Final Fantasy IX Community Playthrough


No Monterosa, Flintlock can add you to the call and from there you're free to add me :)

No problem Avec, I hope you'll still be able to join :(. And Fangu, can't you just take your laptop into your bedroom or something? You're emulating right? XD.


Great Old One
Back pain, arm pain etc since I am slightly rheumatic. I prefer the couch. Also, the router is in the livingroom. But it's a good Plan B :)


Higher Further Faster
When's the Skype chat? Saturday?

I'll try to join if I can. I think I should be free. :)


Well it'll probably be ongoing for a while, so you can feel free to join in at 12pm or 1pm :).

We can't really make it any later than that, it's 9pm for some of the Europeans and the time length estimate for each chapter is around 1-3 hours :(. I'm sure I'll still be playing at that point anyway, so just contact anyone when you're available.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Is there a way I can join in on the chat, even though I don't have Skype? Like someone call my phone number and connect me with the group??? I would love to join.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I think everyone participating should change their username to a moogle's. Shotty Mopli!


Is there a way I can join in on the chat, even though I don't have Skype? Like someone call my phone number and connect me with the group??? I would love to join.

Is there no way you can get Skype on your phone? I'm pretty sure you can call real phone numbers from Skype, but it costs money.


Waiting for something
Tomorrow is back on for me I can join you guys around 8pm depending how long it takes for me to get home from work, I finish at 6 but live much further away from work in Belfast than when I was in Galway, but i'll be there anyways, can't wait :)


Great Old One
Is there a way I can join in on the chat, even though I don't have Skype? Like someone call my phone number and connect me with the group??? I would love to join.
Is there no way you can get Skype on your phone? I'm pretty sure you can call real phone numbers from Skype, but it costs money.
I could support this, depending on the cost. If they charge a local US cost, then it wouldn't be a problem. But if they're gonna charge a normal phone cost from Norway to the US, that might be a bit too pricey. It looks like the first is true though - from this page it looks like it's a flat rate starting at 2.3¢ for US calls International, but then starts the question of whether you need a Skype Premium account to call "real" phones in a group call, etc. Edit: No Premium account needed, just Skype credits. Okay so what I can do is buy a certain amount of credits and see when they run out :P

A person can call in on a group call from a cell phone, but then one of us needs to have a Skype Number/ Online Number, and then two of us has to pay for it (the Online number + cell phone calling cost).

Does anyone have experience with this?

Edit: I bought Skype credits \o/ Arianna if you PM me your phone number (if you have a home number (or what it's called - line number, I think?) instead of a cell phone number, that might be preferable - according to my bf it is) I can call you from the group call :)

Edit 2: If I sound like a douche going all 'ooo I can pay' I want to add that salaries and living expenses in Norway are higher than in the US, which means that I pay less than you for the same goods, in a way. I'm sort of taking advantage of the currency differences. One or two batches of Skype credits won't cost me much (again, I feel I sound a bit like a douche) it's like less than half of what I would pay if I was to have cake and coffee with a friend at a coffee place. You guys are my friends. Let me buy you a coffee :)
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Save your valediction (she/her)
When is this I'm in tech rehearsal with Skype on my phone I'm bored did I miss it??


Family isn't going to interfere with me gaming tomorrow - I've told them my plans. Mom kind of rolled her eyes a bit, but that's not too bad :P The only thing that would prevent it now is if someone comes to look at the house or something (as it's finally on the market thank God). :)


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Is there no way you can get Skype on your phone? I'm pretty sure you can call real phone numbers from Skype, but it costs money.

I do have a cell phone, and I did download Skype! So, I should be set. I don't know anything about Skype, so I'll need a walk through, but... If it's indeed free, things should go well and I should be able to join in the fun!

I could support this, depending on the cost. If they charge a local US cost, then it wouldn't be a problem. But if they're gonna charge a normal phone cost from Norway to the US, that might be a bit too pricey. It looks like the first is true though - from this page it looks like it's a flat rate starting at 2.3¢ for US calls International, but then starts the question of whether you need a Skype Premium account to call "real" phones in a group call, etc. Edit: No Premium account needed, just Skype credits. Okay so what I can do is buy a certain amount of credits and see when they run out :P


Edit 2: If I sound like a douche going all 'ooo I can pay' I want to add that salaries and living expenses in Norway are higher than in the US, which means that I pay less than you for the same goods, in a way. I'm sort of taking advantage of the currency differences. One or two batches of Skype credits won't cost me much (again, I feel I sound a bit like a douche) it's like less than half of what I would pay if I was to have cake and coffee with a friend at a coffee place. You guys are my friends. Let me buy you a coffee :)

You don't sound like a douche. I feel very honored and thankful that someone would be willing to give it a try! I don't think it will be necessary now, though. (Sorry to make you spend money though.)

It's tomorrow at 7pm GMT :D

Sorry, I got it wrong the first time...

Eastern Time, US is five hours behind GMT.

So... Yeah, actually I wasn't too far off, two in the afternoon (2 PM) EST.
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Great Old One
Strangelove said:
I would say 'land line'.
Ah, yeah thanks, that is the word I was looking for! That's actually helpful with work too. "Is that a mobile number or...?" has helped me out of that so far, but knowing the actual words sounds a lot more professional :lol:

I do have a cell phone, and I did download Skype! So, I should be set. I don't know anything about Skype, so I'll need a walk through, but... If it's indeed free, things should go well and I should be able to join in the fun!
It's 100% free! The Skype app is awesome. I've been connected via 3G, talking to Lex on Skype via the phone while going Christmas gifts shopping :D And ofc he's done the same while going to the shops.

When my bf's friend borrows my headset for gaming, I just use my phone with the Skype app through WiFi. Works just as well as using the computer (except that my phone headset is failing atm)

You don't sound like a douche. I feel very honored and thankful that someone would be willing to give it a try! I don't think it will be necessary now, though. (Sorry to make you spend money though.)
No worries at all, they'll be spent on something else later - I've been wanting to try out Skype Credits for a long time but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I tried it out on my bf's phone yesterday and it worked like a charm!

If anyone else needs to be called up on a "real" phone, let Lex know :)


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
It's 100% free! The Skype app is awesome. I've been connected via 3G, talking to Lex on Skype via the phone while going Christmas gifts shopping :D And ofc he's done the same while going to the shops.

How do I call? I don't have a Skype number...

I will need to be lead through this... Sorry. Would you be willing to do so for me?

Or, someone else? I never did this before.


Great Old One
You just need to be logged into Skype :) And at least Lex will need your Skype name. Then he'll add you to the group call, you just need to answer it.
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