Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]


How are you people so far already? D:

I just finished Operation Mi'hen.

I like how they never gave you a good look at Sin until now. Anyway, the Al Bhed should've tried to salvage a machina Jaeger or something. :monster:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
I'm only in Bevelle, just about to fight Seymour. Calm lands are next.
Things open up more in the Calm lands so I'm looking forward to it.

I've now captured 10 of every fiend from every area aside from Inside Sin,

How the hell have you managed that?
In previous games I've spend hours running around the cave of the stolen fayth and only ever found one Tonberry. :@
They are rare as fuck, how did you find ten? O_o


There are funny rules about which enemies appear where in this game. Tonberries in the cavern appear more frequently (at about a 10% incidence) in a room that's a greenish colour. More common enemies don't appear there at all.

The enemy I had the most trouble capturing was the Simurgh actually - a flying enemy that only appears on the second half of the Djose Highroad, It appeared like once every 7 battles. By the time I'd caught 10 of every other enemy I had 2 of those. That was an annoying grind.

Omega said:
Prepare for quite a grind. I've done this before (three times - I've logged at least 1500 hours in FFX /nolife), and it's not difficult at all (so long as you're getting overkills on the relevant arena bosses), up until you get to Luck. Luck is a royal pain to grind.

Fun fact: you actually have to delete the MP and HP nodes as well, and you still can't max out every stat. You can max every basic stat, max out MP, and then end up with somewhere in the neighborhood of 60k HP, if memory serves.

And unfortunately, if you want to kill the Dark Aeons, you don't have a choice on that Luck thing...

I've done it before too - I think you're referring to the US sphere grid? Which has 200 less nodes than the standard PAL/Int (or HD remaster now :P) sphere grid. It's entirely possible to max every stat with the standard sphere grid in this release, it's just a bit insane.

Maxing luck is horrible, but a maxed luck stat is equivalent to a max evasion and accuracy stat, so you don't have to max those at all. It's kind of an either/ or situation, I might not bother with luck. I did a bit of it when I beat penance et al 10 years or so ago, but I didn't bother maxing it.

You don't need HP above 9999 either, just need to have some good strategies down. But since the trophies require every node to be filled, I'll probably max all the stats (aside from luck, maybe) then fill the rest of them with HP spheres. MP is totally pointless in the end really :/


We have come to terms
Nah, lex. The Expert grid does have fewer nodes, but I'm talking about the standard one from Int/PAL (I have an imported Int version).

As far as luck - the problem is that the aeons past Ixion all have maxed stats, including Luck, etc. Even with max accuracy, you are still likely to miss, which is why you have to get a ton of luck, although some people spam Wakka's Aim skill to make up for it.

But even so, it's not possibly to max HP and MP with every stat as well (or even just HP and MP and everything but luck). Personally, I prefer to max every base stat, get MP to 999 (if I can't kill it with that much MP I'm doing it wrong), and then pump the rest into HP, which won't let me get anywhere near 100k; this is okay, though, because you don't really need more than maybe 20 or 30k for even the hardest boss fights.

Edit: whoops, my memory was off. You can max every stat and still hit 74,400 HP, assuming you only go for 999 MP.

Simurgh is a pain because it only appears in areas of Djose that are in shadow. Ugh, the memories.

Second edit: At one point, I remember manually doing all the math to determine the ideal amount of gil to pay Yojimbo for a Zanmato. The answer is that for enemies with a Zanmato Level of less than 4 (which is basically most non-boss enemies; Penance and the Dark Aeons have a Zanmato Level of 6, lol), the ideal amount is 2.62% of your total Gil, assuming that you've maxed out your compatibility with Yojimbo and his Overdrive meter is full (with my real world numbers, it's ~262k of my ~10m gil).

Third edit: Wow I found my notes from when I first did my International stat raising and Dark Aeon run.
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AI Researcher
this thread has murdered me and left me in a jealous heap on the floor and my vengeful ghost is cursing you all


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
We're so far because we don't have lives. :monster:

I ended up paying just over 200,000 gil for Yojimbo in the end. I also got the 200 steals trophy, too. All the Calm Lands fiends have been captured and now going to focus on Gagazet/Zanarkand as well as progressing through with the story. I need the airship!


We have come to terms
Be sure to pick up that sigil at the end of Zanarkand before you hop into the airship.

Makes me wish I had a PS3. I love achievements. Guess I'll just have to settle for emulating.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
There are funny rules about which enemies appear where in this game. Tonberries in the cavern appear more frequently (at about a 10% incidence) in a room that's a greenish colour. More common enemies don't appear there at all.

Good to know. :shifty:

I need the airship!

^ This. I don't think I'll bother doing any side quests until I have the airship and go anywhere.

Is it possible to buy the first few Al Bhed primers anywhere? :huh:
I'm sure you can buy the first 10 or so from an Al Bhed if you missed them. But I can't think where from.


We have come to terms
No. There are a few that are permanently missable (the ones in Home and Bevelle), but the others you can freely go back and get.


