At one point I sort of decided that Wutai's methods of war are probably a kind of "old magic", likely using the many magic items found throughout VII's world (monster parts, generally) perhaps combined with some way to use them to maximum effectiveness. I think I might have taken some inspiration from the idea that traditional FF ninja attacks (including the "veil" items found in VII) are ninja scrolls, and the fact that Yuffie uses these as an NPC enemy. And maybe they had samurai swords somehow "folded" with spirit energy in a process taking decades, in keeping with an FF samurai's "draw out" skills. Whatever the methods, I sort of like the idea that Wutai did, in theory, have power to match Shinra, but Shinra's were the modern short-cut to the same ends. In other words, it took decades to produce a skilled and equipped ninja/samurai etc. while Shinra was dipping fourteen-year-olds in goo and injecting them with space alien to produce supersoldiers in days. Just some heavy headcanon, for ya.