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Deleted member 13557

Yeah Tifa was definetly acting odd when you briefly jump out of the flashback. Lots of "..."

Originally I thought it was just because she didn't really want to contribute to the conversation, as given what happened to her father it's a pretty touchy subject.

But yeah, it's because she knows about Zack, I believe. She's pretty much like "huh, don't remember seeing you (besides when you saved me inside the reactor) at this incredibly traumatic event".

Deleted member 13557

"One person seems to be missing"

Holy fuck

Edit: Wait, isn't Cloud actually the security guard who stays with Tifa outside of the reactor? Then was the dude who went missing just some random guy?

It'd explain why he didn't verbally respond to her.
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Deleted member 13557

Ah, so "normal" members of SOLDIER are just bathed in mako.

Whereas Sephiroth...

I'd presume the reason why he doesn't look like a warped beast is because he had Jenova cells injected in utero. The monster you see could just be an example of a failed experiment, which is why SOLDIER were sent to neutralise the issue.

Edit: Oh, so Shinra were willingly producing monsters, but one escaped. That's why they were sent to inspect the mako reactor.
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Pro Adventurer
Then was the dude who went missing just some random guy?

Clip 1
Clip 2

After seeing this don't you think the guy could have been Cloud ?

Is the fact that the game features two fall scenes occurring in the same location a coincidence?
If it is voluntary then what could be the meaning?

Edit : Wouldn't that lead to think that this memory evoked in Clip 2 could have been constructed from that of the soldier who went missing ?
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Double Growth
Ah, so "normal" members of SOLDIER are just bathed in mako.

Whereas Sephiroth...

I'd presume the reason why he doesn't look like a warped beast is because he had Jenova cells injected in utero. The monster you see could just be an example of a failed experiment, which is why SOLDIER were sent to neutralise the issue.

Edit: Oh, so Shinra were willingly producing monsters, but one escaped. That's why they were sent to inspect the mako reactor.

Every SOLDIER is bathed in Mako and (after the Sephiroth experiment) has Jenova cells injected. The difference with Sephiroth is just that he was injected with Jenova in utero.
Becoming a monster is from being doused in a LOT of Mako, which didn't happen to Sephiroth, so that's why he didn't mutate (in that way, anyway).

Cloud explains the Jenova bit on the Highwind after the Lifestream sequence:
I'm physically built like someone in SOLDIER.
Hojo's plan to clone Sephiroth wasn't that difficult.
It was just the same procedure they use when creating members of SOLDIER.
You see, someone in SOLDIER isn't simply exposed to Mako energy.
Their bodies are actually injected with Jenova cells......
For better or worse, only the strong can enter SOLDIER.
It has nothing to do with the Jenova Reunion.
But weak people...... like me, get lost in the whole thing.

Deleted member 13557

I'd take it the text segments are Sephiroth communicating with Cloud via his Jenova cells.

It was just stated that 5 years ago would've been a great chance for him and Tifa to catch up again. Cloud says that he can't remember and the voice tells him to ask her.

Basically fucking with Cloud

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Thanks for allowing us to share in your journey, @ThatGuyMikey -- I'm all caught up now.

Naw, it ain't mixed, lol. FFVIII is one of the golden trio of the 90s. FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX are seen as the "golden age" of FF for the PSone era for a reason. It's extremely good, and one of the most interesting and unique systems. Hell, Squall's popular for a reason. Trust me, FFVIII was pretty damn baller, and it got one of the best remasters Square's ever done.
Maybe a poor choice of words on my part. Perhaps some people in the FF community just don't like it that much? I'm just going off what I've seen in top 10 lists and the like lol.
I'm going to disagree with Mako and suggest that "mixed" is an accurate word to describe the fandom reception to FFVIII for a solid decade after it came out.

There were people like me who loved it, but plenty of FF fans who came into the fandom with FFVII (also like me) gave it hell for not being FFVII -- for featuring an entirely different character stat development system and even just different characters. Even a lot of fans who weren't necessarily expecting a redo of FFVII were frustrated with VIII's magic system being tied into its stat growth system, finding it either confusing if they didn't get it or overly restrictive if they did.

Depending on players' grasp of the mechanics, most also either found the game too easy or too difficult.

Then there were also plenty of FF fans who preferred the classics with their Medieval Europe-esque settings, and consequently really didn't like VIII continuing the technological advancement of the settings that VII "began" (if we're being honest, VI is really where it began ... then VII and VIII each took incremental steps forward; VI has just never gotten flack for it, and VII is usually excused for being such a seminal milestone in gaming).

Taking considerations of aesthetics and game design sensibilities out of the equation, though, many players simply didn't care for the main cast -- or found some of the story developments just pushed their threshold for acceptable plot contrivance too far.

So you had a lot of elements with mixed reception, some players ticking off all the boxes (or should that be the other way around? =P), some ticking off less, and probably few to no players not ticking at least one or two.

I'd say without hesitation that VIII would have been the uncontested black sheep of the series until at least XII -- if not XIII even -- came along were it not for members of VIII's core development team being part of the same core team who made VII, then went on to make X and Kingdom Hearts, and who have been in such a prominent place in Square all these years. It was definitely the black sheep among much of the fandom for many years.

Biggs and Jessie in Elmyra flashback scene?

How did I miss all this lol
It's just their models being reused. Don't read anything into that one. XD
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