Final Fantasy XIII-2


Double Growth
I exclusively buy my games online unless a physical store can swoon me with a bonus. (Like Sonic Generations is...)

I like Lightning's sword stuck in that teaser, pretty cool :)


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Well I hate to wait xDD. I'm way too desperate. So I rather go right the other day and pick it up on my local store...which is like 2 times a year, whenever a Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts game is released. Otherwise, I'll just wait until I can ebay-it. The only rare exception was, in fact Catherine because I got hooked up from reading about it on a magazine.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
At 0.35 of the trailer of that new Long Live Play video you see what looks to me to be materia. Maybe even Holy materia, being that it's a whitish-green (or so it looked that way to me.)

The new information from the Euro Expo attendee is new to me. I thought Atlas was created by humans. Also I don't recall hearing anything about
the ruins of Bresha being changed by defeating Atlas


Higher Further Faster

Considering that the nearest GameStop to me is like, forty minutes away, I'm not making the trek JUST to get a game. Amazon saves the day <3

Unless I go to Target or Walmart. I have a couple of those each within twenty minutes. But for some reason I don't. :/


unsavory tart
I get mine at gamestop, I just like physically browsing more, and we have a decent one around.

Though, I went to a midnight release for Gears of War III and it turned out completely awkward. Met a person from highschool who was like "HEY REMEMBER ME" and I was like "... WHAT" and they were like "._____." and the people up front being overly annoying and shouting things like "I AM ANONYMOUS" and then I saw people walk about with Gears boxes and me being jealous of it.

Maybe I should try that online thing.


I was pretty sure I heard Atlas was a weapon made by the humans too.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I have a copy reserved at GameStop. *shrug*
The store around here is also a decent one.


Pro Adventurer
I might see if I can reserve a copy too, but knowing Europe we'll be ages behind and have to wait longer. Sigh >:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
^^ This...and fully payed :awesome:

I'm not fully paid, yet. But, I should put some more money down on it.

Actually, where I live, there are four stores that I know of that are within 20 miles. :P Don't ask why, 'cause I do not know.

I have my reservation at the one northeast of where I live; on the way towards school and around where I exercise.

I know, you all care. :awesome:

Alex Strife

I'll see if I buy it. Lately I've been struggling to have time to play everything I get. So I'll have to see if:

1- I have enough time to play it.
2- It's interesting enough to invest time and money on it.

I hate myself, I sound like a grown-up.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon

The Lost Report series are actually video clips rather than novellas. The clips are told from the perspective of Rygdea and Yaag Rosch and will span six episodes. The first volume, titled Gensou no Rakuen (roughly, “Fantasy Paradise”), provides a recap of the Cocoon world.

Damn it! With videoclips they are just going to recycle old material! At least with the novellas they could add new scenes. And the worst thing is that they won't translate to English. Josh Robert Thomson and Jon Curry were among my favorite voices from the game [/fangirlrage]


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Noel such a jealous bitch. Trying hard so people actually likes him. I rather have Serah's....


Double Growth
HMV and Lawsons buyers get a special weapon for Serah when they pre-order Final Fantasy XIII-2. But Square Enix isn't leaving Noel fans out. Those who buy the game through the Square Enix e-Shop will get a special weapon for the XIII-2 newcomer.

The weapon is named "Calamity Blade." This exclusive Noel weapon is a twin blade that can recharge Noel's ATB gauge quicker than usual.

According to the product listing page at the -Store site, the weapon will show its effect from the start of the game midway through the adventure You're going to have to figure out what this means for yourself (perhaps by the game's midpoint, Noel becomes too powerful for the weapon to be of any use?).

As with the previously announced bonus download content, the e-Shop did not provide an image of the Calamity Blade weapon, but promised a look in a future update.

e-Store buyers will also get a PC wallpaper calendar set.


Maybe it won't look retarded?


unsavory tart
Naw, Noctis has tons of fans.

I just don't understand why, we know Noel more than we know Noctis, but Noctis is winning FF popularity battles (against Cloud no less), and the overwhelming reaction to Noel is "where's Lightning?"

I'll never comprehend how Stella/Noctis and Noctis are so rampagingly popular. I guess it's sort of like seeing ff.nets Versus fanfiction having 500 fics underneath it.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Naw, Noctis has tons of fans.

I just don't understand why, we know Noel more than we know Noctis, but Noctis is winning FF popularity battles (against Cloud no less), and the overwhelming reaction to Noel is "where's Lightning?"

I'll never comprehend how Stella/Noctis and Noctis are so rampagingly popular. I guess it's sort of like seeing ff.nets Versus fanfiction having 500 fics underneath it.

Absolutely agreed. I don't get it either.


I don't know what to think of Noel. I don't hate him, but I don't see anything right off the bat that makes him heart-engulfed endearing.

I am not really a Serah fan. Lightning's okay. I'm more interested in K(C)aias and Yuel (Yuru); also, the first game's main party members and the members of NORA (though I'm not a fan of the group's mottos.)

I want to see where the fal'Cie come into the story. Hopefully we'll learn more about Pulse, Etro and Lindzei.

I forgot to mention Fang and Vanille. Of course it would be cool to see them freed of crystal stasis.
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Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
Naw, Noctis has tons of fans.

I just don't understand why, we know Noel more than we know Noctis, but Noctis is winning FF popularity battles (against Cloud no less), and the overwhelming reaction to Noel is "where's Lightning?"

I'll never comprehend how Stella/Noctis and Noctis are so rampagingly popular. I guess it's sort of like seeing ff.nets Versus fanfiction having 500 fics underneath it.

I've seen this, lots of times. People saying that "Noctis is their favorite FF char", pft, please. These "fans" are usually those who appreciate style over substance. A pair of cool trailers on Youtube are enough for them to put Noctis over lots of characters whose stories, battles and respective endings we all know and love. You have to wonder, how can you like that much a char from a game we have barely seen in action, was announced nearly half a decade ago and still isn't going to be released any time soon?

I mean don't get me wrong, the game looks good and Noctis looks pretty nice too but there's a large gap between "looking like a nice char" and "FAVORITE CHAR EVER".

OT: ...Noel? ...Who's that? :monster:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Sorry but Noel is nowhere near Noctis in Fan Bases

I understand that; as I said, I agree that there's no real reason for it.

The only thing I can think of, as kind of said by Joseph, people are making judgements based on appearance.

I guess the 'tall, dark, mysterious, moody, and handsome' gets to more people.
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