Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]


Most notably, the BradyGames guide for X-2 will fuck you out of 100% completion in a single playthrough should you listen to its every command. There are some really, really notable errors there that will just ruin the whole goddamn thing for you.

This. Holy shit you have no idea how much time I wasted trying to get 100% on a single play through only to be at 99% at the end. Ugh. I was so pissed.

But in hindsight X-2 really shouldn't be played like that anyway. :P

So we've just started a playthrough of X-2 using the BradyGames guide that Force already had...does anyone know what about it is off? This is the limited edition guide, if that makes ANY difference in its content/correctness... We're more than halfway through Chapter 1, according to the guide so far. The back of the guide has a complete breakdown of percentages gained from doing certain things, and according to that breakdown, we should be at 100% when we finish the that just straight BS?

Also need to post my general thoughts on the HD remasters sometime. I keep getting distracted :P

Celes Chere

I just got passed the gross forced wedding and i'm laughing so hard because rikku throws a grenade at seymour and he STARES at it... he fucking stares at it and it explodes in his face.

I thought Tidus was the least intelligent character in this game but after replaying he is actually rather intelligent compared to baboons like Seymour and Wakka omg


Higher Further Faster
So we've just started a playthrough of X-2 using the BradyGames guide that Force already had...does anyone know what about it is off? This is the limited edition guide, if that makes ANY difference in its content/correctness... We're more than halfway through Chapter 1, according to the guide so far. The back of the guide has a complete breakdown of percentages gained from doing certain things, and according to that breakdown, we should be at 100% when we finish the that just straight BS?

Also need to post my general thoughts on the HD remasters sometime. I keep getting distracted :P

I have the special edition with the art book. It is just straight up BS. When I went to fight the final boss I had precisely the percentage that the guide told me I should have. Still only had 99% when I was done.

I have no idea what is off.


I have the special edition with the art book. It is just straight up BS. When I went to fight the final boss I had precisely the percentage that the guide told me I should have. Still only had 99% when I was done.

I have no idea what is off.

Well, that's distressing.



Auron's character model looks really good. You can actually see the pores in his face. On PS2 it was just a bland skin colored texture.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Lulu definitely looks the best of them all. However, I do like Auron and can actually see his 'tache now. :awesome:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I have the special edition with the art book. It is just straight up BS. When I went to fight the final boss I had precisely the percentage that the guide told me I should have. Still only had 99% when I was done.

I have no idea what is off.

I have the same book. One notable bit I recall being off is the directions it gives you for capturing the chocobo on the Mi'hen Highroad early in Chapter 2 (I believe). Following the guide, you will capture it in the second section of the Highroad, when you need it to escape to the final location (a brief cutscene will occur here where Rikku slips and falls from one of the ruins).

Missing that will lose you something like 0.1% -- just enough to throw off the 100% counter while making it look like you have all you're supposed to up to this point.

Another thing I remember being wrong involved the chocobo ranch and sending out the chocobos, but I don't remember exactly what it was.

By and large, the official guide will get you most of what you need. Just be sure to consult a well-rated fan guide for those bits I mentioned.


I don't think the piggyback guide has mistakes but I can't be sure, I only got 100% completion once back in the day. I'm looking forward to getting back into X-2 tbh, but that's a while away unfortunately XD.

Anyway, X update:

Got to the Calm Lands and naturally doing sidequests. I've gone back and collected 10 of each fiend from each area so far. You can't go back through Guadosalam until you get the airship so I've got 10 of each creature from the Calm Lands, Thunder Plains, Macalania, Cavern of the Stolen Fayth and Mt. Gagazet so far. I found an amazing spreadsheet/checklist that I downloaded but I don't remember where I got it from, if I do I'll share the link.

Now I'm getting back into Blitzball because I should have done enough battles for the Auroch Reels + Jupiter Sigil to appear. I just got status reels so imma do a tournament then keep loading it up til Auroch Reels appears XD. If not then I'll just continue with the story.

Got Nirvana, Kimahri's Spirit Lance from the Thunder Plains while I was there and also got the Sun Sigil from the chocobo racing thing (my god I wanted to destroy my controller, that shit was so much easier on the PAL version because it was slower). I did pick up a no encounters armour from cavern of the stolen fayth so I'm thinking about tackling the 200 lightning bolts thing tonight. And I got Yojimbo since I had a shit load of gil from capturing the monsters.

And I agree about Lulu looking the best. She looks AMAZING.

