Final Fantasy IX Community Playthrough


Great Old One
Bored at work so made a time list.

Don't mock the use of places, is confusing - if someone would fill me in on the more well known US terms (like "Central Time"), please enlighten me, I'll take notes this time ;)

Los Angeles: 11 am
Phoenix: 12 am
Minnesota: 1 pm (Central Time)
New York: 2 pm
London: 7 pm
Helsinki: 9 pm

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
i want to join tonight but i'll reach you later because of the dinner. don't wait me, i'm already at the evil forest :P


Waiting for something
PSN was still down this morning so I probably won't be able to join in with the game right away as it'll take time to download and I CBA trying to set up my PS2 to play it but I can't wait for the skype chat tonight wooo.


Chloe Frazer
Hello this is me going to bed at 5:15 am because I was up all night playing AssCreed II. :)

That's time well spent if you ask me. :monster:

Bored at work so made a time list.

Don't mock the use of places, is confusing - if someone would fill me in on the more well known US terms (like "Central Time"), please enlighten me, I'll take notes this time ;)

Los Angeles: 11 am
Phoenix: 12 am
Minnesota: 1 pm (Central Time)
New York: 2 pm
London: 7 pm
Helsinki: 9 pm

Los Angeles: 11 am (Pacific Standard Time (PST) -8 hours from UTC)
Phoenix: 12 am (Mountain Standard Time (MST) -7 hours from UTC)
Minnesota: 1 pm (Central Standard Time (CST) -6 hours from UTC)
New York: 2 pm (Eastern Standard Time (EST) -5 hours from UTC)

Until March Puerto Rico is on Atlantic Standard Time (AST) -4 hours from UTC then we're back on EST since we don't use DST.
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If anyone doesn't have me on Skype, add me now. It's alexander.mckeever on there. So far I've got Loki and Arianna.

I already have most people. I know I've Skyped with the rest of you at least once before but I'm not sure if I physically added you. If you want to add me do so and I'll just make a big group call when the time comes.

Also delighted to announce: YOP WILL ALSO BE JOINING IN! Hahaha. Never did I think I'd see the day <3.

Arianna, I gave you details in the PM but all you have to do is make sure the Skype app is open when the time comes, it'll ring. Make sure you accept my friend request. A hands free kit is advisable if you're going to be gaming (obviously) XD.

Another good idea is to be logged into the TLS Chat, incase anyone has problems and can't communicate through Skype, so we can help :)

Two hours to go!


Save your valediction (she/her)
So this starts in one hour! Cool. I'm in tech rehearsal all day but I get a lunch break about an hour after you guys start, so I'll make a cameo.


Pro Adventurer
Hah, booked the living room for this earlier in the week only for my dad to realise that there's footie on TV. I deliberately held off saying whether I'd be joining in as I knew that someone would pull this on me (damn you Villa! :rage:)

Hopefully the match will end in time but if it doesn't (or if my dad decides to continue hogging the TV) I can still join the Skype. I'll just need to catch up on the actual game at some point.


AI Researcher
I want to try to get all the cards this time, so that's my challenge for this play through.

Need to get everything set up now and hope people will leave me be :sadpanda:


AI Researcher
I will probably be a little late to the start but hopefully not too long. Except when it comes to working out Skype :sadpanda:


Chloe Frazer
after the meeting, i can only say one thing:

Which we're informing Yop lost, the only reason he didn't lose badly was because Mage's son was sent to bed. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Yop won making cry the kid only saying no u :monster:
If that is a victory, then it is a hollow one. Yop already admitted being a bully when he was younger; I guess some things never change ;)

Anyway, here's my report for the first chapter.

What did you think of the opening? How would you rate it against other FF openings?
IX has two opening FMVs; the one that plays before you get control of Zidane, and the one that plays before you get control of Vivi. It's only fair that both are taken into consideration, I think :) I think they're great, perhaps only behind VIII in the series. More than the videos, though, I love the music that plays with them. Those pieces are amongst my favourites from the whole soundtrack.

