So I used my last 4* event ticket and got Sephiroth woo I mean granted I didn't get my Lila but still yay!!
Forgot to edit this to say I finally did the Ifrit and Siren 3* trials, turns out Chow with 200% fire resist and using a friend Basch for the physical tanking made this fight an absolute breeze.
Siren similar thing, made Chow have 100% water resist, brough LM Fina for reraise and two Orlandeaus chaining took her right down in about 4 turns, so I got both espers into around the level 30s so not too bad.
I attemptes Bloody Moon and it was going really well during the first phase of the fight but then as soon as I defeated all the apostles he went ape even with Chow, Physical damage mitigation and reraise applied to every character and took me out!