movie?!" kind of look. :monster:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Is there anyone who didn't get that 'make up sex' vibe in the end? I remember people were saying Tifa's look at the end was definitely foxy lol when AC came out XD

I read that, but that's not the vibe I got. I took the look as saying, "I told you so." Of course, the two are a couple, so who knows...! :P

Celes Chere

Tifa's look certainly is "oh bby" like. Cloud's cute smile in return, is really just... squee worthy. Though some argue there WAS no smile. >_>


Great Old One
What irks me most is the fact that people claim that Cloud only smiled in the end of AC for Aerith, and yet - when the screen shot comes to Tifa, it's the rest of the crew and AVALANCHE. Poor Zacky-poo is left out.


Your Mom
Cloud zeros in on Tifa's smile. We're seeing her through his eyes. Aerith gets no such treatment. Zack's in his POV the whole time.


Fire and Blood
Are people arguing about how much the corners of his mouth are up? :wacky:

And yeah, he smiles to Tifa; you don't need to be a genius to figure that out. XD

@Arianna: I envy your pure view :o I gave up on that a long time ago :wacky:

@millenia: fair enough :o Let's say, non shippers then :wacky:


Great Old One
Well, I think he looks at her directly for a couple of seconds, seeing through her eyes. Then he moves his head to view the rest of the cast, thus the screenshot comes up to the AVALANCHE crew. With Aerith, it's a close screenshot as well, but like you said, Cloud's not looking at both. He has that "wth face,' on too.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Before I forget, for those who have such a holiday tomorrow:


Now, on topic...

Though some argue there WAS no smile. >_>

Oh no! I am not arguing there was no smile, I'm just saying when I see that part - at least at first, before reading the comments about sex - it doesn't hit me as a sex-related smile (from Tifa or from Cloud).

@Arianna: I envy your pure view :o I gave up on that a long time ago :wacky:

I don't always have a clean mind. :P
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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Geez, if I have to hang upside down just to prove I'm destined to be with a girl I'm giving up all this romance shit and going for a life of meaningfulness and philantropy instead.

:P lol ~ I agree, only for me it's a guy.

... And how it's going, people in general. >_>


AI Researcher
Masturbate? :wacky:



Also quoted fgj :monster:

This topic was getting too serious, it frightens me. So:


I can't remember if I had something serious to say, I got distracted by cats.

"I'm home/Welcome home"
Some classic Nojima dialogue for characters going back 'where they belong'.

Said by Tidus and Yuna in best ending.

Kingdom Hearts 2
Said by Kairi and Sora in the ending.

Ergo, Cloud/Marlene.

Marlene being a mini Tifa (or mini Aerith), thus making it symbolically (haven't you all missed symbolism?) Cloud/Tifa(Aerith).

Or Cloud/back to his 'family' as represented by Marlene.


AI Researcher
Omg, I was accidentally sort-of on topic.

This one represents what I believe really caused Cloud to leave:


As soon as he put on those lady clothes in Wall Market, he just couldn't stop. He only went to the church to see if Aerith had left any pretty ribbons there.
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