Final Fantasy XIII-2


Motomu Toriyama said the end of Final Fantasy XIII had a lingering question is Lightning truly happy?

Really, musta missed that. She seemed entirely happy to me. The ending was more Snow & Lightning: Serah, YAY! Sahz: Dajh,. YAY! Hope: So is my dad... dead or? Why don't i have anybody?

Alex Strife

They said they'll answer that question, they didn't say they'll answer it with a "Yes, she's happy". I expect her ending to be a good ending, but certainly they haven't said that!


Pro Adventurer
CL, Prompto
I read that the feathers on Lightning new look is suppose to have a connection to the gods. So they're not just there for show.
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Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
In Episode i she was happy but in a bittersweet way, since the people she had been protecting was going away: her little sister wasn't her responsibility anymore, and Hope was going to live with his dad. So yeah, she was happy for them, but I think she would feel a bit empty now that she doesn't have anyone to take care of.

Also, there's Fang and Vanille, and how Lightning could possibly help them. And also, there's how Lightning would define "happiness" :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It's still funny how Lightning pulled a yuna though. I wouldn't say Lightning dressed conservatively, but I wouldn't have called it revealing either. Now she's got her ass(what little there is) hanging out.

I can't help but think of the transition from X to X-2. It's very reminiscent of it imo.


In Episode i she was happy but in a bittersweet way, since the people she had been protecting was going away: her little sister wasn't her responsibility anymore, and Hope was going to live with his dad. So yeah, she was happy for them, but I think she would feel a bit empty now that she doesn't have anyone to take care of.

Also, there's Fang and Vanille, and how Lightning could possibly help them. And also, there's how Lightning would define "happiness" :monster:
Well episode i was setting up this game. The ending of FF XIII itself the one that (apparantely) have people the idea that Lightning was the one not truly happy.

And i don't see that, she was easily more happy then she ever was before then.


They said they'll answer that question, they didn't say they'll answer it with a "Yes, she's happy".
When you ask "is ____ truly happy?" it not only invites a yes or no answer, but it also implies it's a no in the same breath, meaning the ending will be a yes or they'll be back at square 1.
It's a stupid question to build another game on though, more proof that "everyone asked for a sequel" is pure bs IMO.

I'm convinved they just hope to wash away the aftertaste of shit like 13 and 14 left in peoples mouth before the advent of Versus to improve confidence and sales. Not that they'll get an FF flop, but they haven't exactly been producing great work and they know it. I still think XIII is the shittiest choice to do this with.
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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
In Episode i she was happy but in a bittersweet way, since the people she had been protecting was going away: her little sister wasn't her responsibility anymore, and Hope was going to live with his dad. So yeah, she was happy for them, but I think she would feel a bit empty now that she doesn't have anyone to take care of.

Taking care of things is how Lightning dealt with things since the death of her mother; she had already lost her father. She delved head first into some sort of job to keep herself from grieving all her losses. Now, she doesn't have that. Snow proved himself and has her blessing, Hope's dad is alive and so Hope will be returning to as much of a normal life as possible with him, Sazh has Dajh, and Vanille and Fang are in crystal status... There's no one left to distract her; though, she seems determined to find a way to release Vanille and Fang.

Now bring in these words that she's speaking in the first trailer... It seems (to me) something big is happening. I can't think of any mundane issue that would cause someone to say 'time's path is no longer certain.' Not to mention 'in the world where I once existed.' As I've said before, it's like she was plucked from existence. So... I do not believe she's happy; and, I'll be surprised if the storyline says she is (at least at first.)

Though, I just thought of it: could this be a XIII's 'On the Way Towards a Smile'??? :shifty:


I'd like to see what her face is gonna be like in FF XIII-2's ending if this didn't sell Lightning as "happy".


Gonna have to be entering Kefka territory , huh?


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
It's still funny how Lightning pulled a yuna though. I wouldn't say Lightning dressed conservatively, but I wouldn't have called it revealing either. Now she's got her ass(what little there is) hanging out.

And a half-skirt thing... albeit, a very feathery half-skirt thing.

trash panda

Eghh. This means I have to finish the first FFXIII.
I have it on 360 but I think it's better to get it on PS3, no? Aren't there features that carry over? Or is that my own fabrication? D:


Double Growth
Looks like it won't be as dramatic a shift in battle system as from FFX to FFX-2. That's mostly fine with me, of course, but maybe they'll let you control everyone if you want :monster:

@Howl: There is Complete save data, I'm not sure what it does/if it does anything. But I don't think carry-over is exclusive to PS3. PS3's just runs a bit better because they kinda botched the port.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark

This dude's pants look similar to Fang's sari. Wonder if he's a Pulse native.

and for some reason I just had an inkling that if the game wasn't a one-character game (ie: just Lightning), that Serah would be a playable character (even if only temporary or a guest). Is it safe to assume that we would probably see Snow's return as well?

Looks like it won't be as dramatic a shift in battle system as from FFX to FFX-2. That's mostly fine with me, of course, but maybe they'll let you control everyone if you want :monster:

Yes, which I think we both agree is good because we liked FFXIII's battle system for the most part :monster: I do hope we get better control of the other party members as well.

EDIT: PULSE. I meant Pulse not Cocoon.
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Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku




I didn't want to clutter up the What Makes Your Day thread with the following:


While I appreciate some people may be excited by playable Serah, I would haven been perfectly okay with her spending the entire game in Snow's kitchen. How about some news on Fang or Vanille, pl0x.

That said, nice to see the combat system looks like it will be pretty similar to what's already been established.

As for this Noel character

I can't stop laughing at his ridiculous pants. And wtf is up with the sword in his right hand?

It looks like he has some feathers on his belt, whatever that may end up meaning, and the clothing looks kinda Pulsian in nature - unless Cocoon's undergone a major fashion shift since they crash-landed.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Oh I definitely knew she was going to be, seeing as how she already had battle quotes for the original.

Having something for a previous game does not necessarily guarantee its inclusion in a future game :monster:

I'm thinking we will, I mean I cant imagine he won't join at some point if you're going to be playing as her. I still find it pretty odd he isn't the one to help her out though.

Not that odd. Maybe he's out, she was left at home. Maybe they were together and got separated. Plenty of reasons for them not to be together.

Hopefully we get more information soon. I actually like the little changes to the battle menu, it looks kinda neat.

Maybe at E3. I'm still hoping for some fucking Versus news.
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