Final Fantasy XII


The Pixie King

So I was there. He was talking about the FFVII remake then moved on to say that FFXII was also getting a remake. He seemed to have kinda reacted weirdly after it then went straight to playing the Dalmasca theme.

They better have kept the raw files. The biggest thing I want is for the voicework not to sound like they're talking through a phone.


Pro Adventurer
Whelp, I'm on vacation at a convention and just read the good news in more than a few articles on Facebook. I'm jumping for joy, but I'm doing it on the inside because I am just crazy tired right now. :P

I'm sure I'll be more than satisfied with whatever the final product turns out to be. If it's just a simple remaster of the Zodiac Job System, I

But don't rule out the possibility of some things getting major changes. I say this because I read something a long time where one of the producers that he admitted that the final product wasn't perfect, largely because the original director had to duck out halfway during the production of the game. I won't hold my breath for a large overhaul, but it isn't completely out of the realm of possibilities.


Can you imagine if FFVII's remake had been accidentally announced like this at a Distant Worlds concert

I mean really

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
I would be happy if it was on PS4 and looked like Type 0 :)

The sound quality really needs upgrading. It's like listening to it through a tin can and some string.


AI Researcher
i don't remember the japanese version sounding funny, but when i played the international one i definitely noticed that tinny sound for the english voices


AI Researcher
silent-hill-hd-collection it and rerecord all the voices and don't give you the option to change them

or, you know

don't use that game as your model for anything except not what to do :awesome:


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
I very sincerely hope that this news turns out to be true. I really enjoy FF XII and I have always wanted to play the International Zodiac Job System version. I hope that Square Enix says something about this at Gamescom. I hope it gives us an option to play either the original version or the International Zodiac Job System version.


Pro Adventurer
Oh, this is awesome! I hope they do a better job at remastering/remaking (?) this game than X. Some of the new models in X looked different... not to mention, it didn't have the same quality as XIII, which I'd heard being boasted about.
XII's already a huge game, so I can't imagine much more than a graphics/sound upgrade and perhaps extra content though.
Like a few new locations into Rozarria?


I wonder if they would add to the story, like the Penelo stuff I heard the cut.

This I would like. I appreciate Vaan and Penelo playing the role of "we are the affected" of the war, going so far as to influence Ashe and Larsa, but overall there really isn't much we know or get to experience of them, especially Penelo. Just a few extra touches, just to bring them a little more to the fore


Great Old One
Like a few new locations into Rozarria?
AAAAA Rozarria.

I'm a bit conflicted about this. I've always wanted to see what it's like (it was the Rozarrians who built all the weird stuff in the Sandseas) yet at the same time it's kind of seeing a movie of a book you've read, where you've imagined all these wonderful areas and you're scared you'll be disappointed... also not sure where a scene in Rozarria would fit the original manuscript. Al-Cid doesn't have any conversations of importance that takes place in Rozarria - although maybe a scene that explains his motivations for going to Mt. Bur-Omisace?

There's one scene that was scripted (not sure if it was programmed, probably not voiced) that I would like to see though, and that's the scene between Balthier and Dr. Cid where Balthier is wearing the glasses
and his Judge uniform
. I'm not sure why it was scrapped, probably due to lack of time. The render model of Balthier was completed, but not the scene, if I understood correctly.
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The Pixie King
Dear friends,

In response to comments posted by fans, I want to rectify a statement made from the stage Saturday night at our Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY concert in Pittsburgh.

Following conversations with composer Hitoshi Sakimoto regarding new concert arrangements of music from FINAL FANTASY XII, regrettably, the term ‘remake’ was used in error during one of the announcements that took place from the stage during the concert.

We sincerely regret any confusion this has caused.

Arnie Roth
Producer and Music Director
Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY


Chloe Frazer
Well we knew it wasn't going to be a remake but does that mean a remaster isn't happening? :(


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, that statement didn't really clear anything up. If the term "remake" was used in error, what would the correct term have been?


Just saw this site's Facebook page release this information.

@AvecAloes - Certainly, I hope this is what "used in error" means. So, if it is a "remaster" rather than "remake", the ambiguous wording of the clarification letter sort of allows them to say "used in error", while really meaning he just wasn't supposed to say anything yet - and hence try to keep it under wraps for a little longer. (As if Hitoshi Sakimoto took him backstage later and said to Arnie, "I told ya not to say anything. Cop on, man!")

Bit of a stretch, but I'll justify/rationalise anything for hope (even if false)

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
Imagine it looking like this:

Also this:

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I'm mildly irked. Part of the reason I bought the PS2 version (aside from how cheap it was) was my thinking that "Ah sure, they might never remaster it."

Now I'm torn between playing and holding out for a HD remaster.

God damn it Square ¬_¬


Pro Adventurer
I'm mildly irked. Part of the reason I bought the PS2 version (aside from how cheap it was) was my thinking that "Ah sure, they might never remaster it."

Now I'm torn between playing and holding out for a HD remaster.

God damn it Square ¬_¬

Just play it already. :P You can always start a new game once you realise you've lost your chance of getting the Zodiac Spear.


Great Old One
Imagine it looking like this:
Bad example though, the pre-rendered cutscenes are actually in poorer quality than the in-game render when emulating the game. It's actually quite terrible how the pre-rendered scenes look compared to the other cutscenes, which are like crisp clear in comparison.
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