....Dozens of rats (not monster rats, normal rats) openly run across the floors and ground of the slums, and the water is said to smell like rotten eggs without separately bought filters.
That's not terrible?
Most buildings are shanties with no plumbing, insulation, or any level of real construction while people regularly go about digging in trash for food. I have no idea how one could look at the slums as anything but squalor. Just because people are able to make do with squalor, doesn't make it any less squalor.
As for the platefall, regardless of changes and soundtrack choice, the new Remake depiction still shows a socioeconomic genocide and it's aftermath. While some escape, the majority of people are either dead, or completely destitute. Those survivors are literally left with nothing but the clothes on their backs and no home at all. There's no safety net, no aid. No resource that will provide for them. It may not match up to the depiction of the OG but.... How in the world can what was shown, not be as bad? Those survivors are left with not just zero, but not even a place to even be in poverty.