SPOILERS FFVII Remake Frustration Expression Thread (*Open Spoilers*)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
At this point, I feel that this thread firmly belongs in the spoilers section. It's all spoiler talk now, and most of those participating in it are fully apprised of the spoilers. I'm going to go ahead and move it. I'll leave an expiring redirect, though.

It's not like Nomura is the only culprit, but it's not a case they are equally responsible either. There's a hierarchy, and Nomura in this project is at the top overseeing everything.

Being that Kitase is Nomura's boss and the producer here (i.e. the one who has to actually answer to the shareholders about what was done with their money), it seems the most appropriate to me to place notions of failure ultimately at his feet. He is the one who gave final approval for what was written, rendered, and coded to be released to the public.

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
Apologies if this one has been brought up already, but I dont like Squares insistence to use CGI for the endings of Final Fantasy games. Tidus and Yuna look nothing like themselves in the end of FFX and Cloud and company look nothing like the group I played as for the 50+ hours of FFVII Remake during that games ending. It takes me out of it a bit.

And am I crazy or do the in game character models actually look BETTER than the cgi? In the ending they look like smoothed out mannequins or something. In game, you can see the pores in their skin, facial contortions, etc. They look more life like, ironically. I get that the developers want the ending to look/feel special but I think we are at the point (at least with character models) that the cgi isn't necessary anymore.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
His face is thicker.

The moment he stepped into the Singularity, inexplicably, he became more swol. The flashes gained from the Arbiters of Fate buffed Cloud in the most literal sense.


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
I though Cloud was mostly in line with his in-game model, Tifa and Aerith otherwise...


I don't like that the dialogue choices aren't effective and are just there for I don't know ... roleplay or something? Perhaps they were meant to give points for the affection system but that wasn't programed correctly or something.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
All the dialogue choices matter because depending on what you choose, you get a different response from the person you're responding to.

The dialogue choices involving Tifa and Aerith influence the affection system, along with other specific circumstances. However, the only thing that effects Jessie's affection for Cloud is how well you drive.


I suppose I just don't get in which way they influence the affection system because they don't seem to add points, maybe they just detract from a hidden total (yes this is me trying to get the final resolution through dialogue changes and rebeating Chapters alone)?


I got Tifa's first run, did all her chapter quests, did all chapter 8 quests, got blue and red dresses, got choco Sam's quests, talked to Tifa first in sewers, then Barret's from my Hard mode run, was mean to the girls (though now I'm not so sure that was at all necessary) and skipped extra Tifa and Aerith quests. Aerith's is the final resolution I need.


Kaiju Member
I got Tifa's first run, did all her chapter quests, did all chapter 8 quests, got blue and red dresses, got choco Sam's quests, talked to Tifa first in sewers, then Barret's from my Hard mode run, was mean to the girls (though now I'm not so sure that was at all necessary) and skipped extra Tifa and Aerith quests. Aerith's is the final resolution I need.
All you have to do then would be make sure more Chapter 8 sidequests are completed by the time you finish it than Chapter 3 does (in addition to doing a minimum number of them), if they are equal the Chapter 10 choice before the Abzu fight is the tie-breaker for points.
That will give you the Aerith resolution scene.


TY. Yeah, I tried blitzing chapter 2 and 9 first, picking the more favourable dialogue choices to see if that would change it but apparently not, it was still Barrett *pink monster emote* I've been feeling a bit burnt out on the game, many hours, but recharging my batteries ?


Eyes of the Lord
The game could benefit from a more granual Chapter Select that allowed you to pick which section you want to play, i.e:

Chapter 9:
  • Collapse Expressway section
  • Wall Market: Looking for Tifa
  • Wall Market: Corneo's Colisseum fights
  • Wall Market: Dance with Andrea

It gets quite old having to replay the whole chapter just to get to certain points (forced slow down walking makes it worst) and it would help a lot for the longer chapters (such as 17).

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
The game could benefit from a more granual Chapter Select that allowed you to pick which section you want to play, i.e:

Chapter 9:
  • Collapse Expressway section
  • Wall Market: Looking for Tifa
  • Wall Market: Corneo's Colisseum fights
  • Wall Market: Dance with Andrea

It gets quite old having to replay the whole chapter just to get to certain points (forced slow down walking makes it worst) and it would help a lot for the longer chapters (such as 17).

I like the way you think.
Last edited:


The game could benefit from a more granual Chapter Select that allowed you to pick which section you want to play, i.e:

Chapter 9:
  • Collapse Expressway section
  • Wall Market: Looking for Tifa
  • Wall Market: Corneo's Colisseum fights
  • Wall Market: Dance with Andrea

It gets quite old having to replay the whole chapter just to get to certain points (forced slow down walking makes it worst) and it would help a lot for the longer chapters (such as 17).

Yeah the force slowdown/level design wasn't something that bothered me at all on a first playthings, but really sucks on a hard / platinum run. Something also tells me that these things aren't going to age super well, either.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I am frustrated by this new hot take I keep hearing:

"In the OG, Midgar was essentially a tutorial."

This is so odd to me. Like, according to what metric is this put-down being justified? Is it number of battles? There are just as many battles in OG Midgar than there are in Remake (for instance, there are 19 possible enemy formations in the OG's Opening~Bombing Mission, compared with Remake's pre-programmed 17 battles). Is it length? I guess if you cut the ability of the player to run in the OG it would seem longer, sure. In what way does the OG's Midgar section not feel like the game? It seems like just yesterday we were talking about how "surprising" it was the first time we learned there was more game than just Midgar, and now we're treating the first act of the story like it was some kind of test run... what gives? You wouldn't say that Disc 1 of Final Fantasy IX is "the tutorial" you would say that the gameplay gradually expands, deepens, and becomes more challenging as the game goes on. You know, like an RPG.

It's this belittling erasure of the original that seems to be coming from the same people who use "The original isn't going anywhere" as a valid counter-criticism to anything Remake-related. Hypocritical :(
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