SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 13 Spoiler Discussion


3x3 Eyes
  • Barret. Just Barret. My god, how a good VA makes a world of difference! I mean, all the other VAs are excellent, but John E. Bentley takes the cake. He makes Barret go from dorky, to dangerous, to tear-jerking mess, to dotting father (his interaction with Marlene made me melt). Wow!

Funny how there were so many Mr T comments from the few snippits witnessed in the trailers, and it just took people to actually play the damn game, and see his progression to see the amazing range of character that he has. They have all done an phenomenal job but he is a major highlight for bringing Barret to life in a way that no one else has.


Ninja Potato
Barret has always been my favorite character in the original, and I couldn't be happier with Bentley's performance. It was so annoying seeing people write him off as doing a bad Mr. T impression in the lead up to the game. The guy had so much enthusiasm and heart in every interview he did. I watched this hour long podcast he was in, and he seemed more excited for this game than anybody! I'm glad people see him as one of the stand-out performances in the game now, he deserves it.


Pro Adventurer
The moment I heard both him and Cody as Cloud in the E3 Live demonstration last year, I knew they were both going to nail each character. They both sounded exactly the way I thought they would and everyone else has been around the mark as well for the most part. Outside of a some NPCs that have as much enthusiasm as a Shenmue NPC here and there, I think this is the best Square-Enix dub yet.

This Chapter was fantastic. I figured the Barret shooting at garbage stuff would appear after the Sector 7 Plate Fall, but I didn't expect it to be what I think might be Deepground? I was not expecting this much involvement from DoC, but I like what I see so far! I love how Hojo's first ever mention in the game is Cloud calling him a "sick son of a bitch". That's how you do it for one of the greatest FF villains.

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
Alright, one more chapter I managed to go through yesterday, time for some impressions!

It's strange how I feel like I'm at odds with other folks sometimes. To me chapter 12 was a disappointment while most folks enjoyed it thoroughly. Here, most folks seem to have lukewarm feelings about this one and personally I enjoyed it a lot.

- I didn't mind at all the whole arc about 'what to do about Aerith'. The first point of view from Elmyra about Shinra 'not killing the golden goose' was not unreasonable. I personally liked that it took Cloud a good reminder of 'the Shinra he really knows' to cement the decision of trying to rescue her. In my view, that played out just fine.

- I really liked the idea of having the characters supporting a disaster relief effort. It could even have been more emphasized.

- It's great that the allusions to 'a hidden secret research lab' in chapter 3 were not just references to Deepground. It was a welcome addition, in my book.

- It must have been very cathartic for Barret to gun down all these Shinra boxes :P! I really like being given opportunities to control other characters than Cloud on the field. I overall really appreciated having a Cloud-less segment (don't get me wrong, I love Cloud, in the remake they nailed him perfectly, but I'm just so interested in seeing how things can work without him around).

- I really liked how seeing people in experimental pods briefly reminded Cloud of his past 4 years, and how it flipped the 'No, we fucking need to rescue Aerith ASAP' switch.

- Like some others here, I'm personally disappointed that none of the named NPCs ended up as casualties. Again, IMO it makes the Plate-drop less impactful (badum, tch!)

- Wedge, my man!!? I was very surprised that he survived (my spouse and my friend were like 'Tifa, stop setting the red flags!!' when she was talking about treating him to a nice meal :lol:). I was glad he did. And personally I would love it if his survival doesn't affect the plot later on. One of the tropes that tires me is the one of 'once a secondary character doesn't serve any purpose for the plot, he's disposable', and I feel something special when this trope gets subverted. Secondary characters have a right to live beyond plot purposes, dammit!! I'd have been pissed if the whole trio had survived, however. Anyway, this change is very interesting. It also felt so much in line with the Wedge / Aerith dialogue in chapter 12, that was great. And I'm curious if it's a sign of "things not being set in stone" when it comes to the remake of the original story.

