SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread


Double Growth
My thought is that, despite all the weird stuff, the party is ostensibly still in the exact same situation they were originally. Sephiroth is out there, he's up to no good, and we have to stop him to save the world.

That's almost true. Except Zack's alive (which is just shorthand for saying we're dealing with multiple timeline shenanigans). And there are at least two Sephiroths around, one of which knows exactly what happened originally. And so it is in his interest to continue intervening. Unless the Whispers were his only way back and destroying them was his one hail mary and he cannot intervene further. I don't know why that would be the case, but I'd be frickin thrilled if so.

and lol Mako beat me to it

I think most of this is because they want the audience to think Aerith might survive honestly

Yes, and that's why I say these things were not done in service to a story. It's purely to play with the audience, not some difference in vision. Like Ite said when this all started, either things all happen the same, which would be great, but yeah, it would then make us ask what hte point of all this chicanery was. Or things don't happen the same at all and we're left wondering why they even made a remake.
I do think the former is more likely, but...why then


Pro Adventurer
Just out of curiosity, did you all even want a remake? I didn't, so the only

is no remake at all as far as I'm concerned. Graphics aside the original holds up just fine, all I would want is a new English localization so the plot is more comprehensible. That's all the new FFVII that was ever necessary, but so many people wanted so much more.

For old fans who don't like the remake, I'm not just going to say "why do you even care if the remake is weird when the original still exists." Ultimately more FFVII discourse than not is going to surround the remake from now on, so that'll unavoidably impact you regardless. I guess I'm wondering, is that really all that concerns you though? That the conversation will be inevitably altered the more the Remake drifts from the original? Is there some fear of getting left behind in a sea of new discussion? I dunno, maybe I'm small-minded, but that's the only reason I can think of.

The way I see it, if it was just going to be the same story with prettier visuals they should have done an OOT 3D and just updated the graphics while mostly leaving everything else alone. That'd be cheap, I think most people would be happy with it, and that's the treatment other FF games have gotten. However, that wouldn't live up to the expectations people have had for the past decade+ about what a "Final Fantasy VII" remake would be like.

Really, you've all been fucked from the day that that scummy PS3 demo got shown off. That put the image of AAA fully realized FFVII in peoples heads. If it was gonna be the same plot Square would have just done a remaster like I mentioned above, but if they're gonna go all out things have to be different. There's no way they could justify it otherwise. Not for how many games it's gonna take, not for how much money they're dumping into it. You should know that, you're all familiar with these people at this point, you know they're a bunch of weirdos with weird ideas who would definitely be unsatisfied with just retreading old ground just because you all don't want change. The "not specifically you guys in this thread but a more generalized 'you' refering to the larger FFVII community" dug this hole for yourselves inch by inch with every FFVII REMAKE rumor and wishlist, every time you asked the developers if they'd do it, every time you showed how much interest there was for it, every time square enix couldn't escape the shadow of a decades old PS1 game.

So I'll say again, did you all even want a remake? Because you got a fucking "REMAKE," built from the ground up as if it were a new game with a new plot and a whole load of new things to worry about, and you should have know it wouldn't be any other way.

"The promise has been made" mother fuckers.

*mic drop*


Yeah, I am sorry but posts like this really make me mad, they feel SOOO intellectually dishonest to me. I've heard them too many times to count now and it really feels like people are being willfully obtuse.

Especially this part:

"So I'll say again, did you all even want a remake? Because you got a fucking "REMAKE,""

Are we really doing this? Are we really pretending that it's ok to lie to your fans if it's technically not a lie? They willfully deceived us. I don't care about semantics or puns, and the fact that people are defending this based on those trivialities really sickens me.
They KNEW people wanted a remake in the form of "We want FFVII again, but now updated to how it WOULD be if it were made in 2015". They purposefully led us to believe that THAT is what they were making, and when they named it "remake" they weren't thinking "well, this should make it clear that this is a sequel that happens to be called "remake" ".

If you are ok with being lied to, ok, that's fine for you, but don't pretend that we got the product that we thought we were getting. This is the purest form of lawyer speak and it should be beneath us.

Personally, I never really actively wanted a remake until SE starting getting me in the mood for one, I was actually more hyped about FFXV, about the idea of a good NEW mainline FF game. But I was led to believe that I was getting a remake, and based on that I started getting excited about this possibility of something I never expected I'd ever get. I got back into the game, and was looking forward to seeing it again how I saw it in my fantasies when I was younger. I got excited about the prospect of being able to finally share one of my favorite game stories of all time with my friends and nephew who don't play games that look like that.

