First off, no one was promised or guaranteed any particular kind of Remake, it was always the writer's choice and decision. Just like every other game they've made in their careers. This was not like a contractual obligation or commission off of Kickstarter. No one was owed or expected anything when the OG came out in '97, so why would that be the case now. And it was said several times in their "Making of FFVII Remake" series, it was not going to be a 1:1 remake of the game.
I really dislike referring to 1:1 here. That makes no sense, it’s a definition of a strawman argument. 1:1 means the game that is already out on PS4 and Switch. Obviously nobody expected/wanted that.
A lot of people expected an expanded version that would be the definite, standalone edition of the FFVII story. Expected, based on hype and marketing around the game. Nobody thinks they were guaranteed anything obviously, but it’s still a fact that thousands and thousands of people are currently disappointed thinking they got something different than what they thought they were getting when buying FFVII Remake. Saying ”Psyche! You didn’t count on ”remake” technically also meaning making it into something completely different” doesn’t change or invalidate that disappointment either.. on the contrary.
The concepts of the Whispers and their scheme towards holding true to the outline of events of the original story, is an example of something only fans experienced with the original game would pick up on. For any one new or wholly unaware, as stated by players who have no idea of the OG, they found it simply to be an unexplained plot thread waiting to be spun. When everyone keeps saying it's not "new player friendly," that runs counter to the myriad of new fans.. Who are enjoying it, finding no problem with it, and are just simply motivated to stick around or play the OG and find out the original game the Remake is referencing. That's not "new player unfriendly." That's called generating interesting.
While certainly many newcomers are enjoying the game, there are still many new people who are left confused or feeling like they should’ve known more. I’ve seen many accounts from newcomers across the internet, in various languages, about the story not making sense or a sense of missing key information, leading them to googling plot of the original and spoiling that.
Ultimately, it’s naturally a matter of opinion how much background information is necessary (again, I’m sure Empire Strikes Back or Avengers Age of Ultron etc. can be enjoyed without any previous knowledge). Yet you can’t deny a major part of FFVIIR part 1 essentially being a reaction to og FFVII’s plot, which is highlighted much further by how tacked on the time ghosts feel, how out of place the last chapters are etc. It’s so obvious the ”fate” is not something that makes sense in the context of the world itself first, but only exists because of real world reasons, ie. the og FFVII existing. To many fans that feels reductive, derivitive, because again the way this game and the series will turn up will be a reaction to the og both from in-universe and real-world sense. Which is also very much true for that Kitase quote on Sephiroth.
A sequel by definition requires the understanding of a direct sequence of previous events, to have the context of what's going on now.
The first thing I said was that this is just semantics as people can actually define sequel quite differently, so responding with a definition of sequel is not a great choice. Also I’m sure you yourself can come up with many sequels to games, movies, books etc. which don’t really require much context or knowledge of sequence from the previous entries...
Again one can call it a requel, remix, reboot, re:make or re:mind but in my posts I tried to highlight why many fans feel sequel is the most honest and appropriate designation. Of course a lot of this will still depend on how the whole series will turn out.