Final Fantasy IX Community Playthrough


Great Old One
Re: Skype discussion, yeah it worked fine. I don't think we were more than about 6-7 people in there at most though. IMO it's about being aware of your surroundings to prevent unnecessary noise to the call.


  • Use a headset if you have one (laptop microphones often takes in a lot of noise)
  • Don't continuously talk to other people in the room or play loud music
  • Mute if you're having conversations/ eating/ watching TV/ you are on the phone

These things aren't important when it's not an arranged call, but for things like this it's nice to have some guidelines.

Anyway I don't mean to scare anyone off the call, the VII playthrough was very informal and easy going and people could enter and leave when they wanted, we had people in there who wasn't even doing the PT but who were watching the streams. It's just nice to know up front. Not that we need it, we have a Norwegian and sometimes a Netherlander in the call and we have no manners and will tell you anyway XD

Speaking of streaming, should we set up the side by side stream windows again?

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Hopefully I can join the skype next week. I'll still play through to the designated sot and post my thoughts.

Do we wanna make it Saturday every week? If so I could easily arrange for that day off ahead of time.


I probably won't be able to join in a Skype time next weekend, just as a head's up, but I am looking forward to this first one :)


If Saturday is normally a good day for everyone else, then we can make that the regular day. I have Saturdays off anyway :monster:

Speaking of streaming, should we set up the side by side stream windows again?

If other people are going to be streaming, I don't see why not. It's a good way to have the TLS chat and streams in the same window. I think I'm the only one streaming this time round though.


Chloe Frazer
Yeah Force, it worked fine. I assume it will again as long as Carlie's finally turned off her Christmas tree XD.

Hey Fangu loves that Christmas tree. :monster: Yes it is turned off since unfortunately the Holidays are over. :sadpanda:


As long as people try to keep background noise to a minimum, or if it's unavoidable just mute their mic when they're not talking, it'll be awesome :desu:


Chloe Frazer
Yes, yes Lex I'll keep the t.v. volume down since that's where I'll be playing the game and it doesn't have that whole lot of sound. :monster:


You don't even have to keep any volume down m'dear, like I said people can mute when they're not speaking if they feel like playing with the volume up :desu:. All one has to do is click the little microphone button when they haven't got anything to say.

AAAAAA why isn't it Saturday yet I'm too excited about starting this with you guys :D


Save your valediction (she/her)
I can't Skype because I am in a show, but I'm joining bwa ha yes!


Waiting for something
Something may be coming up on Saturday for me so now I don't know if I can, on another note I am definitely available for general skyping on Sunday evening and possibly tomorrow, it all depends on if my parents decide to extend their little weekend away but Saturday isn't a sure thing anymore:(


Pro Adventurer
So I've been trying to come up with a challenge for myself in this playthrough, but I haven't been able to settle on anything. So I've decided that I'll let you guys decide some challenges for me!

The theme is "doing things differently". For example, most players will take Steiner, Freya and Amarant with them when they are sent to Oeilvert, but this time I'm going to take Dagger, Eiko and Vivi instead. Yes, I was inspired by Alex :monster:

That's one idea - I need more! Ideally, they'll be things which will only take up a small portion of the game, so I can move on to other challenges afterwards, but I don't mind stacking a few of them if it's appropriate to do so. However, I reserve the right to turn them down if they aren't interesting enough or if they're just not possible.

So, what have you got in store for me? I'm counting on you :)


Pro Adventurer
The theme is "doing things differently". For example, most players will take Steiner, Freya and Amarant with them when they are sent to Oeilvert, but this time I'm going to take Dagger, Eiko and Vivi instead. Yes, I was inspired by Alex :monster:

You're so screwed! :P I remember that I had quite a hard time even with my best non magic characters.

Anyway, what about not using any abilities during the game. Meaning that in battles you're only allowed to attack. :awesome:

EDIT: And use items, of course.


Pro Adventurer
You're so screwed! :P I remember that I had quite a hard time even with my best non magic characters.
We'll see about that :)

Anyway, what about not using any abilities during the game. Meaning that in battles you're only allowed to attack. And use items, of course.
That would be such a big challenge that it would definitely clash with everything else I might want to do. I could probably live with not using black or white magic, but I wouldn't want to give up the ability to steal, for example.

So I'll turn it down, but I don't mind if you want to refine it. For example, you could say "no abilities while you're in the Evil Forest", or some other area of the game.

Obviously I meant use her solo where possible.
Oh, I thought you were joking, so I responded with a joke! I'll just go back to what I said originally:

Ideally, they'll be things which will only take up a small portion of the game, so I can move on to other challenges afterwards
Again, feel free to refine it. For example, "Use only Dagger after she has left Lindblum and until she is reunited with Zidane". That's the kind of thing I was thinking of.
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Pro Adventurer
Couldn't we give you challenges along the way? I mean I have only played the game through once, and I just can't remember all the parts of the game that well. ^^'

Also, it would be fun as you wouldn't have so much time to get ready. For example, if I gave you a challenge to use only Steiner on one part of the game now, you'd have all the time to level-up and all that, where as if I give you that challenge before the chapter that part is in, it will be more tough and thus more challenging. :awesome:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I won't be able to Skype...

Unless I can download that onto my PS3?

My computer (MAC) won't allow it for some reason, and I need to get the computer in for some repairs, one thing being the sound.

I hope I didn't fry this thing, but for the most part it works, just not the sound!

With that, I think I'll be able to start playing on Saturday.


Pro Adventurer
Couldn't we give you challenges along the way? I mean I have only played the game through once, and I just can't remember all the parts of the game that well. ^^'

Also, it would be fun as you wouldn't have so much time to get ready. For example, if I gave you a challenge to use only Steiner on one part of the game now, you'd have all the time to level-up and all that, where as if I give you that challenge before the chapter that part is in, it will be more tough and thus more challenging. :awesome:[/QUOTE]

You can definitely give me challenges along the way. I can say, though, that I won't be resorting to grinding (levelling up more than I would naturally) except as an absolutely last resort. Why? Because it's boring, and I want to have fun coming up with my own strategies :)


Arianna, you can Skype on your phone if it has Wifi and was made after 2010 pretty much. And is a smartphone :monster:

It's likely people will be logged into the TLS IRC Chat too if you just want to pop in there. I'm never really logged out.


Pro Adventurer
I may play on my PC after all, simply for the benefit of having the left analogue stick. Flint is a friend of mine on Skype -- is there anything else I need to join in?


So all of a sudden my family is going to be up in this area this weekend. Pretty sure my sister is going to be staying with me, not sure where my mom will be staying (either here or at her mom's), but this might interfere with me ability to join in the FFIX Skype chat :( Not sure, of course, but just giving you a head's up.


Great Old One
People need to stop having lives :desu:

I'm still on for Saturday, but bf and 3 friends are having a LAN-party in the same room - I'm glad I have a headset, the noise shouldn't be a problem but they're gonna think I'm weird, lol. Or maybe not, they're all nerds :joy:
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