"Graphics aside the original holds up just fine,"
According to you, not according to the people that I can't even get to play it. Also, what is it with this "good enough" mentality? It's ridiculous, why do we arbitrarily have this "one and done" mentality when it comes to games? When I draw or make anything, I don't just do it once and however it comes out, that'll be fine for all eternity.
I try to perfect my craft, improve myself, I erase and redraw and eventually try to make the best version of something possible. Out of the thousands of games mankind has created and thrown against the wall, a few masterpieces have emerged. And I want those masterpieces shined and polished to the point where the effect it had on us is felt 100 times over by our descendants.

There is a saying, about reinventing the wheel, but people didn't just invent the wheel and be done with it, it was tweaked and improved time and time again. Why should a story be any different?

"why do you even care if the remake is weird when the original still exists."
Because I can't lie to myself, if the sequel to a movie tells me that everything in the original was just a dream, then I can't unknow that. That is part of me now. Canon matters, otherwise I might as well just sit at home daydreaming. Without canon there are no consequences, there is no tension, there is no meaning, there is nothing, because each willful imagination is as valid as any other. Who cares if anyone dies, or falls in love, or has whatever happen to them in a story? It's all just fake anyway.
Stories are enjoyed through empathy, through suspension of disbelief, and I can't just pick and choose which parts to believe. If Remake undoes the original, the original is DEAD to me.
I've already lost the ability to cry at crisis core since I simply know the ending doesn't happen, if you still can, good for you, but I can't, and I have good reason to be upset about that.

Also, even if I somehow could delude myself into pretending a thing didn't happen, no one else would indulge my fantasy. You think I can go and talk to people about FFVII and expect them to pretend things that happened in the remake didn't happen? No, they'll tell me to grow up and accept canon, as I've told Cleriths a thousand times before.

"The way I see it, if it was just going to be the same story with prettier visuals they should have done an OOT 3D and just updated the graphics while mostly leaving everything else alone"

First of all, that IS what people wanted, they just couldn't do that because gaming in 2020 is fundamentally different than in 1997. People keep pretending it's just a graphics update, it's not, it's an entirely different medium, as different as mute black and white tv is from modern HD, that's the point.

If in the 2001 version of Lord of the rings Frodo and Sam suddenly climb into a closet to Narnia, I'd be upset, and I don't think people would be telling me "if you just wanted the same story as the book but just with updated graphics, just listen to the audio book".

The remake was the first telling of a classic story in over 20 years. If this were the 10th freaking batman movie or something, then sure, I understand why you'd go wild and not care much about the source material. But that's not the case, it's the first and probably last time this story will be told. And now it's stuck in 1997 gameplay and visuals for all eternity. Had they given us a remake in 2010, and then NOW we were complaining about getting another one, then sure, go wild.

" If it was gonna be the same plot Square would have just done a remaster like I mentioned above, but if they're gonna go all out things have to be different."
Yeah, this is a complete non-sequitur, we all know that there is a difference between a faithful adaptation that simply takes a story, and translates it into another medium, and one that simply does whatever it wants.
No one is defending Dragonball: evolution because "well, they had to change it from the anime". Just like we all know that there is a difference between them translating the Japanese lines to english, trying to capture the spirit as best as possible, and what happened to the translation in the OG.

"you're all familiar with these people at this point, you know they're a bunch of weirdos with weird ideas "
So I should be ok with being lied to because SE is weird?

"did you all even want a remake? Because you got a fucking "REMAKE," built from the ground up as if it were a new game with a new plot"
I wanted THREE things, they're all separate issues, so don't conflate them by pretending they're the same issue.

1: To not feel lied to, I don't care how good you think the remake is, or how much you think it technically counts as a remake as long as you understand that "remake" is a pun. When I spent 300 euros to buy a product, I wanted that product to reflect what I believed I'd get. The entire game could have been a 20 minute long cutscene with ZERO gameplay but just a video collage of all the trailers, and although that would technically mean I got everything the trailers promised me.....it would not be ok. IF they wanted to make a sequel, I wanted to KNOW that when I saved up for months for this "remake".

2: For whatever they made to respect and fit with the themes, lessons, and overall soul of the original game. For them not to retroactively change what makes FFVII special.