Anyway back to it, time to forget my problems and become reabsorbed into the blitzball craze.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Should I pick this up? I'm no newbie to FFX at all, but I figured my girlfriend might be into it and I'd enjoy the remaster myself.

I just got passed the gross forced wedding and i'm laughing so hard because rikku throws a grenade at seymour and he STARES at it... he fucking stares at it and it explodes in his face.

I thought Tidus was the least intelligent character in this game but after replaying he is actually rather intelligent compared to baboons like Seymour and Wakka omg

Wakka is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, no. I respect his character growth from going to a dumb racist to a tried and true comrade, and it shows that anyone can redeem themselves and be a better person if they have the courage to look within their own character and face their flaws.

Tidus is...surprisingly observant. People pass him off as dumb but it's easy to forget that besides for the dumb shit he says, we know because of his inner narration that its really a mix of trying his best to adapt to a completely alien world, but he generally asks the right questions and notices stuff that other characters don't.

Alex Strife

There are things that are completely obvious to us as players (as genre savvy as we have become with time) that would never be obvious to a person getting thrown into a new world.

Of course, this is not a good excuse all the time but I have never found Tidus to be incorrectly characterised. Not the first time and certainly not now. A bit too much on the cheerful side of things, perhaps. But he's young, he's cocky and he's generally in high spirits. I am actually a bit surprised at how the fandom has kind of "degenerated" the character into something he's not in the game, since he has his own "despair" (realistic) moments. I am once again enjoying the way he is portrayed, and not the parodies many fans do of him.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I've always thought Tidus was an excellent character. Most of those fans who lambaste him, lamenting the lack or a "more realistic" (read: angsty, existentially anguished) lead, can't give reasons for disliking him that match up with what actually happens in the game.

It's usually some nonsense about him being whiney, selfish or immature. None of which stands up to the slightest scrutiny.

Celes Chere

Wakka is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, no. I respect his character growth from going to a dumb racist to a tried and true comrade, and it shows that anyone can redeem themselves and be a better person if they have the courage to look within their own character and face their flaws.

Ye, I still don't like him lol. It's not that I hate him I just don't care about him like I do the other characters. It's cool that he realized his mistakes in the end but some of the things he said... just no. At least after he told Rikku her home exploding looked like fireworks he asked himself why he didn't keep his mouth shut.


But despite me not really caring for Wakka I really love the bond the FFX group has with one another, him included. They all care about each other so much and Tidus and Wakka are like brothers and it's really sweet ;A;

Tidus is...surprisingly observant. People pass him off as dumb but it's easy to forget that besides for the dumb shit he says, we know because of his inner narration that its really a mix of trying his best to adapt to a completely alien world, but he generally asks the right questions and notices stuff that other characters don't.

Yeah all the times I played FFX I just wrote him off as a whiney dope but during this playthrough I really noticed that while yes he is a dope - he is actually really observant (especially when it comes to other people's feelings!) and understandably naive. Don't get me wrong he says some REALLY EMBARRASSINGLY DUMB stuff but it's pretty forgiveable. Actually it's sort of charming at times.

Serah Farron

Almost done leveling in that mountain cave that leads to Zanarkand. Then I'll move on with the story... and I think I'll go ahead and try to start leveling in Omega Ruins. If I can survive it yet that is :P

I've been trying to remember to steal, but haven't gotten the troph yet. I feel like it'll be soon though.

I have a question about one of the trophies though. It's about the Perfect Sphere Master.

You have to fill every empty node, but like.. my question is, does it matter which ones you use? Say HP Sphere? And as for the Luck nodes... if I don't have any Luck Spheres, could I use the Clear Spheres then HP Sphere to make it easier and still count? Wanna make sure before I screw myself over. Though I don't plan to start doing any of that right away.


^Yeah you can fill the empty nodes with whatever you want afaik. Some dude on YouTube just got MP spheres because they're the easiest to farm and after maxing his stats just filled the grid with them. Deleting and replacing nodes shouldn't matter either.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I've heard some of his stuff before, I love this one.


AI Researcher
^Yeah you can fill the empty nodes with whatever you want afaik. Some dude on YouTube just got MP spheres because they're the easiest to farm and after maxing his stats just filled the grid with them. Deleting and replacing nodes shouldn't matter either.
if you delete and replace a node, do you lose the stat boost that was originally there? (say if you replaced an mp sphere with an hp one, would your mp go down while your hp goes up?)

man i should play this game some more

or at all

Serah Farron

Thanks Lex, really appreciate it. :D Yay now I don't have to worry.

