FFVII Remake: Intergrade Yuffie DLC Announced


Ninja Potato
Guys I'm having a visceral reaction reading all this and needing to keep my cool at work.
I'm feeling glad I work early for once lol. Off tomorrow too!

We're in it.

Square, take my fucking money. 20 bucks for all this!? That sounds fucking fantastic. :monster:

I thought they'd pull a KH3 ReMind and make this cost 30+ dollars. Holy shit, we dodged a bullet there.
Was hoping it'd be free with the upgrade but oh well. I gave them $300 for a plastic bike, I can give them $20 for W E I S S. And also Yuffie.


Pro Adventurer
Those are direct ports. This is a new game thats ""remaking"" every previous title. Telling the story from Before Crisis to Dirge of Cerberus. Including Advent Children. It'll look like FF7, with the chibi field models and faithful script, but I dont buy for a moment its going to be a beat for beat faithful remake.
I haven’t been able to watch the trailer yet, but that sounds awesome.


Whoever is in charge of the countdown timer on the main page:



Ninja Potato
Apparently, according to the interview that Nomura has given, the name chosen for "Intergrade" in addition to being an intermediate point between projects and the intergenerational transition, it is also a tribute to "FFVII International", as a beautiful rhyme with it

Source: https://www.famitsu.com/news/202102/26215104.html
Nomura checking his thesaurus every time he creates anything ever


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm gonna call it now, if I haven't already.

Shalua Rui is going to be one of the leaders of the main branch of AVALANCHE.

And we're gonna see how she ended up losing her eye and arm soon.

It'd be ironic if Deepground forces ended up stealthily clashing with the main branch of AVALANCHE and that's how she ended up with those wounds and terrible fashion sense in Dirge of Cerberus.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I am nothing but overwhelmingly pleased by this news on literally all fronts. Like... so much more than I can express.

Additionally, I have to say that Intergrade is a goddamn brilliant title, since it means "pass into another form by a series of intervening forms" which is basically the perfect way of describing that there are going to be multiple games that all come together to make the whole of Final Fantasy VII Remake.

My only hope is that I somehow manage to get a PS5 before then, but there's only so much I can do. I literally ordered one the very first day that they became available, and my availability date for receiving it was... May 2021. So, assuming that remains accurate, it SHOULD all work out.

X :neo:
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