3: And yes, I HOPED for a game that would fit the concept of "what FFVII would be if it had been made in 2020". So a faithful remake, changing what NEEDS to be changed for the new medium, adding things where needed that accentuate instead of conflict with the original (like Jessies house). And that I could present as the definitive version of FFVII. I wanted above all else, that after this game was out, I would never have to say "yeah, you kind need to play this 1997 game in order to really get what's happening here".
The remake is literally the opposite.

Those thing you apparently think I SHOULD want, are what I WOULD have wanted if someone had told me "we're going to make a SEQUAL to FFVII", but I wasn't told that.

Anyway, Tl ;Dr I can't stand this implication that there is something wrong or useless about wanting to see something remade faithfully with modern technology, it's patently absurd. This is proven by the fact that people DO want it, if people want something, it's no good telling them they shouldn't, if they want something because it gives them pleasure, that's good enough, we don't have to justify why we find it pleasurable.
I've also not seen a single person who was playing through the faithful parts who went "well, this is dull, it's just exactly what I experienced already as a child only now with actual realistic graphics, tears, emotions, etc, could have just played the OG YAWN".

If you want to have a discussion about whether or not an actual remake would have been better or worse than a sequel pun remake, that's fine, but don't tell me I have no cause to be upset. My feelings as as valid as anyone elses.
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Ninja Potato
That's almost true. Except Zack's alive (which is just shorthand for saying we're dealing with multiple timeline shenanigans). And there are at least two Sephiroths around, one of which knows exactly what happened originally. And so it is in his interest to continue intervening. Unless the Whispers were his only way back and destroying them was his one hail mary and he cannot intervene further. I don't know why that would be the case, but I'd be frickin thrilled if so.

and lol Mako beat me to it

Yes, and that's why I say these things were not done in service to a story. It's purely to play with the audience, not some difference in vision. Like Ite said when this all started, either things all happen the same, which would be great, but yeah, it would then make us ask what hte point of all this chicanery was. Or things don't happen the same at all and we're left wondering why they even made a remake.
I do think the former is more likely, but...why then

Yeah I'm gonna refrain from judgement on Zack until I know what the fuck that's about.

2 Sephiroth 2 Furious I'm actually pretty excited to learn more about.


Re: a few posts lol

I doubt they want to see themselves as corporately motivated, but... there is no getting around that they literally represent a billion dollar corporation. It's not antithetical to bring up it's a glaring omission of this remake is decidedly not self-reflexive on. I doubt they lack that kind of self awareness. Maybe they honestly thought they were taking a risk on a game that would bomb fantastically, but I'm not convinced. Frankly, neither of us can know for sure what they think about the corporate end of things, because it's something that isn't addressed in-text, or in the meta-text. They seem to be very enraptured with meta-textual elements, yet none of that is self-reflective of the issues that are actually pertinent to the story's conflict. Those conflicts are swept to the side in favour of contemplating their own "destiny" of remaking this game. It isn't an inherently bad addition by any means, but it is an unwelcome when it actively undermines everything else.

This is a gross omission with the Remake project, and why I cannot give it the favourable reading of "not something that is a result of trying to be more corporately safe... [and] put the brand on the line." This is the exact type of buzz creation that's worked for Kingdom Hearts, an actual fucking Disney property, for over a decade.

Does anyone honestly feel that creators contemplating their "destiny" to make this game is a more favourable point to the story than say... what their stance is on corporate greed, or environmental destruction? Do you honestly think that would be somehow the "more safe" route given the current state of the world? Maybe "Destiny" is what FF7 now means to them, and I can understand that. However, if that's the case, and the execution of that intent comes at the expense of everything else... then you can't blame people for feeling they're engaging with something seriously out-of-touch. If that has become "the thing" that makes the story important for them to re-tell, then we as fans have every right to criticize them for losing sight of more important themes.

There's obviously genuine artistry involved in corporate franchises. Hell, I technically work for one :monster: That doesn't write-off when those aspects are dampened by that corporatism. Especially for a story like this.

I'm just gonna quote myself. Obviously FF7 was never as punk rock as it seemed to me when I was 9, but if the creators were going to do this, I really wish they didn't use this story as their vehicle to do so.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't think they've omitted the corporate greed or environmental aspect though. If anything, they've leaned into it. There's now a very clear clash of values regarding people who simply don't care about the consequence of mako use, versus those who feel it's an immediate threat to their existence, especially as an underclass.

