Final Fantasy VII PC Re-Release Thread


Fury, Final Heaven, Kain Highwind
I have arrived to the annoying point of downloading the mods. Thanks to broken links i decided to get the torrent for all the mods.


Generally if there's a broken link there's a new one to replace it. Also be careful of downloading outdated versions of the mods, and of what torrent you're using to download them.


Fury, Final Heaven, Kain Highwind
Im' using the torrent that was made available by the same tutorial.

Also, i was trying to get the mods one by one but rapidshare Is SO awful that was impossible to continue.


Fury, Final Heaven, Kain Highwind
And of course, when i launch the game a black screen ensues. gg :(

I missed something i guess


Did you use the installer? That used to happen a lot when Aali's graphics driver wasn't installed. Or because you haven't moved the FMV's to their own folder in the install directory and edited the registry to tell it where to go...


Fury, Final Heaven, Kain Highwind
NOOOOOOOOOOO. That' s what i probably missed and i deleted everything. Im a sad person.


Well the point in downloading all that is to use it with the installer, which does it all for you.


Fury, Final Heaven, Kain Highwind
Wait, i used the "run bootleg" thing, Basically i followed every step on that tutorial, besides the fact that i didn' t moved the movies. Then, when the thing was unzipping and installing everything FFVII graphic configurator didn' t pop out.


You need to have the movies in the correct directory. Following the tutorial again should sort you out.


Fury, Final Heaven, Kain Highwind
Yep, will do. :D

When I launched the game, I have heard some distict sounds i guess that i really missed the movies. :lol:


That really depends on what sounds you heard :monster:

If it was cursor movement and nothing else, you missed the movies. If you heard a loud swishy sound, a stampede and the prelude, the movies are in there but not displaying correctly, which means Aali's driver isn't installed correctly. But like I said, using the step by step installer should sort you out, it actually makes me really happy now that I don't have to spend 12 hours reinstalling everything every time.

Anyway, let us know how you get on and what the problem was if you find out.


Fury, Final Heaven, Kain Highwind
Pfffff, due to university stuff i hadn' t the time even try to download all the files yet, and then im changing isp, I think i' ll have to wait some more, maybe in the meantime a FF7 remake will pop out, who knows

Cheers. :)


Pro Adventurer
I have a question: Is there any program/mod available which loops my own chosen music for the game?The big list of mods for the sound and music seems to offer me just music chosen by other people but I want all the remixes and stuff based on my taste. I think it´s just annoying at the worldmap when the FF VII Main Theme does not repeat anyways ;) Any suggestions?


You need to find the directory where the music is installed and replace the files you want in there. So yeah, it's entirely possible. Playing through the Gold Saucer MOG minigame with Beyoncé on is quite the experience.


Double Growth
So a little bump just so I can complain about a line change. I have to assume it's closer to the Japanese script as the PS line is a little out of left field, but I always loved it. After Barret tells his story as justification for facing Dyne alone Cloud says in the Playstation version,

Cloud said:
Do whatever you want. Is that what you want to hear? Well, I can't let you do it. Because if you die on me, I'm gonna have nightmares.

The PC version says,
Cloud said:
Do whatever you want. Is that what you want to hear? Well I can't let you do it, I need your help to save the Planet."

I likes the flavor text version :P

(Also, Barret's "So PLAY! Messin' round #@^%$!" is better than "So PLAY! Mess around all you want.")


AI Researcher
It's actually not closer to the Japanese line, but the original PSX translation was (夢見が悪そうだ, which I think was also one of Cloud's victory lines in one of the Dissidia games?). No idea why they would feel the need to make that change.


They changed a lot of dialogue in the PC release.

It's actually something that's not that well documented. Maybe it should be a project (adds to list of site things to do).

Most of them are grammar corrections, but none are retranslated. They're just corrections from the original English localisation. But yeah the above change doesn't make sense.


AI Researcher
That line was in Dissidia, it became 'I won't sleep well tonight' in the English version.

I did a little bit of a comparison between the Japanese and English PSX scripts based on the suggestion brought up here before, but maybe that could expand to cover differences like this too.
I get déjà vu from this. About 1-2 years ago I brought up that script difference between the PSX and PC version. ForceStealer then expressed how disappointed he was with the PC line. Then we established that the PSX translation was closer to the Japanese line. :monster:

I actually have a document that compares the PSX and PC English text. BrutalAl made it for me upon my request. I have tons of material like this for a new Versions Guide, it's just that I never get this feature off the ground because something else always catches my attention.

The plan was to have a page that summarizes the biggest script differences, then include a download link to the document that shows the full PSX versus PC script comparisons.

Here is a link to the summary: *Link removed because document was incomplete*
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The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Does the item duplication trick work on the new PC version? Just want to know how easy getting elixirs will be.
From what I've heard, the item duplication trick does not work in the PC2012 version. It is based on Aali's Driver, which removed the glitch.

Also, OOPS. The excel document I linked is not nearly as complete as I thought. It lacks many examples of big differences, such as the "so that's how you'll fool them" line in Wall Market. =/ Anyway, I do possess the document with the complete comparison of the field script. Battle and menu script are yet to be compared.

Here is the complete document, compiled by our lord and master BrutalAl.
PSX English NTSC versus PC98 English


Double Growth
That line was in Dissidia, it became 'I won't sleep well tonight' in the English version.

Another flubbed referenccein the dissidia localization, I never would have detected that. Square's localization has improved dramatically over the years, but they did an awful job getting the references right in that game. They couldn't have anyone more familiar with the games involved?

"This isn't the place to stop," for "There's no getting off this train" was unforgivable.

I get déjà vu from this. About 1-2 years ago I brought up that script difference between the PSX and PC version. ForceStealer then expressed how disappointed he was with the PC line. Then we established that the PSX translation was closer to the Japanese line. :monster:



Aali's driver didn't remove the item duplication glitch, his driver is simply a graphics driver with hooks for other patches to be in use while the game is running.

I know the W-Item trick works with Aali's driver, but now I'm not sure about the re-release. I can't see why it wouldn't unless it was removed by Square, but I really don't think it was.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Any idea how to get the japanese version of the PC release without living in Japan? I went to the official eSTORE and it kicks me out because my IP address isn't japanese.
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