FFVII CHARACTER SMACKDOWN - The Neutrals Championship


Pro Adventurer
^feel for
falling out
of the sky
as i slide
these hefty
into your palm

- b b


Battle Post - ROUND 1-10

Round 1-10

Your Teams...





Your Champions...


The Location...


Icicle Inn

Deputy Mayor Hart - An underling of Mayor Domino who will give you the Mayor’s password for enough cash...
Are you ready Team Chocobo?

Shinra Manager - An employee of the Shinra Electric Power Company who has little patience for the riff-raff that are usually on the last train…
Are you ready Team Moogle?


The countdown begins when the first team player posts!

*I went ahead and rolled you into a team, but it's no big deal if you don't get a chance to post! I figured this would be better rather than risk having you miss an entire weekend. <3
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OMG my favourite NPC!!

We don't know much about the Shinra manager's fighting style, but we do know that he has balls and then some. He stands by what he believes in:

You... you've seen the news, right? AVALANCHE says there'll be more bombings.
Only devoted employees like me would go to Midgar on a day like today.

He calls it like he sees it:

You say sumthin'? I said, 'you say sumthin'!? Yo, look at that!! It got empty alluva sudden. What's goin' on?

The manager jumps.

Shinra Manager
DAMN!! I... it's empty because of... g, guys like you...

And he stands his ground, refusing to be intimidated by a huge man with a gun for an arm:

I won't give in to violence... and I'm not giving up my seat either!

Shinra Manager isn't going down without a fight, that's for sure.


When saying goodbye to the crew Hart's last words are "If you run into President Shinra please don't tell him about this. I can't be a partner to anymore trouble for Shinra." This man was bought by the Shin-Ra a long time ago, clinging to the pathetic form his job as Deputy Major has taken because he can't do any better.

Even someone like the manager, a man that still has hopes and ambitions, is probably an intimidating presence for him.




Let the record show that the battle phase of Round 1-10 was initiated by Team Moogle on 21 June, 19:51 GMT.

All players have until...
23 June, 19:51 GMT
...to sway their spectators.

Here's a link to a time zone converter in case anyone needs it.

Best of luck and welcome back!!

I'm not sure how you got, "I'm too afraid to fight for what I believe in," from "I won't give in to violence... and I'm not giving up my seat either." Shinra Manager is openly defying Barret, despite the possibility that he may end up with a bullet through his forehead. That's not the action of a fearful man. The other passengers fled from the carriage when Barret and his 'hoodlums' appear, but not our Shinra manager. He's a decent man who will never be the first to raise his fist in anger - but he won't shrivel in the face of violence, either.


Oh, yes! The Shinra manager is a very diligent employee, indeed! He demonstrates that he&#8217;s unfailingly loyal to Shinra and is a man who values order and rules. It&#8217;s why the likes of Barret displease him. So, surely, he would be the sort to recognise and respect the office rankings within the Shinra company, yes? So he would know that the Deputy Mayor holds rank above him.

Luckily for the manager, Deputy Mayor Hart is no fan of violence either. Hart would only need to demand that the manager surrender the match lest he lose his job. The manager&#8212;who never cared for fighting anyway and just wants to get to work and do his job and pay his taxes&#8212;would agree without hesitation!
That would be the same Deputy Hart who corruptly assists known terrorists in ransacking Midgar's library of knowledge, then pleads, "If you run into President Shinra please don't tell him about this. I can't be a partner to any more trouble for Shinra." The same Hart who claims, "As a public servant, it's my job to serve the needs of the people" and then asks you to fork over 2000 gil before he'll help you. Hart's interested in one thing only, and that's money.

I'm not convinced Hart outranks our Shinra Manager. Hart is merely Domino's assistant. In any case, while our Manager is definitely a loyal company man, he's no pushover (as we've seen) and he has his pride. He's angered and humiliated at being forced to stay in a broom cupboard during a business trip to Junon. He goes to work the day after a major terrorist incident, when no one would have blamed him for staying home. In short, he's feisty - and unlike Hart, he has principles.


Hart knows how to hustle and the man shouldn't be shamed for it! He has his eyes on the prize, all right, and it's clear that he ain't afraid to get a little shady, maybe even a little dirty to grab it. Who has time for niceties and principles in the midst of a smackdown? You betcha, Hart will use the stuffy disposition of the manager to his advantage. Whilst the manager may be outraged to find himself in Icicle Inn and, thus, so very far away from his beloved company, Hart's surely relieved to be away from the corporation and won't break a sweat. Oi, and do you see that little get up Hart is wearing there?? What is that??


