Final Fantasy VII G Bike Announced For Smartphones - S-E + CC2!

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
So, we already have Reno on a bike.

How much time left until we get levels with Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz riding their bikes?

Or Sephiroth riding a Meteor? :monster:

Oh, about the workaround...

It's probably best just to mention that as a side-thing rather than promoting workarounds (...)

...why don't we ask Hito to do a (small?) write-up of what he thinks of the game so far? Then we could mention the workaround in a subtle way, maybe by means a link to this thread or something like that. :monster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Welp, I found out you're not supposed to even attempt taking on Reno until you've been playing for a while. Went after him, dodged some shit he shot at me just fine, dodged a couple attacks from the helicopter just fine, wailed on him for a bit -- and then he did his Limit Break.

Which, despite my perfectly blocking all parts of for the reduced damage, utterly annihilated me.


Pro Adventurer
First attempt.... I think it went well? I'll be piecing the rest together (each BGM has an intro and loop segment, which need to be edited together, with silence at the end/start removed for a seamless piece of music) throughout the week.

Might redo it with a fade out at the end.
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Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
So, we already have Reno on a bike.

How much time left until we get levels with Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz riding their bikes?

Or Sephiroth riding a Meteor? :monster:

Joe and Teioh: Final boss?

I was waiting for Rude to say "ryoukai" whenever Reno summoned him.


AI Researcher
does the music sound like it was from somewhere else, or is this new for g-bike?

Welp, I found out you're not supposed to even attempt taking on Reno until you've been playing for a while. Went after him, dodged some shit he shot at me just fine, dodged a couple attacks from the helicopter just fine, wailed on him for a bit -- and then he did his Limit Break.

Which, despite my perfectly blocking all parts of for the reduced damage, utterly annihilated me.
i would say this is the trouble with timed events in games like this. it kind of assumes that you're been playing it for a while. i think the reno missions are a bit easier than the last ifrit ones (except for trying to tap on the little bike to target him because that is a pain in the arse), but for the higher level ones those aren't going to go well if you having got good equipment which you get from playing the game for some time. the mission's description text gives a recommended progress (the lowest being finishing chapter 3) but since you don't get actual equipment from completing missions alone besides occasional materia you still need to create and upgrade new bikes and weapons to do well. it's not like levelling up gives you stronger attacks or more hp, that's all on your equipment. i don't think i could do the extreme one without the bahamut bike and flametongue sword, which you needed to play through the previous events to get (and play enough to get the items needed to upgrade them).

the next event is actually going to be an obstacle course type one, rather than a boss battle. which might be a bit more welcoming to new players (though they are recommending this shinra turks-r bike for it, and to upgrade that fully without regular mission grinding and bloody roulettes you need 800 of these data disk items, and those are prizes mainly in the advanced and extreme level missions, which you need good equipment for).

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Wow. Yep, uninstalling this thing.

Again, major thanks, Cloud_S, but Square yet again finds a way to make an awesome idea into mediocre reality.


Pro Adventurer
does the music sound like it was from somewhere else, or is this new for g-bike?

I believe anything that sounds new, is indeed new for G-Bike. I know that this version of "Hurry", I can't recall hearing anywhere else. I secured the event boss music and while it isn't good that I lost against Reno, doing so also gave me the "lose" BGM.

Even with all this work done, I'd love it if they'd eventually release an OST for the game. The mp3s within the game are encoded at 128kbps, so a higher quality via release would be great.


Cloud did over 9999 damage THIS GAME IS SACRILEGE

Seriously though when can I download it.


Double Growth
So, I know this is entirely unimportant, but is this game approached as though you are a gamer in the Gold Saucer versus actually in the situations presented?

I just think that's kinda cool/meta, if so. But it's not very important.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
After each mission you win, there's this annoying roulette wheel that you spin and stop to get your prize, and the Gold Saucer music plays during that. Take that as you will.


AI Researcher
they give context for the missions (like 'there's monsters all over the place' or 'shinra is up to no good') but it doesn't really mention the gold saucer beyond the roulette.


Pro Adventurer

Final Fantasy VII G-Bike [OST]

Titles are from the filenames found within the game's data.

More to come if the game loads new music as I progress through it. :monster:

As a side-note, I'm only covering new music, so the AC music "Sara ni Tatakau Monotach" used for "Event Battle" or the BC music "Black Beat" used for "Home", will be passed over.

MP3s are available upon request (PM me). Don't want to widely distribute too much, in the event an official OST is produced.
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Double Growth
Thanks so much Cloud_S!! Thoughts as I listen:

  • That Bombing Mission gets very Pirates of the Carribbean at 1:04.
  • I love the Daytime Battle theme. The Nighttime one almost sounds like it could be in a modern Sonic game (Unleashed, Colors, or Generations).
  • The Crazy Motorcycle remix is nice and techno.
  • The Event Boss is Birth of a God?! Awesome! That song is always so overlooked.
  • I liked the Hurry mix when you posted it before. The piano chords give it a cool effect. It lacks that obvious TICK TOCK, but is otherwise solid. I'm glad they hit all that crazy synth work.
  • Why does the main part of the fanfare lack so much oomph? The second part is good though, it's funny how nostalgic that part can be. I like Crisis Core's version, but it always fades out before you can hear much of it.
  • That game over music sounds like a straight remaster, I approve :monster:
  • That's...the Gold Saucer music all right. I never expected an official remastering without a remake.
  • And the roulette gets a more forceful fanfare? Weird.

Overall, pretty good. Thanks again!
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