SPOILERS FFVII Remake Frustration Expression Thread (*Open Spoilers*)


Kaiju Member
Doesn't necessarily apply for the Remake, does it? It would be simpler if Cloud managed to get to the train station right after Zack's death and then Tifa found him (still in a bad shape due mako and whatnot). How else would he have survived... OG implied that Cloud got up to "normal" when Tifa touched him, no? So after that, prior to the bombing mission, the modifications could've been done to his uniform. Though I feel like it won't ever get explained.
Maybe, maybe not. But since Kitase said in March that the Compilation is the basis of the Remake now and going forwards, I think until otherwise stated the timeline dates can still be relied on.


Pro Adventurer
But Cloud's outfit is a bastardization of the SOLDIER uniform. Something that looks between an inspired home-made copy or horribly taken care of with each missing part subsequently replaced with outside additions. The only official SOLDIER garb Cloud wears is the belt.

Isn't the only difference between the official first class uniform and Cloud's outfit the shoulder pauldrons and his bangles? It's not just the belt, his sleeveless turtleneck, pants, and boots look to be the same ones Zack wears.
I think maybe I wasn't clear. I mean that the uniform he's wearing in the game isn't the same as the uniform he's wearing when he is with Zack. Why would they do that unless the change has some significance? We can all come up with explanations along the lines of 'maybe bandits robbed him of the pauldron and he had to make himself another one...' but it seems like an awful lot of trouble for SE to go to if there's no meaning behind it.


Pro Adventurer
I think maybe I wasn't clear. I mean that the uniform he's wearing in the game isn't the same as the uniform he's wearing when he is with Zack. Why would they do that unless the change has some significance? We can all come up with explanations along the lines of 'maybe bandits robbed him of the pauldron and he had to make himself another one...' but it seems like an awful lot of trouble for SE to go to if there's no meaning behind it.

It's gotta be the same outfit that Zack gave him after their escape sans the changes I mentioned, unless he found another 1st class SOLDIER uniform sometime in between the end of Crisis Core and the start of VII. Just looking at Zack and Cloud side by side:


you can see their outfits are identical in every way but the missing and modified shoulder pauldrons and Cloud's wrist decor.


I think maybe I wasn't clear. I mean that the uniform he's wearing in the game isn't the same as the uniform he's wearing when he is with Zack. Why would they do that unless the change has some significance? We can all come up with explanations along the lines of 'maybe bandits robbed him of the pauldron and he had to make himself another one...' but it seems like an awful lot of trouble for SE to go to if there's no meaning behind it.
Not really, when they originally did it, it was a matter of Zack's shoulder pauldron black and another belt polygon brown.
The uniform was symmetrical, cloud made it assymetrical for a more mercenary look.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
This site’s own timeline that was created out of the information from the various Ultimanias.
Said timeline states that Zack is killed sometime around the end of September and that the Mako Reactor 1 bombing run occurs sometime after December 9th.

Remember, the Ultimanias don't specify when Tifa found Cloud, only that it was sometime between the end of the ninth month and the ninth day of the twelfth month.

She may have found him in early October, mid-October, late October, etc. and invited him into Avalanche then only for him to say he had stuff to do until there was a job ready for him.

I feel like Cloud went out of his way to modify his uniform to look handcrafted to make it clear at a glance that he a SOLDIER but no longer affliated with Shinra, then, purely and solely for Gackt's sake, it became canon that all SOLDIER First Classes customise their uniforms, rendering the gesture meaningless.

It's not so much canon that they customize their uniforms as it is that they have authorization to. Not all do (see: Angeal and Zack).

Also, that perk has been canon since at least when the FFVII Ultimania Omega came out.


Kaiju Member
Remember, the Ultimanias don't specify when Tifa found Cloud, only that it was sometime between the end of the ninth month and the ninth day of the twelfth month.

She may have found him in early October, mid-October, late October, etc. and invited him into Avalanche then only for him to say he had stuff to do until there was a job ready for him.
True, but isn’t there a consensus based on how Cloud and Tifa act both in the OG and Remake that after Tifa found Cloud she didn’t really let him out of her sight? Like in both versions Tifa acts pretty concerned when she brings up the possibility of Cloud leaving Midgar after the first Reactor Bombing run. So either Cloud was on his own for a while or he had already been staying with Tifa (in some other housing accommodation that wasn’t Marle’s in the Remake at least) for a while. I can’t imagine him being discovered by Tifa soon after Zack’s death then just dropping out of her sight/social sphere for several weeks before getting hired by Avalanche.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Camera during battle.

Thank you for your attention.

I know they probably wanted to limit upskirt shots or something but honestly when the enemies are between 50 and 130 degrees of you its hopeless. And my right thumb hurts from toggling Lock on and off so often :P

I can't believe this was my first post in this thread after playing the game. There's just too much maybe, where do I even begin?


Pro Adventurer
This is a super minor complaint but i just don't like that they did a major redesign of the SOLDIER 3rd class uniform. I didn't even realize Roche was still in SOLDIER at first because of how different it was, then I thought maybe it was just a unique design for him or motorcycle bound 3rds until you see others later in the game. They don't look like SOLDIER anymore, they look like riot cops with the long sleeved coats and face coverings.