There are a tonne of minigames in IX. Did you try skipping? Did you start Mognet or meet Stilzkin? How did you find the sparring minigame? Did you impress Queen Brahne?
Yeah, I'm a perfectionist, what do you expect? :P I got 50 in the skipping minigame, which is the minimum required to make Kupo send a Mognet letter to Mosh. I met Stiltzkin - isn't that mandatory? And I impressed 100 nobles and Queen Brahne on my first attempt in the swordfight. Full disclosure: PAL framerate makes things easier :monster:

What do you think of the controls/exploration compared to other FF titles? What about the battle system?
The controls are very good; moving characters around in the field feels smooth and natural. The battle system is generally fine. It would be nice if it were a little quicker, but I understand why Square wanted to incorporate a "classic"-feeling system for this specific game. It's not really any slower than VI, though the animations are more detailed and therefore take longer in IX. Full disclosure: I only got one random battle in this chapter, and I ran away :awesome: The compulsory battles all went well, particularly Plant Brain, which went even better than it did in my "perfect" game. Zidane stole Eye Drops on his first turn, while Vivi focused and Steiner defended. Then the boss did a Left Tentacle as his first attack, bringing Zidane down to critical HP, which triggers Blank's entry and the start of the real battle (Plant Brain's HP is fully healed at that point if you've done any damage). Zidane and Blank both stole, which gave me the Iron Helm. Two fires from focused Vivi and a couple of physical attacks from Steiner ended the battle.

Are you enjoying the story? What do you think of it so far?
It's been great :) I really think IX hit the nail on the head with Alexandria and the Evil Forest as its first locations. The city provides a gentle introduction to the game, and being able to control multiple characters - Zidane, Vivi and Steiner - lets you see the different sides of it, while the forest introduces a real sense of drama as you are forced to escape. The campfire scene afterwards is lovely, I think; it always makes me think "this is only the start of something big".

As no-one gave me a challenge for this chapter, I imposed my own: keep everyone at Level 1 for the duration. That was pretty easy, as there's only one battle that gives forced EXP, against the Plant Spiders. Provided you only get two of them, and keep all four characters alive, the EXP isn't enough to level anyone up.

Like I said, my theme for this playthrough is "doing things differently". Apart from the mini-challenges which I'll be taking on in each chapter, I'll be taking my time with the game, talking to everyone, visiting everywhere and just generally experimenting, even though I already know everything that needs to be done to progress the story and complete the sidequests. In this first chapter I learnt a couple of things already. Firstly, if you knock out Blank yourself in the first fight with Steiner, Steiner will still attack him with his special move. Not only does that trigger the release of the Oglops, it also revives Blank. How does that make any sense? Well, seeing as we are never shown any damage dealt by that attack (even when Blank's alive), I can only assume it is actually a reviving move. Why he would do that on Blank, I have no idea, but nothing else makes sense! Secondly, I visited North Gate's Melda Arch, which is the only other location that can be accessed from the Gunitas Basin besides the Ice Cavern. I can't remember if I've ever been there before; possibly not. There's some dialogue there which is presumably never available again, and there's a woman selling potions from the other side of the gate. Nothing significant, then, but interesting nonetheless :)

I need to think of a challenge for the second chapter, so send any ideas this way!


AI Researcher
anyone who got 100 nobles is the devil

just putting that out there

(anyone who got 100 nobles and 10,000 gil is the super-devil)

I got 90 and impressed Brahne, then 75 and didn't impress Brahne, then 93 and impressed Brahne and left it at that.

Trying to think of some questions:

- did you find many of the cards hidden around Alexandria?
I was going to try to get as many cards as I can on this playthrough, but after the part where you control Vivi you don't seem to find as many scattered around. I've not been playing cards with anyone though, because I don't want to lose/was trying to get through the chapter and catch up and forgot about it :sadpanda:

- did you remember/manage to steal the good items from the bosses?
I was going to start a new game, after playing a bit before, but when I couldn't get the Mage Masher from Baku in this second game I loaded my first save where I managed to get it easily. I didn't get anything from Steiner, though. Didn't seem to have the steal command there.


Great Old One
Hopefully the match will end in time but if it doesn't (or if my dad decides to continue hogging the TV) I can still join the Skype. I'll just need to catch up on the actual game at some point.
Hey I saw you came into #tls but you left before I could tell you how to join the call. Add Lex on Skype and/or scream and shout in #tls next time so we can add you! :)

I'll have to finish the chapter before I can write up my poast. Not too far to go luckily.


Pro Adventurer
Hey I saw you came into #tls but you left before I could tell you how to join the call. Add Lex on Skype and/or scream and shout in #tls next time so we can add you! :)

:lol: I have terrible timing it seems, I'll be sure to speak out in future.

I tried adding Lex yesterday, I'm new to Skype so I'm not even sure if I did it right. I added my dad but it didn't work on his either so I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong or Skype hates me already.

I did manage to play last night but didn't get far (just got control of Zidane, Steiner and Vivi) before dad became agitated. Will catch up as soon as possible. Just have to say that the game's graphics on my TV look terrible (FMVs especially). After fiddling with the settings I managed a slight improvement but it's still painful on the eyes.
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