Maritime Strategist Nichol tomorrow!! Best buffer in the game and I think second best in the JP version right now.
His limit burst at max level provides 134% increase in ATK/DEF/SPR/Mag for 3 turns, removes all breaks cast on Allies and recovers 20% Hp and MP VERY NICE
He dualcasts his abilities and is able to provide several MASSIVE stat buffs and MP refresh.
I will say the one thing I'm lacking is a good Buffer I have Lunera but she's locked into her abilites as a bard so less versatile, whereas Nichol isn't. So excited for him I'm using all my tickets and doing a 10+1 pull for him tomorrow so fingers crossed for him.
For those who missed the stream last night as well here's a break down of what we can expect over the 2nd anniversary
Special tickets for how much Lapis you've you've used in total 5K=1 ticket, 50K= 4*tickets, they did this during the JP anniversary too, best thing is you don't have to have bought the lapis as it's based on lapis used so everyone should expect some tickets, I've bought lapis and bundles in the past and earned a lot from the stories, dailiy quests etc so I'll be interested in what I'm getting.
Special global campaign to vote on events for August and September of one of the following
Enchanted Maze which includes trust moogles
Free daily summon with 5% rainbow rate increase
5x exp when fusing and dunes
1000 Lapis added to the weekly expedition rewards.
Out of all of them the best one by a long shot for me has to be the free daily summon with that increase.
July log in rewards include 30% rainbow ticket, 10+1 tickets, 5* ex-tickets, 10K worth of anniversary log in bonuses for Lapis and the Fan Fiesta versions of the story units.
29th June-31st July is also another free daily summon set, there's a 50% trust moogle for completing the current story so far
Half NRG, New enchanted maze stage, Friend Points campaign.
Reload button is coming and cactuar fusion!! FINALLY
7* awakenings coming soon, the guess is within the next 3 months
and finally they've announced for September a second Dragon Quest collaboration, quite excited for that!
All in all a fantastic 2nd anniversary, I have 2 weeks off in July so I am extremely excited for this.
They've also added some new bundles into the shop as the world cup was announced and they're not bad at all, I ended up purchasing the 8.99 bundle it came with a 10+1 ticket and 6 normal tickets plus gear that provdes evasion was a pretty good investment I think.
Long post but a lot of info given.