SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
Imagine if this is the last time we even see her... Nah, I mean they will certainly reuse her beautiful model on a flashback or inter-dimensional temporal fuckery. It would be cool entering Gold Saucer and seeing her acting, even though she should be dead...

It shall be interesting to see just how far they take all these temporal disturbances.

Will our main characters end up being tortured with visions of a better present/future?
Barret glimpsing a world where Corel Village turned out fine and his wife still lives.
Nanaki perceiving a world in which he always had his father Seto at his side.
Yuffie seeing her mother and a prosperous Wutai.

Will Aerith speculate that this is all because of Jenova's influence...
Ifalna said:
“That's when it appeared!”
“It looked like…our…our dead mothers
…and our dead brothers.
Showing us spectres of their past.”
...when in fact it is not the direct influence of Jenova but rather all this temporal shit? Will these visions/dream of a better world be woven into the game meandering on about a search for the "Promised Land" in everybody's hearts?

We shall see. :monster:

If they go this route of temporal differences actually having visible impacts on each other and every other main character having hallucinations/visions it will make Cloud look pretty much normal in comparison. Cloud will no longer have monopoly dibs on the constant seizures. :wacky:


Save your valediction (she/her)
They could literally never mention anything they added again and continue on as normal. After the dust has settled on Part 5, we’ll realize that the stylistic Pt. 1 ending with Zack really *was* the moment before his death, and not an AU branch. BWJ never appear again, no explanation needed, they could be alive or dead, they just have 0 impact on Part 2 and beyond. We don’t care :monster:


Save your valediction (she/her)
For better or worse, Square's gonna do what they're gonna do. I'd rather see their bullshit through to the end than have them flip flop on their plans like starwars did.

I honestly don’t think they’ll ever fuck up as badly as RoS. Even if Part 1 were as controversial as TLJ, the biggest course correction they could do now would be to drop the new stuff and get on with remaking FF7, rather than RoS’s “oopsie never mind” backpedaling. And it’s more likely trollmura will double down and lean into the controversial. Unlike Disney, which is all about a wide net and “bankable” “product” the least anyone can say about Square Enix is that they are passionate auteurs, even if I don’t like what they’re doing.

Edit: I should say passionate visionaries, “auteurs” doesn’t quite describe what exactly the experience of S-E games offers.
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Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
It shall be interesting to see just how far they take all these temporal disturbances.

Will our main characters end up being tortured with visions of a better present/future?
Barret glimpsing a world where Corel Village turned out fine and his wife still lives.
Nanaki perceiving a world in which he always had his father Seto at his side.
Yuffie seeing her mother and a prosperous Wutai.

Ohh, I hope so.

I don't think they can backpedal now, because otherwise there was no point in defeating the Whispers. If they stick to the rails, I will be disappointed.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Yeah, I don't think we'll be seeing the whispers again. The effects of defeating them, on the other hand, I think we will see more of as the future installments are likely to diverge more from the OG, I think.
The plot ghosts may be defeated but because I'm now so jaded I assume that future parts will introduce new mysterious ghost-like foes. Like Kingdom Hearts started with Heartless and then continued on with Nobodies, Unversed and Dream Eaters, so too will FFVIIR feel compelled to introduce spiritual sequels to the Whispers. Prepare for Shouts, Whistlers, Singers and Ventriloquists.

Or think of it how Dirge of Cerberus had Deepground, Crisis Core had Angeal Copies and Genesis Copies, Before Crisis had the Ravens and so on. It's game design instinct to, which each new installment, introduce at least one new enemy design and then interweave it with the plot of the game.

Not an obligatory path by any means but I'm not letting Square catch me off-guard this time. :watchingu:


In pt 2 you learn that all the entire Remake cast are puppet versions of the actual original FF7 characters. These new forms are called the Pantomimes.

Surprise, the Pantomimes are all agents of Sephiroth. The game ends with you fighting an exact copy pf your party in their puppet form.

I can write for this shit, does Square Enix pay well?Please notice me Nomura-senpai.


Ergo, V
Part 2 starts with cloud waking up in his bed in nibelheim by his mum. She starts having a go about him never finding a good girl if he sleeps all the time so he needs to get his arse up and start work.
Cloud clumsily gets dressed and puts on his apron before kissing his mum goodbye. He gathers his things and leaves home to gather his cart and collect the days harvest.

Arriving at the centre of nibelheim he parks his little cart and empties out a selection of fruit onto it.
Out of the corner of his eye he sees a flash of silver and becomes scared, he nudges his cart and some fruit rolls off into the ground.

In clear view now a man approaches and offers him his fruit "Shall I give you this pear?" He asks before cloud realises it's his lifelong bully sephiroth on his way to visit his girlfriend tifa.

Cloud bites down hard and nods in response getting a grin from the silver haired giant.
God he wishes he could throw his lifetime bully into the deep recesses of the mako reactor above town so he could finally let tifa know how he has felt all these years.

The scene goes black, aeriths theme starts playing and the end credits roll.

Final fantasy remake part 2 the Rick roll edition.
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