Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)


Pro Adventurer
Aerith complements Cloud better

This isn't directed toward you FH, but I've never really understood this as a valid argument in LTD threads, lol. Who cares about who complements who better? That's just like, your opinion, man. I think Tifa and Cloud complement each other better because they're similar.

- DeviantArt source


Pro Adventurer
Dutch Dread
@DutchDread, for the record, I love your essay posts. The bit in the LTD about Cloud/Tifa being the real star crossed lovers was a great read. I see all the energy you're spending in order to enlighten more people to this relationship and it isn't going unnoticed or appreciated!

This is still the best place for it. Reddit is a toxic hellhole, tumblr and twitter is where people keep to their fandom corners which don't really mix except to bash heads so there's no actual discussion any where.
Yeah, unfortunately that part was kinda buried underneath the entire mountain of random stuff I replied XD.
It might be worth going through the entire storyline like that more in depth though.

I always enjoy looking at the entire thing from one perspective to see what you can get from it.

Looking at every character and action through the lens of "guilt", or "moving on", or my earlier one about "aerith and Tifa mirroring", "Fantasy vs reality", or in this case via the lens of "star crossed lover".

Just the small ways those things tie in, like Tifa and Cloud looking at the stars, and living in stargazer heights always make those fun to do, although it often leaves me wondering how much of it is intentional, and how much is a happy cooincidence.

I guess it doesn't really matter, the most important thing is that all these small connections together are what make the story (and the ship) work so well.


Pro Adventurer
Forgot to mention this part:

Said streamer also said that a lot of her love for Aerith comes from the Remake as she's a lot more basic in the OG. She even said that if she had played the OG first, she would've gone in on Tifa best waifu.

And she thinks that the dynamics have changed between Aerith and Cloud in the Remake and thinks maybe Remake won't play it like the majority of Aerith and Cloud's romantic feelings come from Cloud.

She got the Aerith scene in Remake so maybe she forgot what Aerith said about it not being real.


Pro Adventurer
Dutch Dread
Forgot to mention this part:

Said streamer also said that a lot of her love for Aerith comes from the Remake as she's a lot more basic in the OG. She even said that if she had played the OG first, she would've gone in on Tifa best waifu.

And she thinks that the dynamics have changed between Aerith and Cloud in the Remake and thinks maybe Remake won't play it like the majority of Aerith and Cloud's romantic feelings come from Cloud.

She got the Aerith scene in Remake so maybe she forgot what Aerith said about it not being real.

I always find it weird when people say that, because I really feel like the remake is a lot more pro-Tifa than Midgar section OG.
I think she has a lot more character, and just a lot more moments with Tifa, while Aerith is generally the same.

Out of interest though, who was the streamer? Because seeing someone whose new to the franchise do remake, then OG, it pretty interesting.
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Fire and Blood
But still feels that Aerith complements Cloud better because Tifa and Cloud are too similar
This isn't directed toward you FH, but I've never really understood this as a valid argument in LTD threads, lol. Who cares about who complements who better? That's just like, your opinion, man. I think Tifa and Cloud complement each other better because they're similar.

Being similar is always best in relationships, IMHO. My best friend was fundamentally very different from her ex-husband and... yeah, they're divorced, I'm hella similar to mine and we've been 20+ years together soooooooo! Opposite may sparkle and attract, but they rarely work together on the long run.


Pro Adventurer
Dutch Dread
Being similar is always best in relationships, IMHO. My best friend was fundamentally very different from her ex-husband and... yeah, they're divorced, I'm hella similar to mine and we've been 20+ years together soooooooo! Opposite may sparkle and attract, but they rarely work together on the long run.

I think it's a 90-10 thing. It's good to be similar in the good aspects, but catch each others weaknesses, which I think Cloud and Tifa do very well. Aerith is too different.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
If you played remake in a total vacuum and didn't read anything about everything that came before it, you could come to the conclusion that Cloud and Aerith have chemistry. You'd have to admit that Cloud and Tifa do as well.

Even my favorite "fandom expert" Clerith, Tim Rogers (@108 on twitter) is very tongue and cheek with his C/A love being canonical. He ended his multiyear re-translation vlog project of the OG at Aerith's death with no analysis of Cloud's mental breakdown or Tifa's role in bringing him back. In his remake review, he calls Aerith Cloud's real girlfriend with #Clerith scrolling by in the background. He generally ignores anything Tifa and Cloud and salutes a viewer email remarking that Tifa's re-design is a cosplay version of a Final Fantasy character. It sounds offensive, but he's so sardonic that you can tell he's just taking the piss.



Fire and Blood
I've tried his review of FFVIIR, but the way he talks makes me sleepy lol. And I'm lost in his thoughts, I don't get half of what he's saying since I usually listen to reviews while working LOL.


Pro Adventurer
I always find it weird when people say that, because I really feel like the remake is a lot more pro-Tifa than Midgar section OG.
I think she has a lot more character, and just a lot more moments with Tifa, while Aerith is generally the same.

Out of interest though, who was the streamer? Because seeing someone whose new to the franchise do remake, then OG, it pretty interesting.

