Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

Ghost X

A general patch would probably fix it. They do stuff like that on a weekly basis. Not sure how long this bug has been around for, but if it affects new players (ie: new money sources in the eyes of the makers), I'd have thought they would prioritise the fix.


Waiting for something
I still think some of the bugs this game has after 2 years is a bit ridiculous.

So the rewards we got today were pretty good, some free tickets etc, nice to pull back after going all out on the Seph Banner I'm back up to 20 tickets again :)

Ghost X

Sorry to say, but I have decided to stop playing this. Might come back now and again to play the story, but have decided to cut down on my time sinks.


Waiting for something
Awww that's a pity Ghost I've really enjoyed the banter with you on this, I would say at least log in for the dailies over July if you're able to it's anniversary month so at least if you come back into the game properly you'll probably have some nice stuff to come back to.

I'm gonna keep posting in this thread but I will put spoilers up for any story related stuff just invade you look in, mind you I still have to complete the most recent bit of the story.

Also more maintenance delayed.

Some people are also very annoyed at them removing the dual cast for Pure Summoner Rydia, but I'm not too fussed I think she would have been to OP for the current content, mind you she gets Rod Mastery now.

I'm not really inclined to do the Kings Quest repeat raid either as the rewards aren't reset, I guess this will devote my time to the FFIV event.

Edit: looks like after some backlash about not resetting the rewards they've reinstated them. I didn't see the point of them not including them, it wasn't hurting anyone to have a few extra pots or trust moogles
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Waiting for something
I do love a good FFIV event, so I've used a few friend units with the new Kain and Rydia and they're pretty cool, Rydia is pretty awesome though I can't understand why they made her child form more powerful than her adult form in this game it doesn't make any sense.


Waiting for something
So Just Cause 3 is collaborating with the game (I didn't even know what the game was about) they said we would get one at the end of the month that wasn't a JRPG style game but this is an incredibly WTF move, I don't understand it at all and I'm not inclined to pull on it. I'm not mad at the banner, but they could have given us ANYTHING more requested: ChronoTrigger, Xenogears, Valkierie profile, Kingdom Hearts. Tomb Raider I kind of got, again it was weird but the newer games have had a supernatural element to them which works. Just Cause apart from being an SE title just is something I don't get.


Waiting for something
Maritime Strategist Nichol tomorrow!! Best buffer in the game and I think second best in the JP version right now.

His limit burst at max level provides 134% increase in ATK/DEF/SPR/Mag for 3 turns, removes all breaks cast on Allies and recovers 20% Hp and MP VERY NICE

He dualcasts his abilities and is able to provide several MASSIVE stat buffs and MP refresh.

I will say the one thing I'm lacking is a good Buffer I have Lunera but she's locked into her abilites as a bard so less versatile, whereas Nichol isn't. So excited for him I'm using all my tickets and doing a 10+1 pull for him tomorrow so fingers crossed for him.

For those who missed the stream last night as well here's a break down of what we can expect over the 2nd anniversary

Special tickets for how much Lapis you've you've used in total 5K=1 ticket, 50K= 4*tickets, they did this during the JP anniversary too, best thing is you don't have to have bought the lapis as it's based on lapis used so everyone should expect some tickets, I've bought lapis and bundles in the past and earned a lot from the stories, dailiy quests etc so I'll be interested in what I'm getting.

Special global campaign to vote on events for August and September of one of the following
Enchanted Maze which includes trust moogles
Free daily summon with 5% rainbow rate increase
5x exp when fusing and dunes
1000 Lapis added to the weekly expedition rewards.

Out of all of them the best one by a long shot for me has to be the free daily summon with that increase.

July log in rewards include 30% rainbow ticket, 10+1 tickets, 5* ex-tickets, 10K worth of anniversary log in bonuses for Lapis and the Fan Fiesta versions of the story units.

29th June-31st July is also another free daily summon set, there's a 50% trust moogle for completing the current story so far

Half NRG, New enchanted maze stage, Friend Points campaign.

Reload button is coming and cactuar fusion!! FINALLY

7* awakenings coming soon, the guess is within the next 3 months

and finally they've announced for September a second Dragon Quest collaboration, quite excited for that!

All in all a fantastic 2nd anniversary, I have 2 weeks off in July so I am extremely excited for this.

They've also added some new bundles into the shop as the world cup was announced and they're not bad at all, I ended up purchasing the 8.99 bundle it came with a 10+1 ticket and 6 normal tickets plus gear that provdes evasion was a pretty good investment I think.

Long post but a lot of info given.


Waiting for something
Well I went all in and did not get my Nichol. I instead got another Lotus Mage Fina which is pretty cool as she's ready for 7* incoming then but I really wanted Nichol.

30% ticket used which is how I got my second Fina.
35 tickets
10+1 ticket and 2 normal 10+1 pulls and no luck, I will say the banner is really nice as it gives out unit trust moogles which is really nice to building up unit TMRs. Still fingers crossed on the daily pulls that I can hopefully get him.


