Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Great Old One
I find the whole ordeal to be incredibly ironic. The fact that Aerith seems to rule out over the creator of the game is lulzy.


Fire and Blood
The fact that people don't seem to understand the limited 3rd POV is kind of scary :wacky: It's like they never read anything :wacky:


Higher Further Faster
So, uh, I just recently found this place. And I need something to do with my time. AM I ALLOWED BACK IN THE CLUB?


And in case I'll get banzored for being off topic here too, Cloud and Tifa are hot stuff and, like, I hope they make babies and stuff.


ohai ^_^

And okay maybe we'll let you back in because of that gif. XD


Can i join?

I' ve noticed that this place is full of biased clotis, so I bring offerings:



Here you have to be blind not to see the symbolism between those two pics. The similarities of Spider-man/Tifa and Mary Jane/Cloud are undeniable. Not just the way their bodies are positioned, but also the characters characteristics : Cloud's a girly man and Mary Jane is a girl, Spider-man was bitten by a spider and Tifa must have been bitten too at some point of her life.


Pro Adventurer
Here you have to be blind not to see the symbolism between those two pics. The similarities of Spider-man/Tifa and Mary Jane/Cloud are undeniable. Not just the way their bodies are positioned, but also the characters characteristics : Cloud's a girly man and Mary Jane is a girl, Spider-man was bitten by a spider and Tifa must have been bitten too at some point of her life.:monster:
Aw damn! Your Cloti proofz is better than my Clack proofz. :awesomonster:


Higher Further Faster
Can i join?

I' ve noticed that this place is full of biased clotis, so I bring offerings:



Here you have to be blind not to see the symbolism between those two pics. The similarities of Spider-man/Tifa and Mary Jane/Cloud are undeniable. Not just the way their bodies are positioned, but also the characters characteristics : Cloud's a girly man and Mary Jane is a girl, Spider-man was bitten by a spider and Tifa must have been bitten too at some point of her life.

I lol'd. Welcome to Faith! You'll fit right in. :)


well, not everyone has seen the light about the cookie monster, and there's always the noobz....

so yeah back on topic... cloti, i totally dig it

how do you guys think Tifa handles comments about Clouds sword? is she embarrassed or has a smart come back? :awesome:


Fire and Blood
Yes, fanarts are fanarts :awesome:

It's pretty though ^^

@millenia: good question, maybe she'll ask them if they want to see Cloud's sword? :awesome:



my theory is still flawless if you do as i command

@Syneiam: :awesome:
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Geez, if I have to hang upside down just to prove I'm destined to be with a girl I'm giving up all this romance shit and going for a life of meaningfulness and philantropy instead. :monster:
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