I guess he will be breaking a sweat drop kicking that uptight manager! :lol:


Friendly reminder to players that as of the 22 June, 19:52 GMT, you have less than 24 hours to sway Spectators.

Here's a link to a time zone converter in case anyone needs it.

Keep on keepin’ on!

Shinra Manager slips Hart a couple of thousand gil and Hart throws the match. Shinra Manager maintains his honour, Hart fattens his bank balance: they both get what they want.

You know it could happen that way... If the Shinra Manager weren't too honourable to cheat his way to victory.


Pro Adventurer
the shinra manager
a man of
pockets armed with
pepper spray, d e t e r m i n a t i o n
in his eyes
vision 20/20
unlike aging mayor hart's fading
visual and
auditory senses
disintegrating like his
bones and
we all know that
the one who is
(and young
with vigour)
shall stand
in victory

- b b


Pro Adventurer
I think we're forgetting one very important fact here. This fight is taking place in icicle inn. This match doesn't go to whoever can fight, it goes to whoever can fight in the snow.

Shinra Manager is a Midgar man through and though. Yes, he does go to Junon, but let's be honest, even that is something of an ordeal for him. He likes comfort, he likes respect, he likes people to follow the rules. Put him somewhere where people throw snowballs and go sledging for fun, somewhere where Shinra presence barely touches, and he'll be so far out of his comfort zone that nothing else will matter. Oh, he'll bluster 'you can't touch me, I'm a Shinra Manager!' and the like, but he's got no bite behind his bark.

Meanwhile the Deputy Mayor looks far more well travelled. He's older, but he's not old. In fact, he's in that sweet spot where vigour and strength is undiminished, but he has a wealth of experience to draw upon.

And as Fancy astutely observed, he sports the clothes of a martial artist, suggesting he's had at least some training. He's less rigid about following 'the rules'. He's not afraid to ask Avalanche for money, something that shows guts considering they're known terrorists sporting giant-ass swords and guns. He spends most of his time in a library filled with books about science, weaponry, urban planning and space travel. We can assume he's pretty well read, and will have no difficulty adapting to the situation he finds himself.

Plus he bears to loyalty to Shina, indeed he even carries a certain amount of resentment. He'll leap upon this opportunity to express all that frustration and long-standing bitterness -- he'll be on Shinra Manager before the Manager even works out what's going on.
"Meanwhile the Deputy Mayor looks far more well travelled."

Ha ha ha ha.... Oh wait, that wasn't a joke?

Not only has the deputy mayor never left Midgar, it's been years since he left the Shinra library. Hart is the ultimate bookworm.

Icicle Inn, like Costa del Sol, is a winter sports holiday village. And you know who goes on holiday? Ordinary men and women in paid employment, like the Shinra Manager. We know he's well travelled, and if he likes his comforts then Icicle Inn, their world's equivalent of Zermatt or Banff, is precisely the place he'd enjoy for a little down time.

And finally,
"Plus he bears to loyalty to Shina, indeed he even carries a certain amount of resentment." He sounds a bit conflicted. Why would he feel resentment if he's loyal?


Robes of a martial artist? More like he came into work that day in his sleep wear because he is of an age and at the point in his deadend career that he doesn't care about his appearance anymore. Unlike the Shinra manager, who is high enough in the organisational structure that, should the executive branch be eliminated, he might be the next President, Hart doesn't have high enough clearance to even access the floor that houses the Shinra building's gym. It takes steadfast routine to maintain fitness, and that's where the Deputy Major and Shinra Manager's attidute differ the most.


Pro Adventurer
The next president? The only person who thinks he's a contender is the Shinra Manager himself - demonstrating his delusions of grandeur.

And that's the Shinra Manager all over. Always overestimating himself and his importance. Nope, he lives in the slums and rides the train to work, he's put up in an army barracks and not an inn when he gets sent to Junon. He's a middle manager through and through. A good paper pusher, he probably gets his reports filed on time, but he lacks leadership, creativity, flair... all important things to draw upon in a fight.

