I've got
Lightning,Orlandeau, Olive, Atoning Kain, Queen, Light Veritas, Fire Veritas, Beatrix, Fohlen, Marie, Ayaka, LM Fina, NG Jake, Onion Knight, Emperor, Elfreeda, Rem, Raegan, Gilgmesh, Fryevia, Balthier, Dark Knight Cecil, Duke, Seabreeze Dark Fina, Jiraiya, Tidus, Eiko, Ace, Loren and Aileen all ready for 7*
Fohlen is the only one STMR ready but the majority of them are 50% of the way there
I have Christine, Kelsus, Lara croft and Ray Jack ready too but I don't know if they'll actually get a 7* being limited units and I'm not sure if Y'shtola will either because she's a raid pull summon.
The thing I'm most interested in is the unit of choice system when it finally gets implements, although there's a lot of criticism for the game right now, because the JP version got this system with their second anniversary and they also had more units that could be awakened to 7* initially.
Maybe it's just after coming off the anniversary but the log in rewards seem rather meh for August, kinda gotta wonder are we going to get any special log in bonuses they seem to have really ran with that for a good few months.