FFVII Remake: Intergrade Yuffie DLC Announced


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
He's both a VR mission and you see him on his throne.

And if Deepground Soldiers are mobilizing to do shit, then obviously they're taking orders from someone.

It was around the start of FFVII when the Tsviets began their scheme for taking control of Deepground from the Restrictors, so..... :monster:


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
I don't understand how people are seriously discounting mobile games in 2021 like we haven't had multiple blockbuster titles like Genshin Impact, Mobius FF, and now fucking Nier Reincarnation.

You can ignore mobile all you like, but it's legit. And it's not going anywhere, ever. It's a medium that's expanding and has evolved enough to keep up. There's no avoiding it. Hopefully the gacha won't be cancerous and they'll be generous for free-to-play users while letting whales go all in.

I didn't see Gumi running these games so I have hopes. :monster:

As long as it's not Brave Exivus tier, we're good.
I gotta agree with that. Genshin was the mobile game to me that made it pretty clear that it is already, and has been for quite a while actually, a fully fleshed out genre. No denying it holds the same creative potential that a PSP or 3DS once held (if not more).

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I always figured the best way to use Yuffie would be to tie her to the expanded role of Wutai and Shinra's conflict. I never thought she'd meet the party (indirectly) even before they leave Midgar though. Guess this confirms Wutai was supporting Avalanche and it's not just Shinra propaganda. That, or Yuffie's working on her own and making a mess of things.
Did I maybe call it? =O June can't come fast enough now.


Pro Adventurer
Are any post-Midgar locations being shown?

Also Snatchr, that is a good point - but the entirety of various FF titles and Chrono Trigger are on mobile. I wouldn’t count it out.
Those are direct ports. This is a new game thats ""remaking"" every previous title. Telling the story from Before Crisis to Dirge of Cerberus. Including Advent Children. It'll look like FF7, with the chibi field models and faithful script, but I dont buy for a moment its going to be a beat for beat faithful remake.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal



The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
This thing was made specifically for us Dirge loving psychos


Ody said:
it feels like Square personally asked me for suggestions lol.


Ody said:
Fuck, I just want it for Before Crisis. That game was a mobile game in 2004! I don't see how it could get worse lol. I'm sure it will be a fine game for what it is.
So you like BC now? :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
Those are direct ports. This is a new game thats ""remaking"" every previous title. Telling the story from Before Crisis to Dirge of Cerberus. Including Advent Children. It'll look like FF7, with the chibi field models and faithful script, but I dont buy for a moment its going to be a beat for beat faithful remake.
Also Aerith is just fighting the guard scorpion lol

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yeah... this would be around the time that Deepground was working to throw off Restrictor. So... and outside force assaulting Deepground would only help Weiss and the Tsivets really.

Thing is... they all hate Shinra. So if they get out... Shinra is going to be having *problems* in Midgar. Problems that they didn't have in the OG.

a_apple 2.0

Pro Adventurer
Man, that's too much for me, I can't dig this new stuff like there is a difference between not wanting a 1:1 remake and this new shit ngldude wtf.png

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I'm wondering if Deepground's early escape will actually be prevented by Yuffie, imparting to us the realization that she saved everything by trapping those wackos for three additional years.
This implies asking me if I think Yuffie and her gang can defeat the Tsivets (and the Restrictors and the rest of the DG) at this stage... which is... pretty laughable...


Ninja Potato
I think it's PS5 unfortunately.

Those bastards know how to fucking force the console jump.
I was gonna get one eventually anyway, but this is forcing my hand a bit lol. At least it's not until June.
I'm wondering if Deepground's early escape will actually be prevented by Yuffie, imparting to us the realization that she saved everything by trapping those wackos for three additional years.
Yuffers is the unsung hero of FF7, it's true!
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