Anyway, for me that was cool stuff!

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Just started this chapter, John Bentley absolutely killed this scene. The acting in general has been pretty damn good, but he captured Barret's grief do beautifully. The shift from pure rage to overwhelming despair, just by shifting the tone of his voice a little bit and the cracks start forming in big tough Barret.

Awesome stuff.

Also loved the rendition of Those Chosen By the Planet that plays during Cloud's hallucination. It's been sorely neglected for years, so I'm delighted to hear it.


Wow... I just watched the beginning of the chapter in English (I switched the game to Japanese, because I like Japanese Aerith better). Ya'll were raving about Barret's VA so much, I had to hear that with my own ears! And it really was so emotional! A bit more than the Japanese even!

But what gave me the chills just now was Cloud. The sounds of pure child-like fear he makes when he sees Sephiroth had my hair stand up and shivers run down my spine. I don't remember anything similar in the Japanese version. Took me completely off- guard. Wow.

I might have to switch the language back for now...


Higher Further Faster
But what gave me the chills just now was Cloud. The sounds of pure child-like fear he makes when he sees Sephiroth had my hair stand up and shivers run down my spine. I don't remember anything similar in the Japanese version. Took me completely off- guard. Wow.

I might have to switch the language back for now...

I wasn't sure at first how I would feel about Sephiroth popping up so much but dang, I am loving it. Every time it happens Cloud seems less and less able to cope with it. We saw him try to fight a couple times in the beginning, but as the story progresses he becomes just so parilized with fear. This was the best interaction up to this point so far. Cloud was literally whimpering.

I have a soft spot for torturing the hero. XD


Ninja Potato
Probably to get Cloud, Tifa, and Barret back on track.
They aren't supposed to properly discover Deepground yet. Shoving them outside with Wedge, who needed some medical attention, got them to leave.
That's a compelling reason, but I'm pretty sure the reason the whispers forced everyone out was because Cloud was on the cusp of remembering the experiments Hojo did to him.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
And yet they don't interfere when he
goes back down there to deal with the behemoth.
Good point. :wacky:

Can you get back to that same room where the Whispers made their appearance, though? I don't know that I've seen it show up in anyone's videos when they
go back for the behemoth.


Ninja Potato
That would make more sense. I'll check again. I'm happy to be wrong in this instance.
I can't find a video in which Cloud walks right through the Community Centre and talks to everyone. The only line of dialogue I can find relating to a timescale for the building of Midgar is when an older person says, "When I came here years ago the plate was only partially built" (or something very similar).

I guess I'd have to play that chapter again. Oh noes, I'll have to do the Reno battle all over again, what a sad drag, how will I bear it.
I think you meant to put this in the "Hopes for the remake" thread?


Pro Adventurer
Good point. :wacky:

Can you get back to that same room where the Whispers made their appearance, though? I don't know that I've seen it show up in anyone's videos when they
go back for the behemoth.

No you can't. You access the facility through a ladder in Chapter 14 and the room where you rescue Wedge has been caved in. Can't go back to where Barret started either 'cus of a suspiciously missing ladder :mon:
That reminds me that we never got to see what happened to Johnny's mother. It doesn't seem clear if Johnny's father made it out in the Remake. Depends on how quick he was to leave Wall Market and return to Sector 7. Then again, if Johnny thought his parents had died he'd be expected to say something about it in Chapter 14.

Also, @Mr. Ite the above image might spoil for people that
Biggs survives
so I'd personally recommend uploading a version of that image where Biggs is not present.
Ite, is it okay if I save that?
Also, how would you feel if I shared it with some other fans who feel the same way?
I find it interesting that most of my fanfic-writing friends are not particularly enthusiastic about the Remake. I'm not going to deny that I had a lot of fun playing it, or that I like and will probably take on board some (not all) of the canon from this new universe - but it just doesn't pack the same emotional wallop for me. Probably that was never on the cards, though.
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