Final Fantasy VII G Bike Announced For Smartphones - S-E + CC2!


OK so thoughts also:

- Bombing Mission: Strongly agree about the Pirates sounding thingymabob Force said and Tres agreed with. For the first 30 seconds I was a bit like... they're avoiding the syncopation of the original by trying to make it a bit more rhythmic, but it works I guess. I miss the... tunga t-tunga t-tunga t-tunga super low-key piano hits that were there during the more silent parts of the original (it was almost percussion but not quite).

- Fighting: something is not quite right here. Maybe I've been spoiled by a looping OGG version of the pure orchestral snip from Fulfilled Desire. Still good though.

- Fighting (Night): Oddly I find myself more on board with this one even though it's further from the original. Daytime makes the mistake of copying the melody of the horn from Fighting and replacing it with guitar which I'm not in love with, because for some reason people see "FF Remix time" and automatically jump to "guitar-ify it" which... I'd rather have crazy string section and horn please. But this version is a riff on the original so that kind of makes it more acceptable imo.

- Crazy Motorcycle: not on board with the bass destruction. I'm a bigger fan of techno/euro dance inspired remixes than any other kind of remixes, and it's kind of cool, but it's a bit like Sonic the Hedgehog (modern) using boost during a level, which just removes the bass and adds a flat whoosing sound. Needs bass percussion. A lot of it.

- Boss Event Music: BIRTH OF A GOD. YES. Birth of a God is love <3. However oh dear, we seem to be "guitarifying it" again don't we. Tip to anyone doing FFVII remixes: the fanbase does not consist of 14 year old wannabe rockers. Get some fucking other instruments in there, not everything has to sound like a FUCK YEAH GREASY UNWASHERY band people made it. I'm into my rock and metal as much as the next person (more than the average person tbh, I was raised on rock thanks to an obsessed father who was a teenager in the 70's), stop forcing it on every FF battle track ever made. It's only cool when it's used sparingly.

- Hurry: Appropriately used DnB style remix. Do enjoy, but it's definitely not my favourite of the bunch.

- Victory Fanfare: Agreed with Force on all counts

- Game Over: Faithful! And nicely done.

- Gold Saucer theme: Huh. Can't complain! Less grating on the ears than the original was.

- Roulette Fanfare: This is the fanfare from the chocobo races and this remix is SO BOUNCY! I love it.

All of them are good. Quite possibly I like Bombing Mission the best.


Pro Adventurer
Progressed a bit, and gained two more tracks.

I'm very glad I tried the Reno event, since it looks to be over. Wouldn't have acquired the music otherwise. I'm glad in that sense, that both the Ifrit and Bahamut events used previously released music.

Still hoping to get the ShinRa theme, though I don't know when/how it'll come into play (especially since, unlike this video, the music didn't change when I viewed the event...)
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Pro Adventurer
Trying my hand at this extreme bike event.


I probably won't be able to complete it.... even if I've managed "ok" so far... I don't have any special weapons or bikes to use.

BUT!!!! when I was flipping back and forth between the event and regular missions (nothing had happened initially)... the mission select music changed....

Yes, that's the Shin-Ra them! I got it! :excited:

All that aside, I noticed severe lag (nearly unplayable) during one of the Mission 4 levels, most likely from all the enemy models on screen at once.


3x3 Eyes
Been caught up in too many other things so haven't played this in a while. I'm really liking that mix though.


AI Researcher
i think you need one of the shinra bikes for this event, since the controls don't always respond and some of the barriers/logs you have to jump over are closely packed together, so you're going to hit them. it's easier to avoid the shutters or rock pillars since there aren't as many of them (and i jumped through one of the rocks once by accident and it counted as missing it). so the barrier destroying ability on the shinra turks/guard bikes helps a lot.

i don't know if i'm annoyed at the item requirements for upgrading the hardbreaker sword yet. there's only 15 prizes for these two events and i don't know if they give you enough to fully upgrade the sword just from prizes. they don't give you all the materials either so i have to go through other missions to get the rest of the items that i have run out of. but i don't think they have some of these items in the normal missions, and it doesn't tell you how many you'd need to fully upgrade it (which means levelling up two swords to level 20, combining them, then doing another 10 levels). plus farming for these items gets you two at the most per mission unless you spend gems on getting more which is silly because you might as well use the gems to restore your gs, which would let you play the missions a bunch more times and potentially get way more items than spending 100 gems to get maybe two extra items.


