SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

I may be a Dirge of Cerberus expert who holds a record amount of time spent researching the game (and I'm probably one of the top five players in the world in terms of sheer playtime alone) but I will never consider it to be an excellent game. Said it before and I'll say it again: Dirge of Cerberus is mediocre or average at best, no matter my favoritism towards it. Compilation titles like Advent Children and Crisis Core hold wider appeal for good reasons and I predict this will always be the case.

Funny enough, I would still rank Remake as the better/best FFVII title whether you count it inside the "Compilation" packaging or not. There is just too much in terms of gameplay, worldbuilding, dialogue, graphics, scene choreography etc that surpasses the Compilation and indeed most of what Square Enix has ever released. Even though (like I've said twice before) FFVII Remake is the biggest gaming disappointment of my life because of its final chapter, I still have to rank it as something close to a masterpiece. There are too many excellently crafted diamonds in Remake for me to ignore.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Back at the end of Chapter 4, when Cloud's carrying her into the bar, Jessie says she hates playing the damsel in distress. But, ironically, that's exactly what her role as the Princess in the Gold Saucer play was (at least in the OG, it might be different in the remake). I didn't think about that until recently. Maybe she said that to hide how much she enjoyed what he was doing for her.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I never thought she meant it when she said she hated that role. I got the impression she generally uses "acting" as a cover, not just for her involvement in Avalanche, but also as an excuse for being extra flirtatious with Cloud, and presumably other things in life. Though in this case, I assumed it was because she was embarrassed. Not sure if she actually liked what Cloud was doing for her, but I suppose she'd rather he help her than not.
Do you think it's always the same play performed at Gold Saucer year in, year out? You don't think they might have more than one play in rep? And maybe the EDK play is one they reserve for when they want audience participation?


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Oh, I'm sure she liked Cloud carrying her, kathy - remember in Chapter 1, she tells Cloud that if she couldn't walk, he'd be the first to know, which is a bit of foreshadowing for this moment. She's definitely interested in him, so I think it's very likely that she enjoyed it, she was just acting like she didn't for whatever reason. And it does make more sense to me that the EDK play isn't the only one shown there, Lic. You could be right. Though the fact that Jessie was the Princess might mean that there's a more serious (comparatively, anyway - could still be a lighthearted production) version as well as the camp one for audience fun.

Oh, another thing I've wondered - why did the chopper just sit there and let Jessie throw the grenade instead of shooting at her? She was in its sights for nearly thirty seconds by the time she threw it. More than enough time to aim and fire, and we saw another chopper shoot a guy earlier in the chapter. Doesn't make sense to me.


Pro Adventurer
Ah yeah, on second thought, of course she would like Cloud carrying her. I mean, who wouldn't like their crush doing that right when they could do with the help? :P Though it's still embarrassing as hell I would think.

As for why the chopper didn't shoot her, maybe they didn't see the grenade and didn't think she was a threat. Or maybe they shot her but her HP wasn't down to 0. Or maybe they were just dumb. I don't know.

One issue I have with that chapter's writing, is that it it has too many issues like that which make little sense, even for an FF title. I get that they do that in favor of cool cutscenes, but still...

Why were the party taking cover behind a bunch of explosive tanks when they reached the top? Why did Barret shoot the chopper instead of Reno? And to top it off, the Whispers showed up. Ugh. Wait, no that's not the end of it. Cait Sith too.

It's still one of my favorite chapters though. Overlooking the finer details, by bringing everyone back to fight in one place (the main party, Avalanche and the Turks), while the one truly responsible for these events watches from the comforts of his office, I think they nailed the overall sense of frustration and futility.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Yeah, it was a good chapter, just a few question marks here and there. The chopper never got a shot off before Jessie torched it, so she wasn't shot. I guess they weren't sure what she was going to do at first, and by the time they figured it out, she was already throwing it. If I remember right, Shinra troops aren't known for their brightness.

Funnily enough, the chopper just happened to land rightside up when it crashed when I think, more realistically, it should've landed on its side or something. And I'd have thought the explosion would've forced it away from the tower, not toward it.


Pro Adventurer
Strange, till now I always thought that Jessie got caught in her own bomb due to the Whispers blocking her escape route. Never occurred to me that it just blew up in her face before she could take cover, which seems totally possible. The chopper position might have contributed to my initial assumption. Like you know, Whispers walling everyone in sort of thing.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I think they did keep her from escaping, because the debris looked like it came from the ceiling above her and other parts of the building rather than pieces of the chopper. She succeeded in taking it out, but I think when it crashed into the tower, the whispers prevented her from getting away. Hopefully, though, with their defeat, that's changed and she's alive. Biggs was supposed to die per the OG timeline and the whispers were around him, too, but he's alive. So it's possible Jessie could be, too.


Pro Adventurer
Not sure how extensively this has been discussed, but does anybody else get the feeling that rather than having Aerith live, SE will try to top her OG death by having Cloud be the one who kills her? I can’t stop thinking about the moments immediately before Aerith’s death, Cloud with his sword drawn and struggling to resist the influence of Jenova. I wonder...

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I've thought about that as well. I've forgotten where it was discussed, but I recall that when I brought it up most folks thought it would be just a bit too heavy/that the only thing Cloud would realistically do if that happened is kill himself.

I didn't find those arguments very convincing, though. :monster: I still feel it could happen.


Pro Adventurer
Not sure how extensively this has been discussed, but does anybody else get the feeling that rather than having Aerith live, SE will try to top her OG death by having Cloud be the one who kills her? I can’t stop thinking about the moments immediately before Aerith’s death, Cloud with his sword drawn and struggling to resist the influence of Jenova. I wonder...

This is my worst nightmare lol :no: but I think you'll enjoy this thread right here. A few people went over this theory o/


Pro Adventurer
I've thought about that as well. I've forgotten where it was discussed, but I recall that when I brought it up most folks thought it would be just a bit too heavy/that the only thing Cloud would realistically do if that happened is kill himself.

I didn't find those arguments very convincing, though. :monster: I still feel it could happen.

I guess the morbid side of my brain is thinking, “what would be the best way to torture the fanbase”? Some say Tifa could die instead, which would certainly upset the fans but I think amplifying Aerith’s death works better storywise especially if it’s by Cloud’s hand :rclosedmonster:

This is my worst nightmare lol :no:

Little did we all know that Nomura was actually Sephiroth himself the whole time...(or would it be Nojima’s evil-doing? :O) I’ll definitely read through that thread, thanks!


Pro Adventurer
I guess the morbid side of my brain is thinking, “what would be the best way to torture the fanbase”? Some say Tifa could die instead, which would certainly upset the fans but I think amplifying Aerith’s death works better storywise especially if it’s by Cloud’s hand :rclosedmonster:

Little did we all know that Nomura was actually Sephiroth himself the whole time...(or would it be Nojima’s evil-doing? :O) I’ll definitely read through that thread, thanks!

As much as I respect their work, I can't say I trust them enough to say that this doesn't have an actual chance of happening, lol. I just think this would be way too much for Cloud to recover if we go by what happened in ACC (but you will see me going over this point repeatedly and extensively in that thread, so I'll save you from that here :tearsofjoy:)
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