What of the rumors I'm hearing that Sephiroth wants the Watchmen out of his way, though? That they're an impediment to his desired future?
I even saw a clip (I don't know from which chapter) where Sephiroth straight-up murders Barret only for a Whisper to promptly reverse it.
And in the end of the new trailer they walk into the Midgar "cocoon" saying "this may be her last line of defense" most likely referring to the Planet.
And Sephiroth flat out tells Cloud that they will defy fate
together, so obviously he is conspiring to change destiny, too.
Maybe I'm misreading it, but that final boss looking arena looks like the party literally beneath or inside of Meteor, and there's I think a giant purple aura with Sephiroth in the middle all bound up by chains? Like chains of destiny?
Again, not having seen much beyond the trailers and a few short snippits, the impression I get is that the arbiters of fate are trying to preserve the "correct" or "safe" timeline, and Sephiroth is pitting the party against them in order to force destiny to change.
It really doesn't seem like they are protecting a "bad future." That doesn't make sense in this context, since it's something the Planet wants and Sephiroth doesn't.
Unless they are saying "her" referring to Jenova? I guess she is a "dark harbinger" which implies foretelling a dark destiny.
I don't know. I almost just want to go dark until I've beaten the game myself.