Pro Adventurer
I guess my ears are just too used to the original game's, uh, original soundtrack, because the only track that sounds any good to me out of all the ones Cloud_S posted is Lose, because it's basically unchanged. The rest of them feel like they've been messed with for no good reason. The Event Boss Battle comes closest to working, but I still feel like it's trying a bit too hard. I know this game is supposed to have a different atmosphere to the original, but it has only served to put me off.


AI Researcher

i did it, at last

now i want some of the upgrade materials to keep for collection's sake (though i didn't save the shinra data disks or the bahamut materials and now i'm disappointed with myself)

one limit break (without any support character bonuses) takes down the chapter 10 boss so it is good for getting money/exp (and i guess materia exp while you're at it, even though it doesn't have the increased materia exp ability).

i wish they would open up this talk section already, it's bugging me that it's been there since release but you still can't use it.


Pro Adventurer
App was updated on the 15th to Ver 1.1.0

&#26032;&#12375;&#12356;&#12511;&#12483;&#12471;&#12519;&#12531;&#12434;&#36861;&#21152;&#12356;&#12383;&#12375;&#12414;&#12375;&#12383;&#12290;\ We add a new mission.
&#26032;&#12375;&#12356;&#27494;&#22120;&#12289;&#12496;&#12452;&#12463;&#12434;&#36861;&#21152;&#12356;&#12383;&#12375;&#12414;&#12375;&#12383;&#12290; \ We added a new weapon, a bike.



I'll be attempting to use my previous method to get the updated APK.


Pro Adventurer
Sorry if anyone's been waiting on me for the v. 1.1.0 update apk, the account I made before was disabled by Google and my previously working method hasn't been successful despite multiple attempts.

I gave in and downloaded what was listed as the 1.1.0 APK from a random site Googling provided, installed and while it says "1.1.0&#8221; on the start screen, I'm having issues after the game loads.


Obviously something's not right... My progress still appears to be there but no models load and missions are blank.... seems to get stuck after tapping around too much. Not sure if it's my phone being too "old" for the update, or the APK had to be from Google Play to work properly....
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So this game's been out for a long while now. Has anyone gotten the chance to play it, or any thoughts?
A few of us (me, hito, Cloud_S, probably others I'm forgetting) have played it and mentioned what we thought over the past few pages.

My assessment is that it's fun for a very little while, but is bogged down by typical mobile game bullshit, more or less requires you keep up with playing it frequently rather than just picking it up when you feel like it (you won't be able to handle the increasingly more difficult special events otherwise), and would greatly benefit from having its controls mapped to a controller rather than a touch screen.

It is gorgeous to look at, though, and sounds great.

In summary (quoting myself): "Square yet again finds a way to make an awesome idea into mediocre reality."
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Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
At least Cid may be in Dissidia, since Square has been arsed to make a model of him. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
So I was nearly about to uninstall the game and try reinstalling it...I really didn't want to lose all my progress (and without being able to sign-in to Google Games, I would lose everything) when I figured clicking around at the start screen couldn't hurt (game was unplayable so nothing to lose even though I don't know what I'm tapping on)... I hit the 3rd option and then the right button under the dialog that came up. Not having a clue as to what I had just done I tapped start and hoped I hadn't reset it. Surprisingly, everything loaded properly and all my progress was still there! :D



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WOOHOO!!! This gives me hope that I will soon be able to play this game. Half the reason I'm getting a new phone soon is so that I can get a hands-on experience of this game. (The other half being that my current phone is glitching out every now and then)


AI Researcher
the third button on the title screen deletes the data cache, which is supposed to help if you're having trouble iirc.


Pro Adventurer
Well looks like 1.2.0 was released a few days ago. Found a way to download the apk...but now I can't seem to get the game to load. Even tried clearing the cache via app info, but it just hangs in the background. :(
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Pro Adventurer
Finally tried the 1.2.0 update on my friend's Galaxy S4, and had absolutely no issues running the game. So either my S3 is just too old, or the APK I tried before the one I found on the same site I used last time for 1.1.0 screwed it up.

At this point I've backed-up what data I can and see no other options but to uninstall and re-install.....

*edit* Uninstalling and reinstalling had no effect. Game refuses to start. Looks like either my Galaxy S3 is no longer able to run the game, or some other issue (being rooted? using non-stock firmware?) is preventing it. I even updated to Android 4.4.4 (from 4.4.2), used an app to reset things so the phone wouldn't appear to be custom/flashed, and still doesn't work. :'(

Everything is pointing to the Galaxy S3 (SGH-T999) no longer working with this game. :crymoar:
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Man, that sounds annoying. =/

This also makes me very unsure as to what new cell phone I should get. If I pick the wrong one it may not play G-Bike.


Pro Adventurer
Seriously though how long are they taking to release the game. Surely all that needs to be done is translation.
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