Final Fantasy XIII-2

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
He asked a question, I was just confirming what he already knew :monster:


Yeah, I know the Bahamut similarities are very strong.

My question is: why?

*shakes head* I just don't understand why Bahamut would show up human...

I just don't know and it's freakin' irritating!

Oh yeah, and the scans. One picture changed. ARGH! :rage:

Go visit the Bahamut in FFIV and ask him, can't miss him: long purple wavy hair. You know after that scene, I expected Bahamut to be a more explored character in following FF's apparantly Ramuh was more interesting. :huh:

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Obligatory Odin comparison pic.



Your theory would also help explain why Lightning now has a shield.

I like it. :monster:

First, Transformers in FFXIII and now Saint Seya in XIII-2....



Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
First, Transformers in FFXIII and now Saint Seya in XIII-2....

I was thinking that too! Both with the fal'Cie and with the Eidolins. Especially with Brynhildr for whatever reason. I start singing the Transformers (80s) theme song when I come across her part. ;P Not literally, but in my head...


My advice remains:


*sigh* *shrug* Ehhhhh.....


Hope Suckers!!!

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Nabbed those 4 screencaps from the jp site.





Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Armor looks even worse in a fullbody shot.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Armor looks even worse in a fullbody shot.

Oh. Well, seeing it full body like that...I might have to agree with you. O.O *gasp*

Everything from the hips down looks odd. I don't like the feathery thing, and I don't like those three flaps hanging in front. The leg armor is unusual.

I do like the top part though - the chest plate, and the leotard.

I can't tell what her right arm looks like without the sword extended.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
because in final fantasy the only curves women have come from breasts


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
All female characters have the Most Common Superpower. This unfortunately does not seem to be limited to Final Fantasy games; it occurs in most video games ever made.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
ilu chun li

I can site a good many small breasted girls, some of them with wide hips in gaming, but they're either not very well known or just generally overlooked.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
There are exceptions. There just aren't enough of them. But when you consider that a large percentage of character designers are male, that probably explains a lot of it. As well as a large percentage of the gaming audience; some of this just falls under Know Your Audience.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I think the problem is a lot of those character designers have taste that run along the same lines.

There's plenty of men who prefer average/small breasted women, or more voluptuous shapely women, it's just that most of them aren't character designers, and those who are get voted out by what marketing thinks is the most popular.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
That's a good point. Though what marketing thinks is most popular is probably also influenced by cultural trends, unless it's a shitty marketing division. So really, blame the consumers for having shallow taste :monster:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
While Lightning may be more exposed, Toriyama jokes, he wants to preserve the noble and elegant feel she had from the previous game. Lightning now has more of a fantasy style with respect to her costume and weapon design.
Well, I like the Valkyries' armors in "Valkyrie Profile". Though they did show legs with those armors, at least their bottoms were covered in game, like this:


There's also promo art like this one:


But it's not normal to catch the characters in such poses.

My point is that Lightning didn't have to show herself so much to be a sexy character. Her armor is very cool, I like it but, as I've already said, it's not what I would think she would choose.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
You know, I've been thinking about what the words spoken by Lightning in the trailer.

While I'm not sure what's meant by 'Sleep in peace, divine Etro,' but 'I will stand guard over your legacy.'

I'm thinking that Etro's legacy is Fang and Vanille's crystal stasis, the saving of Cocoon and Pulse, and defeating Barthandelus' plan.

Any thoughts?

I do have one question: why would she be sleeping? Or could those words 'divine Etro' mean Fang and Vanille themselves, not the goddess?

Alex Strife

I think that, by "divine", she's just reminding "us" of the status of Etro, reminding us Etro's a goddess. I've been wondering about those words as well, but I haven't been able to see any logical conclusion. Etro's supposed to be the one who gave humans hearts, right? So Humans are Her legacy. So Lightning's protecting humans? Maybe even through some kind of Etro's powers? They did say, after all, that the feathers meant she was "getting closer to a God" or something like that.

Quite difficult to say at this, stage, though...
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