She's on Twitch and called Leah. She did Remake then ->OG (she's past Mideel)

Start at 2:59:35.

She mentions there that Tifa feels like a fuller character than Aerith in OG and can see why Remake prioritized fleshing out Aerith more in Remake 'cause she needs it more than Tifa

Start at at 3:01:20-3:08:30 where she talks about how she thinks Aerith complements Cloud better than Tifa does but then thinks about how she never knew the real Cloud and her opinion is influenced by Remake and it's a different dynamic.


Pro Adventurer
He ended his multiyear re-translation vlog project of the OG at Aerith's death with no analysis of Cloud's mental breakdown or Tifa's role in bringing him back. In his remake review, he calls Aerith Cloud's real girlfriend with #Clerith scrolling by in the background. He generally ignores anything Tifa and Cloud and salutes a viewer email remarking that Tifa's re-design is a cosplay version of a Final Fantasy character. It sounds offensive, but he's so sardonic that you can tell he's just taking the piss.

This generally wouldn't bother me if it weren't for me knowing that there are a number of people out there who take everything he says at face value and believe everything he says. I know that might not be his intention, but at that point I'm like, is it actually taking the piss or playing into the delusion of certain shippers? Not thinking too hard on it, but he does have a pretty large Clerith following, lol.


Pro Adventurer
Leah: "The narrative 100% pushes Cloud and Tifa together more for sure. There's definitely an element of you guys helped each other through shared trauma. You guys sort of meant to be together. Aerith's only a fan of you, well I don't want to say a fan, Aerith is...uh..magnetized to you through your connection to her ex-lover. There's a lot that I think is supposed to point you in that general this game. And I think in the Remake, they're going in a different direction to that."


Pro Adventurer
Well, she probably hasn't seen CC yet XD
Wait, so she thinks they're going in a Clerith direction for the Remake? I don't know how she came to that conclusion, what with Zack back and all.

She hasn't played Crisis Core yet but it's on her agenda.

I've seen several streamers that prefer Aerith a little to Tifa convert from on the fence on which ship they prefer to Cloud x Tifa and Zack x Aerith because Zack is so loveable and they feel wrong pairing Cloud up with Zack's girlfriend.

And also they think Zack treats Aerith nicer and they're more fit for each other.


Fire and Blood
Well, I'd argue that Zack and Aerith do fit each other, they're very similar and they're both... mmh magical. Zack is the true hero to the magical girl that is Aerith, compared to Cloud who's just a named grunt who failed everything except helping his future girlfriend lol. Zerith and CloTi are completely different, but do compliment each other in a symmetric way (the magical couple vs the realistic one).


Pro Adventurer
If she is going to play CC, then I am going to catch up with her VII playthrough and hop on board that one too. It will be interesting to hear her thoughts after.


Pro Adventurer
She did watch Advent Children as a kid and said she was obsessed with that movie so she had general spoilers when she began Remake like Aerith being dead.


Pro Adventurer
Dutch Dread
Don't forget the ones that take the pile and say that proves them right too because reasons. What reasons? Reasons.
I Literally got a personal message from, well, I wont say the name since it might break some "what happens in X stays in X rule", but a Clerith shipper who said that the lines about Clouds promised land:

The place where he awakens — That is Cloud’s Promised Land

As he sleeps, Cloud hears two voices. The voices of two people very dear to him, who are no longer with him. Playfully and kindly, they give him a message: he doesn’t belong here yet.

When he awakes, there was his friends. There were the children, freed from their fatal illness. Tifa and Marlene, and Denzel asking for Cloud to heal his Geostigma — his family were waiting. Engulfed in celebration, he realises where he is meant to live. He realises that he was able to forgive himself.

And when he turns around — “she” is starting to leave. Together with the friend who had given Cloud his life. Cloud no longer has to suffer in loneliness … And so they too go back to where they belong.

Back to the current of life flowing around the planet

Proved that Clouds promised land is with Aerith, because he wakes up in the can't make this level of delusion up.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
Aww, cut her some slack. She's trying her best, lol.
no_short answer.gif

Learn some common courtesy and approved social behaviour and don't come crying to me saying that you're lonely because nobody wants to be your friend, Aerith.
That goes for Cloud as well. :watchingu:

Proved that Clouds promised land is with Aerith, because he wakes up in the can't make this level of delusion up.

If Cloud wakes up in Aerith's church and that 's what the author calle "his Promised land", Aerith isn't there, Tifa and his friends and children are... ergo Cloud's Promised land would be a place without Aerith but with those individuals in the building.
But I'm not surprised that the very arguments they're trying to make can be used aganist themselves, shippers' strong point isn't logic after all. :monster:
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Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
This generally wouldn't bother me if it weren't for me knowing that there are a number of people out there who take everything he says at face value and believe everything he says. I know that might not be his intention, but at that point I'm like, is it actually taking the piss or playing into the delusion of certain shippers? Not thinking too hard on it, but he does have a pretty large Clerith following, lol.

You don't get to $12K a month in Patreon revenue just by working hard and editing videos with salient points. :pinkmonster:
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