Shinra now isn't just ambivalent, ignorant or distracted from the risk to the planet. They're aware of it. In fact, they're so aware of it, they've tied the Space Program (which originally was an independent scientific exploratory department) to finding more mako once the planet inevitably exhausts its own. They simply don't care and reflect the reality of I guess, Climate Denial. I don't think any of those real world messages have been lost. If anything they've been refitted to match the time period we're in now.

If we never see that angle of the plot meaningfully engaged with again in subsequent parts, I'd agree that it was sacrificed and a diminishment of the overall story but so far that's been kept true. I don't think they're trying to shy away from that theme.
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Pro Adventurer
My thought is that, despite all the weird stuff, the party is ostensibly still in the exact same situation they were originally. Sephiroth is out there, he's up to no good, and we have to stop him to save the world. Nothing has really changed that drastically despite everything, hell, now Barret has a better reason to trust cloud since he's seen the threat firsthand. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm not that worried.

This. Nothing was really explained at all and it didn't significantly impact the overall flow of how the rest of the story is going to go yet. Biggs survives somehow but was it Jessie, or was it the Sephiroth clone living next door to Cloud flying him away from the plate falling, no one knows yet. Zack does indeed survive where he dies originally, but is he even still alive? For all we know, he could've died some other way before the events of FFVIIR even started (which I hope, because I hated how both FFVII and especially how Crisis Core handled his death). We still don't even know the true purpose behind the Whispers yet. It was clearly meant to draw up speculation and excitement for what Part 2 will bring.

I'm still convinced the reason why they were even included in the first place was because SE was stumped on how to create an epic JRPG final boss on an expressway so early into the game.


Ninja Potato
I can't stand this implication that there is something wrong or useless about wanting to see something remade faithfully with modern technology, it's patently absurd. This is proven by the fact that people DO want it, if people want something, it's no good telling them they shouldn't, if they want something because it gives them pleasure, that's good enough, we don't have to justify why we find it pleasurable.
I don't have time for your full post at the moment, but I'll address this. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting a faithful remake, it wasn't my 3 AM brain's intention to say that. I just really don't think square would want to make it, as is shown by them doing something different. They don't owe us anything, we got the game they made in 1997 already, if making ff7 again mean changing things then I think they should do it. They're creatives, they want creative fulfillment, which retreading old ground won't provide them. Just as you don't need to justify why you find a faithful remake pleasurable, they don't need to justify why they find making something different pleasurable. That's how it is.


Pro Adventurer
I don't have time for your full post at the moment, but I'll address this. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting a faithful remake, it wasn't my 3 AM brain's intention to say that. I just really don't think square would want to make it, as is shown by them doing something different. They don't owe us anything, we got the game they made in 1997 already, if making ff7 again mean changing things then I think they should do it. They're creatives, they want creative fulfillment, which retreading old ground won't provide them. Just as you don't need to justify why you find a faithful remake pleasurable, they don't need to justify why they find making something different pleasurable. That's how it is.

They owe us the truth, and as a common courtesy, they SHOULD respect the source material. Do they have to? No. I also don't HAVE to be faithful to my girlfriend, but I am, because I take the feelings of other people into consideration when deciding whether or not I'll just do whatever I feel like.

And just like I can criticize a bad game, even if there are no rules saying you're not allowed to make a bad game, I can also criticize the decisions SE made with FFVII, even if it was their decision to make. They're separate issues. No one is saying that not being faithful to the original is a crime or anything (false marketing is though), just that WE think it sucks.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
... I don't know if I'd equate the implicit/explicit oath of monogamy associated with a relationship, to the adaption of a fantasy video game of my liking.

If that were the case, we shouldn't just be getting the game we want, we deserve some of the profits as well. This is a relationship where assets would be shared, after all. :monster:


Double Growth
I don't personally subscribe to the DECEIT!!! angle, just like I never cared about the lack of a subtitle on Remake. That comes back to my experience with the remake being about me, and no one else. I know it's multiple parts, so I don't need the front of the box to tell me so. If someone else didn't know, that's a drag, but that's not my problem and doesn't have anything to do with my enjoyment of the game.
I also don't think it was in anyway false advertising in a legal sense. It would have been courteous of them to allow fans to set their expectations appropriately, though.