^There are also a couple that appear in home if you miss them. One in the thunder plains for example (I think it's XIV) you only get if you say you're doing OK with the language when you bump into Rin on your way out. I know if you miss it, it appears somewhere in Sanubia Desert (I want to say Central) but I'm not sure what happens if you miss it twice.

Serah Farron

I got the Chocobo Master trophy with the help of my brother. But we just tried for two hours getting the Sun Sigil and closest we got was 6 seconds. OH MY GOD HOW FRUSTRATING. Will either try again later or leave it for last.


Pro Adventurer
And unfortunately, if you want to kill the Dark Aeons, you don't have a choice on that Luck thing...
I beat all the Dark Aeons without introducing many new Luck Spheres at all. Although it would have been a lot easier if I had Luck. I didn't beat Penance though. I felt like I need to start creating new armours from scratch to stand a chance.

Took way too long getting Fortune Spheres, and Luck Spheres too. I would have loved for them to have a Distill Fortune weapon ability. Even if it cost like 99 Fortune Spheres, it would have given me a fairly reasonable goal. because how many do you need otherwise? Luck increases by 4 with every node, max is 255, and Luck starts off fairly low, so at least 50 per person?

Actually, it would just be easier if they cut out/down the damn counter animations. They extend the battle by so much.


We have come to terms
I found the easiest way to get useful armors was by farming Dark Yojimbo, as he drops 4-slot armor with the potential for Ribbon.

Also ugh luck fortune spheres the struggle is real


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Got the Airship..
..then immediately got my arse handed to me by everything in the Omega Ruins. :(

When it comes to leveling up: where do you start?
The Omega Ruins is what made me stop playing FFX. I got as far as defeating Ultima Weapon, but when backtracking I got defeated by a Marlboro and lost many hours of progress. It was then I decided that the required amount of time to prepare for and survive this dungeon (and beat all the superbosses) wasn't worth it. Good that this content exists and all, but...SO...MANY...HOURS REQUIRED!

Alex Strife

I was able to complete the Omega Ruins... but Dark Aeons kicked my ass. I think I was able to beat Valefor, Ifrit and possibly one or two more. Never got all of them. My ex-girlfriend did, though. To this day, I am still surprised she dedicated the necessary amount of time to achieve that :O

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Anyone ever bribe Ultima to go away? It's fucking hilarious.

I never found the dungeon all that difficult. I lament that the Dark Aeons weren't available in my version of the game. I actually ended up with stats that would have been able to take them down, but never had the opportunity to test that.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I fought Seymour Flux and Sanctuary Keeper, and honestly thought they were piss easy. They used to be so hard way back when, but I just literally shit all over them. When I reached around the corner, that's when the feels hit me. Like actually getting to the beginning part and getting through to the stadium was so emotional. :(


We have come to terms
Got the Airship..
..then immediately got my arse handed to me by everything in the Omega Ruins. :(

When it comes to leveling up: where do you start?
Omega Ruins. It's generally a good idea to stay near the save point to farm levels. It's also really useful to have Auron in your party with Masamune equipped, just to avoid potential ambushes by Malboros.

Alternately, there is a way to quickly and easily gain levels with the monster arena, but it requires you to have unlocked the Don Tonberry boss for the sunken cavern where you find Yojimbo, as well as Overdrive->AP weapons.


Pro Adventurer
Kuroto just started playing this; I've been watching her. First impressions:

  • I can't get over how strange Tidus' eyes look, and I'm surprised nobody else seems to have mentioned them in this thread since the game came out.
  • The difference in speed of this version over the 50 Hz PS2 version is actually a lot more noticeable than I had anticipated.
  • If you had asked me, "What needs more improvement, the music or the voice acting?", I would have said the latter without a moment's hesitation, but it seems that it hasn't been changed at all. The delivery of some lines is still very weird and the lip sync is still terrible. Meanwhile, the new music is very hit-and-miss. I've liked a couple of pieces, but I still think the battle theme arrangement is off, and that's probably the one track that is heard most frequently in the whole game.
  • The difference between rendered and pre-rendered graphics is more noticeable in this version.
  • The FMVs are great. I'm not sure if they've actually been updated - they were already impressive on the PS2 - but seeing them in HD makes them look even more gorgeous.
  • The CTB box in battles shows the word "mon" a lot, :mon:
  • It's going to take me a while to get used to seeing a loading screen in a Final Fantasy game.
  • It's nice to be able to see what's going on underwater now.
I wasn't planning to get this version and I haven't seen anything to change my mind yet. I still have the original game if I feel the urge to play it.


Double Growth
What were they gonna recall all the voice actors and rerecord everything?

Tidus' eyes just look like Mako eyes.

So far I've really liked all the remastered music. Not a matter of liking it better or worse, I've just enjoyed it. Sight of Spira sounds freaking awesome.

The loading screens are really my only complaint. Otherwise I think the remaster is excellent.
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