I just got to Omega Ruins last night. It's gonna take awhile just to be able to get to the point where they aren't doing as much damage to me u__u I took Auron through Wakka's path and Rikku finished Tidus's, so she's going through Auron's now. I'm taking Yuna all the way to auto-life and then finish up Lulu's.


if you delete and replace a node, do you lose the stat boost that was originally there? (say if you replaced an mp sphere with an hp one, would your mp go down while your hp goes up?)

man i should play this game some more

or at all

Yes, all characters who activated the node would lose the boost in stats if you delete the node. I'm planning to get them to finish the grid then all move to the same spot and just work my way round from a starting point deleting the shit nodes and filling all the empty ones.

I'm actually super excited about it. #sadbuttrue


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
So I've just beat Biran and Yenke, although I've gone back to the Calm Lands to do the Monster Arena quest. Plus, I'm pretty sure I've missed an Al Bhed Primer there. I picked up the one from the Cavern of the Lost Fayth. Currently trying to raise enough money to get Yojimbo and he's proving to be a pain in the arse.

I looked it up and apparently he doesn't accept less than 190,000 gil. And here I was, thinking the fayth aided in the fight to defeat Sin. But nope, this one's a hustler. :monster:


I got the airship and naturally got sidetracked with everything else that opens up :monster:

I've now captured 10 of every fiend from every area aside from Inside Sin, which I haven't started yet. Got all the side-quest related Sigils (Kimahri's from Macalania Woods, Rikku's from the catuar minigame, Wakka's sigil from Blitzball, Auron from monster arena, Yuna's from remiem and I got Tidus's the other day), I'm only missing Lulu's. I've done the 200 lightning bolt dodges before but it felt harder before when I went through there this time, so I'm dreading it a little bit ;-;.

I got a no encounters weapon from Geosgeano so I'm going to use that. Tomorrow is dodge the lightning day. And also inside sin monster capture. Then it's all about the farming for my sphere grid which will be fucking beautiful and OCD-level organised <3

Serah Farron

Wow, I'm jealous. I'm nowhere near being that close! I only just got the Celestial Mirror today and got Rikku's/Lulu's ultimate weapons. I'M SO SLOW. I gave up grinding for now to start collecting the weapons and fully upgrading them.... :'( I'm not looking forward to Wakka's...

I've only ever upgraded Auron's/Yuna's/Rikku's.
Also I had planned to start capturing every fiend now just because, but I was afraid that if I went inside Sin now (to level, but also to capture) some sidequests would close. I'm guessing that's not true though? I mean I remember the original NA version didn't have a time limit but since this has the added International stuff I wasn't sure and didn't want to risk screwing myself over. >__>

I got Yojimbo earlier and went to get Anima, and remembered that I forgot to go back to Zanarkand Ruins for the destruction sphere chest thingy. :@

And since I just found out about the grinding in arena, looks like I'll be taking that route this time >__> My first time I did it the annoying way.... by grinding... in Omega Ruins... till everyone has their sphere grids completed. I feel dumb now. :faint:


^Don't feel dumb, the Omega Ruins is an awesome place to grind. Some of the monsters in the monster arena are super tough, a lot of guides or people say "oh just go fight this in the arena for 9 million spheres of awesome" but no one ever talks about how to manage the fights when you're not actually strong enough to do it. Omega ruins is the best place to get round the grid so that you're strong enough to actually start grinding the monster arena stuff.

Or there is that whole overdrive->AP thing but the thing is you have to grind to get the items to put that on weapons anyway which people don't factor in >_>



And I'm fucking proud of it, because I got to 89 then failed, then I shit you not, 181 and then failed again before I succeeded. I lost count and panicked and ended up


We have come to terms
Yes, all characters who activated the node would lose the boost in stats if you delete the node. I'm planning to get them to finish the grid then all move to the same spot and just work my way round from a starting point deleting the shit nodes and filling all the empty ones.

I'm actually super excited about it. #sadbuttrue
Prepare for quite a grind. I've done this before (three times - I've logged at least 1500 hours in FFX /nolife), and it's not difficult at all (so long as you're getting overkills on the relevant arena bosses), up until you get to Luck. Luck is a royal pain to grind.

Fun fact: you actually have to delete the MP and HP nodes as well, and you still can't max out every stat. You can max every basic stat, max out MP, and then end up with somewhere in the neighborhood of 60k HP, if memory serves.

And unfortunately, if you want to kill the Dark Aeons, you don't have a choice on that Luck thing...
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