
Looks like all the new screens and artwork are now up on the press site too: https://press.na.square-enix.com/products/p324/final-fantasy-vii-remake

Unfortunately a lot of these still seem fairly low-res.
They give you the Tifa render in 1080p wallpaper size but it looks like uprezzed and compressed to hell. It's practically garbage. =/
The one titled "full size" is actually lower resolution. :wacky:

edit: The more I think about it the more it bothers me, like, why are all these uploads so inconsistent? They all vary wildly in resolution and compression! Why?!
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Ninja Potato

Is it just me or does the fire on Sephiroth's right look like a wing? Would be fitting.


Pro Adventurer
Sorry if this is not the right thread for this or if this was already posted, but apparently an upcoming FFVII Remake book was added to the Japanese Square Enix Store, “Final Fantasy VII Remake World Preview”. It should come out on February 18th and it’s going to include an overview of the game’s world, characters, combat system, pictures, and even a story written by Nojima (!). Take with a huge grain of salt because 1) I have only read about this on a Facebook fan page 2) I can’t find the actual page on the store 3) I’m so tired tonight I’m amazed I can still type.

immagine libro.jpg


Pro Adventurer
I'm not sure when or if they'll be able to do anything with the demo PKG (or even the supposed full game 73.7GB PKG that was apparently there at one point.... so someone had to have downloaded it... but they can't do anything with it). It's encrypted and as far as I can tell by googling it's not something that can be easily decrypted. They'd need to know the passcode, and that doesn't appear to be something that can be brute-forced (even if it could, it'd take a long time). Or the demo has to be downloaded onto a jailbroken PS4 then recompiled into an unencrypted PKG.... or so it seems to go with previous games. I don't think this 6.50 firmware that's listed on/required by the game has been hacked, so we may not see anything about the game's assets until the potential PC release.
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