Double Growth
I'm not as passionate about "Aeris" as Ite, but I do always feel compelled to be pedantic and point out that it was not a "mistranslation." "エアリス" isn't a word, and therefore there is no "translating" it. Aerith, Aeris, Earisu, Airiss, and countless other renderings would all have been perfectly valid localizations.
Now, it's clear that they had "Aerith" in mind when came up with it because we see it written that way on Japanese media before FFVII's localization. (Although by that logic you could say the city's really supposed to be Midgal.
) So I don't dispute that "Aerith" is correct, but it's also not a mistranslation, as such.
Now, it's clear that they had "Aerith" in mind when came up with it because we see it written that way on Japanese media before FFVII's localization. (Although by that logic you could say the city's really supposed to be Midgal.

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