Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
- Smooth Criminal
More than anything else, at the end of the day, it's really just about this direction being what spoke to the developers at the time. That's that, and that's fair enough -- but if they're going to go and offer reasoning, we should feel more than welcome to question that reasoning when it is, frankly, kind of dumb.
And direction is truly a subjective thing to experience. I understand completely the way one direction may not resonate with another, however I believe that in fairness, if something isn't going for that route in the first place, why fault them for it?
I think their reasoning for referencing Jaws in comparison to Sephiroth makes sense; Kitase's speaking about how he was inspired by Jaws when originally writing the game and his character back in '97. Because yes, everyone knowing who and what the lurking terror is due to said terror being ubiquitous in popular culture does ring true. How is it dumb to retool the hook in order to adapt to his current place within the public's consciousness?
It's not like the original presentation wasn't a slow burn either, or that the psychological stuff didn't come into play.
Yes it was a slow burn. However, for Cloud, it wasn't the personalized, psychological tug-of-war against Sephiroth in the OG. Instead, it was a gradual unraveling of the player's perception and trust in Cloud's experience, which showcased Cloud's function as an unreliable narrator. The mental lapses and distortions inflicted on his psyche played out as an unreliable, and questioning experience that called into question everything we knew about the chain of events in the story. The Remake is going for that angle still, but it's now a more personal examination of Cloud's inner mental turmoil and conflict with Sephiroth, who exists not just as a villain that threatens the world, but an antagonist for Cloud's mental well being.
Never say without an unnecessary personal dig what can be said with one, right?![]()
That wasn't personal at all. Predator, T-800, Jason, and a Tyranasaurus Rex aren't characters who carry nuance. Unless we're looking at the T-800 from T2 or the Predator from it's subsequent sequels where it exhibits the classic honorable approach in hunting its prey. Those examples used before are not personable villains who psychologically torture or get personal with their enemies. They merely exist as forces of destruction that must be conquered or else.
I believe you are the only one present who has alluded to such a formula.
I was referencing the criticism that Sephiroth only works when shown less, in reference to the OG.
Btw: as an aside, I'm unsure about the dynamics of Jenova in this version. It appears at least 2 of the clones rescued Jenova from the HQ. With Zack's strange inclusion in the ending where he appears very much alive, I get the odd feeling he is supposed to be the Number 2 "this guy are sick" guy.
...Wait, what? How would that even be the case? Are you saying the Zack being shown in the past is an imposter Sephiroth copy, carrying Cloud to Midgar?