The Deputy Mayor Hart however? Ah, now there's a man of creativity and flair! He's clearly been causing trouble for Shinra all along -- hence the quote "I can't be a partner to anymore trouble for Shinra." -- and he's still sowing seeds of rebellion even when left to mind a dusty old library. Sure, he makes some money along the way, but his real purpose is in seeing just how serious this terrorist group is and whether they have either the smarts or the resources to actually get somewhere. Even after Shinra has tried to consign him to the history books, he's still right there causing trouble for them.

Mayor Domino himself clearly has a screw loose, and no doubt it was Hart who pulled strings and managed to get his older friend into the safe waters of minding the Shinra library. That's Hart all over, he looks after his friends, he's adaptable, he's even got a sense of humour.

Meanwhile Shinra Manager doesn't even appear to have any friends -- he's clearly not someone of influence of stature.

Nope, this is pretty much how the fight will go down:



Pro Adventurer
And finally,
"Plus he bears to loyalty to Shina, indeed he even carries a certain amount of resentment." He sounds a bit conflicted. Why would he feel resentment if he's loyal?

That was my typo. Should've been 'he bears no loyalty to Shinra'.

Deputy Mayor Hart, on the other hand, doesn't make typos :awesome:


Don&#8217;t mess with Hart
&#8217;E&#8217;ll tear you apart
Pants kicking all day
Uzis are child&#8217;s play
Tearing up the ass of these whippersnappers
You don&#8217;t underestimate this upperstrapper

Making managers quiver
Aggravating the shivers
Young man ain&#8217;t got shit
Old man just don&#8217;t quit

Hard ass muthafucka
&#8217;As toast with butta
Running out of rhymes.
TPlease vote for Team Chocobo, I love you, boy oh boy that sab and Joe and Clement Rage and general audience sure are swell people. (&#65377;&#65381;&#969;&#65381;&#65377;)
Sure you want to take our man on?
He's slum born and slum bred
Initiative is his middle name
Rose through the ranks of the company
A fighter in and out of his red suit.

Many a small battle has he fought and won
Ambition drives him, honour sustains him,
Never yielding in the face of danger
Able and willing to put his courage to the test.
Get ready to watch him triumph once again.
Extra, extra, read all about it:
Righteous victor in the struggle of good against evil.




This marks the end of round 1-10!

Spectators (and the audience!*) have 24 hours to cast their votes (either by posting in this thread or messaging me privately) for the champion that they have been swayed to stand behind. Your judges are...


Clement Rage
solo player sab

At this time, spectators and audience members are allowed to post their thoughts on the match. Players are NOT ALLOWED to counter any of these comments with new arguments or to continue &#8216;battling&#8217; in general. Any attempt to do so will count as an automatic loss for your team. Players are free, however, to pay compliments to your opponents and such. ^^


If you&#8217;d like to opt out of participating in the next round, tell me during this 24 hour spectator period. Otherwise, I&#8217;m going to assume you&#8217;re still playing and you&#8217;re going to be reshuffled into a new team.

In General

If anyone (players, spectators, audience, anyone) has any feedback, questions, or concerns regarding the rules, please post that in the master thread here. It&#8217;ll be easier for me to keep track of/find your feedback this way for future reference. Thank you!

Any non-participant who&#8217;d like to be shuffled into a team, please say so now.

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Pro Adventurer
^We're still in the fortnight we're on break, are we? :P

Sure you want to take our man on?
He's slum born and slum bred
Initiative is his middle name
Rose through the ranks of the company
A fighter in and out of his red suit.

Many a small battle has he fought and won
Ambition drives him, honour sustains him,
Never yielding in the face of danger
Able and willing to put his courage to the test.
Get ready to watch him triumph once again.
Extra, extra, read all about it:
Righteous victor in the struggle of good against evil.

Let the spectators witness: Licorice is so good her rap doesn't even need to rhyme and it still has perfect rhythm!!



Thank you to spectators and audience members who voted!



&#10023;&#65381;&#65439;: *&#10023;&#65381;&#65439;:*BforB*:&#65381;&#65439;&#10023;*:&#65381;&#65439;&#10023;

We&#8217;re back at it again!

The following will be rolled into new teams. Let me know if you think this is whack and would like to me removed/added. :mon:

  • BforB
  • Channy
  • Ergo
  • Fancy
  • InterfaceLeader (weekends)
  • LicoriceAllsorts
  • Minato

Smell ya later!
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Joe, Arcana
I'm a little late to the party ere but my vote goes to team Shinra Manager. :monster:
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