I do agree that saying to someone that didn't like the ending that they were wrong to desire a faithful remake because Square was never going to do that because they didn't is...tautological and pointless. Obviously the game exists as it does, only the truly fringe nutters on twitter would be telling square to change it. We're just saying that what they did (in this specific instance) was dumb. (actually, I'm being hyperbolic here to end with aplomb. But we're not even saying that, we're lamenting that it not only wasn't what it could have been. But it wasn't what it was SO CLOSE to being, hahaha)


Obviously the game exists as it does, only the truly fringe nutters on twitter would be telling square to change it. We're just saying that what they did (in this specific instance) was dumb. (actually, I'm being hyperbolic here to end with aplomb. But we're not even saying that, we're lamenting that it not only wasn't what it could have been. But it wasn't what it was SO CLOSE to being, hahaha)

Hey, regardless of everything, I am proud of everyone here because at least we're not The Last of Us fandom :monster:


Ninja Potato
I do agree that saying to someone that didn't like the ending that they were wrong to desire a faithful remake because Square was never going to do that because they didn't is...tautological and pointless
I must just be a shit writer. Jeez. You can be mad you didn't get the game you wanted, you can hate the ending, you can want that faithful remake. That's not wrong at all. I just don't think that was ever realistically going to happen, and (I'm gonna sound way too self important when I say this fuck) I think you need to accept that.


Double Growth
Hey, regardless of everything, I am proud of everyone here because at least we're not The Last of Us fandom :monster:


I was just saying to a friend that most of my productive work today was wasted arguing about the remake. He said that describes a lot of his work days. But he posts on GameFAQs *shudder*
I said that well I'm sure mine was a lot less maddening than that would be. People on TLS argue in good faith :monster:

I just don't think that was ever realistically going to happen, and (I'm gonna sound way too self important when I say this fuck) I think you need to accept that.

Accept what? What are you talking about? Where am I not accepting of what this game is?
And how could what I want have been unrealistic when ~35 hours of a ~40 hour game were EXACTLY what I wanted? If this game was an acid trip from start to finish, I could maybe see your point. But Square was perfectly content to make exactly what I wanted for the vast majority of their development time and their artistic brains didn't kill themselves under the strain.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
What is funny is that they did go back and give FF8 and FF9 some kind of graphical overhaul to make them not look quite so bad graphically for the PC and Switch versions (as least as far as the models went). Same thing for FFX and FFXII. And... the vast majority of old FF games actually. The one major FF game they haven't overhauled graphicly is FF7. And I think... a lot of people expected FF7R to be that graphical overhaul.

As stupid as it is to say, the graphics of FF7 are a major reason more people don't play it. It doesn't have the cute pixel graphics of the earlier FF games. Or the non-awkward proportions of the later FF games. It's stuck in it's own weird graphics style that doesn't look like anything else. Getting it out of that werid graphics style into something most gamers are more familiar with would do nothing but help it in the long run I think.

I will say that anyone taking the argument of "the Remake is still telling the same story as the OG by the end of the game" isn't paying attention to what the game itself says at the end. The last thing the game leaves the player with is that what happens next will be unknown. The flow of the story will have to be different, otherwise the Remake Part 1's entire main conflict with the Whispers won't make thematic sense. What's the point of killing Destiny if destiny doesn't change?


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
Sadly, after the mess at the ending, I can't take this story seriously as much as I wanted to. It really cheapened the entire thing.

I look forward to Part 2 but the hype and excitement is basically gone.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I truly get the frustration of having a favorite story's direction wildly diverge from what one expected or wanted. Hell, I was in that very same boat with Danganropa V3.

And anyone who knows Danganropa and played V3 knows exactly what I'm talking about.

When those type of situations happen, all you're left with is enjoying what came before the final part that left you blue-balled, confused and soaked in ice cold water. All you can do is dry yourself off and ignore the part where the enjoyment suddenly went weird and left you to finish yourself off, so to speak.

At least with the Remake, you know that the original parts of the story that were iconic and representative of the original FFVII will be there. When it gets weird, it'll more than likely be independent of the setting of the OG. And you can just tune it out. At least it lets you do that more or less.

For part 1, you can go all the way from the beginning of the game to the beginning of Chapter 18 and just call it a day.

They're saving the true madness for the final installment.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Double-post to not co-opt the Likes already given onto my next point:

If nothing else, the true resurrection of a dead character by magic spell (Barret) and the undoing of a death via time travel (Zack) kill FF7 for me. Anything else pales in comparison to that fundamental betrayal of the original story's emotional core. Reveal Cloud's secret plot twist while in Midgar? Ugh what are you doing, but fine. Destiny ghosts interrupting scenes that wouldn't have been changed, then failing to interrupt scenes that are different? That doesn't really sound like they're doing their jobs, and raises so many questions that I think the devs don't have any interest in answering, but whatever. Sephiroth everywhere? Expected.

