SPOILERS FFVII Remake Frustration Expression Thread (*Open Spoilers*)

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
Not a complaint about the game (because I'm too old to care about PR campaigns and the game was perfect to me), but why does Japan get an Ultimania and North America doesn't? They sell millions upon millions more of their Final Fantasy games here than they do in Japan and yet we don't get our version. That sucks!


Ninja Potato
Not a complaint about the game (because I'm too old to care about PR campaigns and the game was perfect to me), but why does Japan get an Ultimania and North America doesn't? They sell millions upon millions more of their Final Fantasy games here than they do in Japan and yet we don't get our version. That sucks!
That's starting to get to me too. I want all that good deep lore square, why you gotta be so obstinate about it? Probably too big of a translation effort for them to consider it worth it if I had to guess.
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Ninja Potato
Its a very strange aversion they have, especially given that they've gotten a lot better about releasing things in other territories since back in the day. They partnered with dark horse to release the ultimania archives, and yen press for their novels and manga. Why not just have one of them work on a release for the FF7R ultimania?


Pro Adventurer
Proper Ultimanias involve a lot of technical gameplay details, and translating that stuff isn't the same as translating a novel, manga, art book, or setting book that they can pretty much pass on to any random translator and they'll figure it out. There's a lot more terms they have to get right, like every enemy ability name and such.

In terms of strategy guides, it would probably be simpler to create one from scratch. But they didn't even bother to get anyone to do that this time. And the longer it would take them to translate it, the less purpose there will be.

There's a reason the only Ultimanias that have been translated are lore and art books.


Ninja Potato
I thought it might be something like that. Perhaps they could compromise and just translate character bios and interviews and the other less technical stuff, and release it as a smaller thing for other territories. I know I'm mostly just interested for those Juicy lore details, though I know others would still want a proper strategy guide.
I'm so tired but work isn't very demanding right now and doesn't take up a lot of my mind, so I spend all my time thinking about FFVII Remake because I'm locked down and there's nothing else to do, and it's just wearing me out. My mind's going like a hamster on a hamster wheel. A hamster on speed after drinking six cups of dark roast with extra expresso.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Well they do bother to translate the Eorzea lore books, I don't see why not do the same with Ultimanias.
This is because the Eorzea Lore Books are not Ultimanias. They aren't written like the Ultimanias are and they don't even have the same publisher. Instead of outsorcing them, the FFXIV team writes and translates them in-house in addition to all the other work they do on the game. And they're published by Square Enix's in-house publishing company.

The Eorzea Lore Books are a labor of love by the FFXIV story team and the FFXIV localization team. No one in Square Enix told the FFXIV team they had to do them. They were something Banri Oda, the FFXIV Main Scenario Writer decided to do because the FFXIV story team already had all the information lying around and then Michael-Cristopher Koji Fox, the Head of the FFXIV Localization Team decided to localize it because he remembered seeing all the cool info Japanese players would get that English players wouldn't get.

It's really interesting seeing Oda and Koji unveil the first lore book and be really nervousness that no one would want to buy it because that would mean they probably wouldn't get the green light from SE to do another one. They were hoping to sell enough to break even and instead the English versions of the Lore Book sold out almost immediately. It's now on it's 4th print run. The second Lore Book is selling just as well as the first one did and everyone is fully expecting to get a third one when the next FFXIV expansion is announced.

So yeah, the reason the FFXIV lore books get translated into English is ultimately because FFXIV is localized differently then the other FF games are and the head of that localization team wants to put in the work.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Bloody Motorball annihilated me again.
Whatever happened to my leet skills?
More to the point, why didn't the Whispers save me?

There's no shame in just doing it on Easy Mode. Clear it once on Easy and you'll never have to do it again to replay the chapter.

It's vastly more manageable on Easy than Normal. It's a pretty big jump.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Mako, I'm ashamed to say that I WAS playing it on easy.


Well, it's okay! What are you exactly having trouble with? How exactly is Motorball killing you?

A trick to avoid the electric mines it lays on the road is to huge the right or left side. While you'll see sparks and hear a painful grinding sound, your bike is actually not taking damage. This will protect you against 99% of the electric mines it lays down frantically.

Be sure to block whenever it stomps its wheels at you or shoots you. Remember to hold the accelerator button and stay close to it unless you're trying to dodge its attacks.

And after the things stagger phase is over, hit the breaks and get away from it because it'll begin to spew fire at you. Or it'll try to fire that orange laser. That laser is it's most dangerous attack.


Pro Adventurer
I plan to test this myself tonight, but maybe somebody already has so I'll ask here: is there actually any point in accelerating in the motorcycle sequences? It seems scripted when you can and cannot approach your target (especially the bosses), so why even accelerate all the time? Any chance that's more for minor adjustments than actually catching up to things?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I plan to test this myself tonight, but maybe somebody already has so I'll ask here: is there actually any point in accelerating in the motorcycle sequences? It seems scripted when you can and cannot approach your target (especially the bosses), so why even accelerate all the time? Any chance that's more for minor adjustments than actually catching up to things?

You definitely can fall too far behind Motorball. If you get a certain distance from it, it then lays electro-mines.

Accelerating helps you close the distance when it accelerates. There's a threshold of distance you must maintain or else it'll punish you for being too far.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I watched Dunkeys video...uh because he's my main source of video game journalism ?

I've not played it, I don't even have a ps4 and I'm not motivated to get one by what I've seen so far. But I have a question:

Can you turn the voice acting off?
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Kaiju Member
I watched Dunkeys video...uh because he's my main source of video game journalism ?

I've not played it, I don't even have a ps4 and I'm not motivated to get one by what I've seen so far. But I have a question:

Can you turn the voice acting off?
Effectively yes, by turning the voice volume to 0, but keeping the music and sound effect volumes at normal. There are also language options as well so you can play the Japanese dub too.
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