It was a very odd choice for a game that painstakingly made faithful updates to every other enemy in the game, even the weird stuff like Hellhouse.

Clean Cut Chaos

Pro Adventurer
Cub Chaos
My technical gripes are:

-The camera in general, but especially in aerial battle.
-Aerial battle in general, especially the camera.
-I can accept losing an ATB due to interruption, but when it comes to spells I would like to see the MP taken when the spell successfully casts instead of at the start of the spell.
-Setting up attacks just to watch it all get nullified by a cut scene in a boss fight was getting old by the end.
-Did I mention the camera and aerial battle yet?
-They could cut the truck and the metal ball thing from the last motorcycle fight and it would still be plenty long.
-Some graphical issues but I still love the look of the OG so it's not a huge deal to me
-Getting in the right position to interact with things can get wonkey, but I find that with most games so, meh.
-Tonberry gets a short rang AND a long range instakill?? Ah come on! (ok, now I'm just bitching)


Double Growth
The Sector 1 Reactor is supposed to be the northernmost one, right? So the central pillar relative to the towns should be North in Sector 5, Northeast in Sector 6, and East in Sector 7?

Going by memory, Sector 7 feels right if that's true. Not sure about the other two.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
My technical gripes are:
-I can accept losing an ATB due to interruption, but when it comes to spells I would like to see the MP taken when the spell successfully casts instead of at the start of the spell.

This shit here is infuriating and toxic, but especially for Hard Mode. The mode where you have limited MP with no restoration whatsoever.

Like, I get that the game wants you to strategically plan your commands and not button mash but... When you're in the final phase of a boss like Hell House who just spews AoE chair bomb attacks and is charging wildly through the arena at you while you have 2 HP, it's really shitty to fucking have your casting interrupted because the boss has infinite ATB and is able to just stun you out of your animation. This is one element I just feel is completely unfair.

Rufus is especially good at getting you to waste ATB and MP because almost all his attacks have the ability to interrupt spell animation. Certain techniques I've noticed have a degree of armor; certain attacks have higher priority and the ability to pierce the armor, while some moves, like Limit Breaks have armor that allows them to not be interrupted. However...

Limit Breaks offer absolutely zero invincibility frames.

Meaning you can die mid-limit break.

This is the height of absurdity to me. Limit Breaks are by their nature, desperation moves, so you will more than likely have low HP when preforming one. Yet, Cloud can just get YEET'd mid-air performing Ascension because the boss just refused to back down and flinch while getting impaled through the chest. This is egregiously bad design. It's not like the game gives you any means of just throwing out repeated, raw Limit Breaks. If you get one, you deserve to use it.

The only move players can perform with priority, meaning absolutely no interruption or means of getting killed while doing it, is summoning. I have no fucking clue why THAT is somehow prioritized above all else.

-Setting up attacks just to watch it all get nullified by a cut scene in a boss fight was getting old by the end.

This is pretty dirty too, although I figured out to essentially save my most powerful moves either for the very beginning or the last phase of the fight because of this precise reason. It's like a built in Revenge Value system, I suppose. The game doesn't want you to completely faceroll your enemies so they'll give them a reprieve and let them get a do-over in a sense.

-Tonberry gets a short rang AND a long range instakill?? Ah come on! (ok, now I'm just bitching)

The Tonberry meta is upon us. Respect their knives and lanterns or die. :monster:

They're seriously broke in this game, it's not even funny. The minute you find Warding materia, equip it and never let it go. Because it's your only way of resisting instant death in this game. lol so fucked up.

Overall this game is incredible and nigh perfect. But those 2 issues are truly annoying as hell. The literal fly in the ointment. Other than that, it's a blast and I've enjoyed Platninuming it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah I agree losing ATB is fair, but MP is just. It's like a kick to the balls.

You can get those revival earrings which allow you to come back from death once.

LOL I really hate relying on those. But they are handy in Hard Mode. Sometimes that was the only way Aerith stayed standing, bless her heart.


Ninja Potato
The revive earrings would be more useful if you could "activate" them during battle, so you could choose when the auto life takes effect. For hell house I was a fool and didn't buy any before running off to fight the boss, but even if I did I feel like most times the characters would die before the part where I really needed auto-res anyway, that being the last phase, so I feel like the item would just be spent before it was useful.


Kaiju Member

When you’re in Sector 5 and 6, the Main Pillar is on the south end of the map. There aren’t any cardinal directions in FF7R so it’s quite likely they flipped where the Sectors are in the city, but it’s MORE likely the MAPS ARE JUST FREAKIN UPSIDE DOWN.
The Sector 1 Reactor is supposed to be the northernmost one, right? So the central pillar relative to the towns should be North in Sector 5, Northeast in Sector 6, and East in Sector 7?

Going by memory, Sector 7 feels right if that's true. Not sure about the other two.
I'm also not sure if I am understanding this observation. The maps seem fine to me, like the Central pillar isn't even a part of the explorable environment?
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