But making death trivial, impermanent, and cheap? That's fuckin bullshit, man.

And @KindOfBlue asked if I would rather they kept Barret dead. If they'd really decided to kill him? Which they did? You bet. But they didn't really mean to kill him and we all knew it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think it's far too premature to state Zack is fully being resurrected. Yes, we may be witnessing an alternate paradoxical Zack but how it is handled or utilized is not mutually exclusive to the fundamental moment or experience of Zack being dead within the full context of the story. For one, Cloud has that sword on his back still and is walking around maintaining his illusory past. That alone shows the impact and scope of that death still exists. Plenty of stories have juxtaposed the inevitable fate of a character with the paradox of seeing said character within a "what-if" scenario, which exists isolated from the larger work or "fate" that awaits them.

If Zack is somehow sharing beers and snacks with Cloud and Aerith in Seventh Heaven post FFVII, I'll agree with you on it's horrible cheapening, but the fact that in a fantastical way we're seeing a glimpse of Zack that defies logic, doesn't mean he's for sure alive and well. If anything, that shows he can't be alive, not for real. It flies in the face of the story and is a paradox that will have to be confronted and corrected. They're toying with the idea, however the pay off has yet to be revealed.


Double Growth
If it just leads to occasional "what if" scenarios where we play Zack through sections and see how things might have gone differently had he made it back to Midgar, I'd be fine with that. But, A, I don't think that's all it will amount to and B, even if it did, it had no place in the ending scene of THIS game. It should have come at the beginning of whatever form those what-if scenarios took.


Ninja Potato
Accept what? What are you talking about? Where am I not accepting of what this game is?
And how could what I want have been unrealistic when ~35 hours of a ~40 hour game were EXACTLY what I wanted? If this game was an acid trip from start to finish, I could maybe see your point. But Square was perfectly content to make exactly what I wanted for the vast majority of their development time and their artistic br
The whispers permeate the game from start to finish, it would be a fundamentally different experience without them, and altering the ending to not go off the rails would not fix your issue. They're integral to the new story square's telling, and they definitely want you to find them strange and out of place in a story you already knew. The fact they're weird and contrast the rest of the game is the point. You act like they can just shift a few things around and you'd get exactly what you wanted, but it's not so simple. There wouldn't be an FF7 remake without them, because square didn't want to make an ff7 remake without them. That's my point, that's what I'm saying. They made the game they made, and they never would have done it any other way. You don't have to like it, I encourage you to voice your displeasure even, but you gotta live with what you got.

Look, I'm not gonna change anybody's mind here, so I'll just now out if it's all the same. I like you guys, so I don't want to argue in circles like this.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'll just say that I don't think the intention of Zack's appearance at the end of part 1 was to fully resurrect him for good and leave it with, "Hey guys, h's alive!!! Yay, aren't we all happy now?!"


It's never that simple, or that Hallmark and happy. For one, they've never been that transparent, or simple. And I simply don't think they're ignorant of what made CC memorable and are trying to just tear that moment out of the overall universe/canon of the series. They're playing with the expectation and knowledge of it's importance, but I'm pretty positive they're not trying to undo it.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Sparing Zack from his original death, only to throw us some T3 elastic time theory to kill him off somewhere else down the line.... is that what people want? Is that the story the devs are interested in telling? Just get on with FF7 already ffs.

As I said before, we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. The options at this point are: Zack does a pointless Donnie Darko loop and dies a different death, or Zack's surviving/dimension hopping becomes vital to saving the world and the finale of FF7R is all fanart family smiles, or they just drop the whole thing.

@Odysseus I'm aware that what I got is what they made. Saying that the whispers are intrinsically linked to the very concept of an FF7 Remake is a post hoc argument, though. Obviously I'm stuck with them now, but I didn't have to be, and I think they suck.


Double Growth
But if they're undoing just to redo it, that's gonna be pretty eyeroll-inducing.

The whispers permeate the game from start to finish, it would be a fundamentally different experience without them, and altering the ending to not go off the rails would not fix your issue.

Yes. Yes it would. I already said that they didn't really bother me for most of the game. Their resolution was stupid. A resolution that wasn't stupid would absolutely improve the game and bring it closer to my desires.
Also, what Ite said. Saying it's unrealistic to get a certain thing because it isn't what we got is tautological.
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