Final Fantasy VII PC Re-Release Thread


Speaking of, who did this 'new' port / update thing?

Someone who gives no fucks about FFVII, or they wouldn't have left that music in there. I would add that for all that's been changed it's entirely possible that one person did it over a period of about a week.
When entering the field where you recruit Yuffie, the theme which had previously played in the Mythril Mines was running here instead of "Descendant of the Shinobi".

Just like before this happened because I exited Mythril Mines a few milliseconds after a battle there. This stayed in the field memory and was then picked up again for when I recruited Yuffie. Man that was odd music to accompany the scene.

*EDIT: I confirmed that the field where you recruit Yuffie has the same music in PC2012 and PC1998, so this change in music was due to the glitch and not due to different music data.*

Nothing new but it is curious what a reoccurring glitch this is.

Sometimes you are not allowed to save a game. The game "fails to sync the saves" or "fails to download the saves". It appears that unless the game manages to connect to THE CLOUD then you won't be able to load or save at all. =/

I'm going through the game slowly because I'm doing the same obsessive stuff I do in every playthrough. Like levelling all the character limits to Lv2 before entering Junon. Will take some time before I reach the end.
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Pro Adventurer
I'm guessing that it will be impossible to save between Weapon's awakening and the Lifestream sequence. The error message will be "Cloud unavailable".


Pro Adventurer
it's entirely possible that one person did it over a period of about a week.
The OGGs were last modified on 9th September 2011, while other work on the minigames ended on the 21st of September. Work on the upscaled movies was finished on 30th May 2012, while the EXE was last modified on 9th July 2012.

They were working on it for ten months, although likely in small parts. I suspect most of the work went towards setting up the cloud save system and the other stuff.

Apparently they also fixed glitches like the MDef glitch.

Sometimes you are not allowed to save a game. The game "fails to sync the saves" or "fails to download the saves". It appears that unless the game manages to connect to THE CLOUD then you won't be able to load or save at all. =/
When you are connected to the internet or when you are not connected to the internet? Sometimes when I go to Save it tells me it fails to connect and then nothing happens, but after cancelling and returning to Save a few times it just gives me the local files.
The people of Qhimm has researched the game's driver and found that it is almost exactly Aali's driver. Apparently his driver had fixed the Mdef glitch too, which is why it is fixed for the PC2012 version.

From Qhimm IRC said:
[17:03] <Aali> you think this is news to me?
[and in response to the question if he had been asked for his driver]
[17:21] <Aali> there was no funny business from their side
[17:21] <Aali> enough said

According to DLPB:
it is certain he gave permission but whether he worked with enix or whether he was paid/been credited, he won't say and I am not allowed to pursue the matter further."

See also this document for a comparison between Aali's driver and the PC2012 version.

The OGGs were last modified on 9th September 2011, while other work on the minigames ended on the 21st of September. Work on the upscaled movies was finished on 30th May 2012, while the EXE was last modified on 9th July 2012.

They were working on it for ten months, although likely in small parts. I suspect most of the work went towards setting up the cloud save system and the other stuff.
It completely slipped my mind to check the file data for the production timeline. Good stuff.

When you are connected to the internet or when you are not connected to the internet? Sometimes when I go to Save it tells me it fails to connect and then nothing happens, but after cancelling and returning to Save a few times it just gives me the local files.
Yeah I tried playing the game right now without internet and yes, it was able to save locally. Thankfully. Would have been quite bad if you needed an internet connection in order to save.


Maybe turning off your internet connection allows you to use old PC saves then? Must test this at some point.


Pro Adventurer
Maybe turning off your internet connection allows you to use old PC saves then? Must test this at some point.
You mean using saves not directly saved in the new PC version? (i.e. Saves from PC1998 or edited-saves)

If so, no. I don't know how but the game knows what to expect from each save. If you edit a save the next time you go into the game from the launcher, regardless of being connected to the internet, the game will re-do your saves. Either that or it will just delete them until you next sync with the cloud.

However, you can introduce new saves by going into VII, and going to the Load screen: Then at this time, accessing the save files on the computer, putting another save file into your saves at the name of a file already there (so you will have to delete or rename that save file), and then load that save.

This save will not stay permanently unless you then save it in the game.


^At least it's doable, but they could have made it easier. Clearly they didn't anticipate people having saves from the older PC version, which I suppose is understandable. It's more a pain for testing purposes.

It'd probably be easier just to play a semi-completist usual playthrough and make a new save at almost every opportunity >_>
That was the most craptacular thing I have ever seen. Whoever came up with that needs to be dragged out into the street and shot.

I personally love this easter egg. It makes me picture one of the people working on this re-release, wishing that they were working under Blizzard instead. Maybe it was a frustrated employee who even wanted this to be more of a PC remake rather than just a re-release and as an act of defiance he added this Diablo reference.

I'm just speculating of course. Either way, I love the Secret Cow Level easter egg.

*EDIT: I quite like the crisp quality of the characters models, their textures and the battle animations. Was the game ever this HD even with Aali's driver?

You notice small details by playing this re-release on a huge screen.
Like that the NPCs in Fort Condor have faulty blinking animations. It only lasts for a frame and timing the snapshots took a few tries.



EDIT#2: I checked the English NTSC PSX version and there the blinking is "correct". Not sure if this error exists in PC1998 too.
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Lawl, that just looks weird, :monster:.

If anything, that's a better easter egg - as in, "Do your best. We will, too. Wink. Nudge. Nawsayn. ;)"


To be honest Shad, half the animations in the 1998 PC version didn't work properly.

With regard to your question regarding the character models - no, they didn't look "this HD" in the original release even with Aali's driver. If you turn on "Original Graphic Mode" in the settings you'll see the models as they appeared before. With Aali's driver and AA turned up on a GFX control panel they looked similar though.

The difference is, the redone backgrounds look better than the current ones since nothing has been done to them, which is a shame.


Pro Adventurer
No, not THAT much. But they could have gone without advertising it, seeing what it is. Therefore, they advertised (imho) too much.
TBH, I don't see why they shouldn't have. PC1998 was barely playable. This is an updated version of the game //and they made the effort to implement cloud saves//. Other people may not consider this a big deal, and may not even want it, but I think it's a nice idea and a significant change. With cloud saving and a proper working PC version of VII, I say that's more than enough to re-release it, and more than enough to advertise said re-release.

Not that they advertised it that much. They didn't give a release date or anything, they just released it. If I didn't watch Lifestream and surf the FFWiki, I would have only heard of it is from a GarlandTheGreat video after the release.

Alex Strife

It should not be hard to create a "PSX level" type of game. I'd say the current PC version is below the PSX version in a few ways. We're in 2012, and it should not be the case.

I mean, I am more forgiving with Square-Enix than the average folk, but... just no.


Pro Adventurer
I think it would have been fine if they had just fixed the music. And they still can. There's no reason why they can't update the new release.


^I totally agree with that. I'm expecting them to release a new music pack or something at some point, I can't imagine the fans that frequent their forums haven't been having a good long chat about it on there.


Save your valediction (she/her)
DLC: Debugs! $9.99
DLC: PSX Music Files! $20.00
DLC: Character heads without gaping blowjob mouths! $9.99
DLC: Deluxe Character Booster Pack 1 (speed and strength!) $9.99


Save your valediction (she/her)
We are verging dangerously on British humour in this thread.
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