Waiting for something
Just cause 3 collab has just Started, equip units with machine killer and chain away.

Some very nice lapis bundles in there I'd love to have them but I'm currently all out of Lapis apart from enough to do dailies, the banner itself isnt bad by anymeans but passable, the raid is where it's at :)


Ergo, V
I ended up pulling the new Nichol today. Was a last ditch effort in my 5k lapis pull but I can safely say he is an absolute beast to have in your party.

I've made him my party leader if you wanna give him a shot :)


Waiting for something
omg I am so jealous!, I have been using every ticket we're getting in this raid and I still can't get him, a few of my friend units have him set as well as yourself and I'm using him every now and again.

Congrats though, he's such an amazing unit to have and while I have many DPS units, Tanks, debuffers and healers, I lack a really good buffer(I do have Lunera but I don't like her being locked into turns), it's the one thing I'm really missing.


Waiting for something
Oh wow this 2nd anniversary!!

So much free stuff they have been super generous, I'm very excited for this!!!!

My hope is after the anniversary things don't go downhill again, after the 1st anniversary ended the game went on a a little bit of a downward spiral in terms of quality and gameplay value so I really hope they maintain that this time

One thing just to draw to attention on the step up banners on there is there will definitely be more 5* units in the pool than just the 3 shown for each type banner.on the guaranteed last step, I'm still doing it, it's giving me more chances to pull Nichol and I really REALLY want him.


Waiting for something
Yeah it's pretty good, I keep hearing rumours about a Mog King event with the season 2 version of the characters in it coming up so part of me wonders do I go for the step up banners on the hope of getting Nichol amongst 20ish other 5* healer/support units with no rate up for him, or do I see if I can get him then if they release another banner. Too many decisions especially with getting lots of incoming laps


Waiting for something
My 5* ex ticket gave me Yuna really happy with this, I really wanted her during the ffx mk event and wasn't able to get her despite getting 5 off banner rainbow during her banner so I'm super happy to have her.

I love the homepage for the second anniversary it's so cute and colourful!

Ghost X

I'm still playing irregularly :wacky:. Got Bahamut finally. Might concentrate on the new 3* espers. Got two, four (?) more to go (as of this maintenance). Got the new Nichol. Would love some other 5* units, but keeping getting Dark Fina of late :p. Hope she has a 7* form :p.
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Waiting for something
Goddammit why is everybody but me getting Nichol!
She does have a 7* form so you're in luck :)

I think I need to concentrate on the 3* espers too.

What did your premium summon ticket give you, mine did give me anything exciting but it did help with TMRs :)


Ergo, V
I ended up getting a Lulu and another Seymour. Not that I don't already have 4 of each already >.<


Waiting for something
The joys of RNG well at least you can get Lulu's super TMR but congrats to you both on the 5*s I've had some really rotten luck lately on banners.


Waiting for something
This heroes banner seems rather expensive I don't think I'll be pulling on it as much again as I want Nichol I'm not willing to spend 25K lapis on the banners to possibly get him.

I'm setting my unit to LM Fina for tomorrow, she's 1017 SPR so her sacred burst when chaining does some outstanding damage plus she's got massive healing power. I've two of her and HT Lid so that should net me some nice bonus stuff in the MK event.

I'm have to be honest I've barely done any raids in the last week I think I got bored of them, and want the MK event.

Ghost X

I figure the Japanese version hasn't finished releasing 7* characters yet. Any clue where I can find a list that might tell me which characters won't be getting 7* upgrades? I have so many doubles (triples, quadruples, quintuples :P), that I'm wanted to empty up some space is all.


Waiting for something
The ffbe reddit wiki has a really good list. There was a new vid released today I haven't seen it but there's going to be 27 7* awakenings but also it'll definitely only be 5* base units that get it.

Also no word on if we're gonna get unit of choice tickets like JP Version got, basically you collect 10 of them you pick whichever unit you want. It was originally released with the current event we have going but we've had no news about whether we're gonna get it or not.


Waiting for something
Star ocean raid! Also I am so excited to do this raid with the reload button making life 10 times easier.

The game still seems to be suffering a lot of bugs lately, I'm annoyed I still can't complete daily quests right now.

Ghost X

Yeeeup, re: bugs. I'm finding the game a lot slower since the last update. Black screen drags on waaay too long.

Seems a lot of bosses also require the bushido freedom / dispelga trick now, and for the life of me, I can't seem to do it. Not that I've practiced it that much. It just seems ridiculous that there isn't a move that is more basic, rather than doing something that clearly wasn't intended when the moves were first released or whatever. I really want that water resistance thing from the Latius Woods event because I'm certain it'll come in handy for at least the Leviathan 3* summon, if anything else.

Other things that annoy me, super bosses that take hours to defeat, and having to memorise a shit ton of things to defeat them. I liked the complexity of Gilgamesh and the Shiva 3* battle. Anything beyond that, meh.
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