Wouldn't this candy bar situation qualify as a deal though? It certainly will benefit the creators of this product of art, as any financial deal should. I am sorry, but considering this a "last straw" type of situation just feels extremely oblivious to anything else Square has done, in a long time. It's not like Square has changed after the release of FFVII. If anything, you should take FFVII as their most hypocritical product yet, since it is as close as you can imagine to a tripleA undertaking back in the 90s, with massive sums of money and resources being spent into making it. And we all know what tripleA undertaking means (looks at unreasonable crunching time, bad pay, etc). Hell, the original VII also wasnt exempt of Square's actions either. A lot of stuff went down that, if you look at it impartially, you can very much compare it today's "cashgrabs".