Final Fantasy XIII Non-Spoiler Thread


There is no such thing as a SOLDIER general. The only ranks they have are 3rd, 2nd and 1st class. Simple as that. :monster:


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
There is no such thing as a SOLDIER general. The only ranks they have are 3rd, 2nd and 1st class. Simple as that. :monster:

Well, maybe. :P
But he was ShinRa's ultimate SOLDIER.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I read that she was and served under Yaag's command. I have to check the source again then.

Actually, it's the other way around.

From an article some time ago:

Nao Ikeda, the sub-character designer for Final Fantasy XIII told Famitsu that "After graduating first in her class, Nabaat exercised her skills effortlessly within PSICOM and advanced steadily through the ranks. She handles daily policy and takes strategic command of the military when called for, so PSICOM's soldiers are generally always following her orders."

Yaag Rosch who is her right-hand man in PSICOM puts the protection of Cocoon ahead of everything and sees Lightning and her party as a thread to his homeland. "Rosch graduated one position behind Nabaat after a long, painful time at the academy. "He is extremely talented, though not as much as Nabaat, and he's taken a similar elite-officer path through the PSICOM ranks. He often fights on the front lines himself, leading his forces at the forefront, and the scar down his forehead reflects the harsh training and fighting he's undertaken."


The newest interview In Famitsu
Motomu or Kitase (one of them) reveals more about Serah and Lightning's daily life! As mentioned earlier, they live together in a house in same marine coastal town. Everyday, Lightning leaves for work in the Sanctum military, though it's not really an army military kind of job, but can be more likened to police work! (Direct translation: Area Police, whatever that means...)

She's not with PSICOM. It's pretty clear that her relationship with Nataal won't be comparable to cloud and Sephiroth at least.


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
The newest interview In Famitsu
Motomu or Kitase (one of them) reveals more about Serah and Lightning's daily life! As mentioned earlier, they live together in a house in same marine coastal town. Everyday, Lightning leaves for work in the Sanctum military, though it's not really an army military kind of job, but can be more likened to police work! (Direct translation: Area Police, whatever that means...)

She's not with PSICOM. It's pretty clear that her relationship with Nataal won't be comparable to cloud and Sephiroth at least.

Now I'm confused.
Lightning and Serah are Cocoon residents originally.
Sanctum is the name of the Cocoon Government and PSICOM is their military force.
Jihl Nabaat is PSICOM's commander, Yaag is her right-hand man.
edit; And I read that both Lightning and Sazh used to serve in PSICOM before game opening.
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Yeah, I think they may have altered things a little. But PSICOM isn't the name of their military, but the specific group under Nabaat's command, I think Yaag was Lightning's commander before he made it into PSICOM.


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
Yeah, I think they may have altered things a little. But PSICOM isn't the name of their military, but the specific group under Nabaat's command, I think Yaag was Lightning's commander before he made it into PSICOM.

He was in a military academy before he made it into PSICOM.
Im not entirely sure what is PSICOM exactly, but Jihl is said to be Cocoon military officer. If she's just the head of PSICOM then who's the military commander? Jihl is the main antagonist, therefore I think she's the head of Cocoon military.


She's a Lieutenant Colonel, she would have to be the lowest ranked head of an entire military ever then.

But maybe Lightning used to be is PSICOM then when their parents died she quit and took on a less time consuming job to care of her little sister. The only thing left is how Sahz would fit into it all. Maybe he starts out as the PSICOM officer sent to collect Serah.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I do. Enough with the fucking cgi. And I hate both Serah and Snow already. Fuck their love subplot. That was a crapass trailer complete with bad J-music and cheesy bullshit.

I liked the one with English VO more.
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
^ BUT WHY...! D:

OH GOD YOU'RE RIGHT. More gameplay and action y0. What is this anime fairy disguise??


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
There we have a new character... Is it just me or does she look evil? :muhaha:

The only two things I really didn't like about this trailer are:
1. Awful music. (ed; ie japanese song, the choir in the beginning sounds qiute lovely).
2. Hope (What's wrong with that boy? He looks positively retarded).

More Yaag is always good though. xd;

AND XIII is perhaps the only FF game that I thinks sounds better in English.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Got a song for you Snow



Pro Adventurer
If Serah dies and ANYONE who kept up with this game is surprised, then I feel bad for them really. It'd be kinda nice if they foreshadow Serah biting the death bullet this much only to have someone else kick it, otherwise I'm not amused. I volunteer Hope for the role of 'dickhead-playable-who-must-die'.


it's me in a labyrinth
spirit chaser
On a better side, there apparently won't be Lightning-Snow-Serah LT - thank goodness. -_-

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
On a better side, there apparently won't be Lightning-Snow-Serah LT - thank goodness. -_-
Snow and Serah can go eat dicks. Lightening can just be BA, and that's all I really care about.


Higher Further Faster
I want to see more of Lightning punching Snow. :monster:

That said I thought that trailer was fine. We got a bunch of gameplay in the beginning, we've gotten gameplay in other trailers, and remember that Japan got a demo so they, and whomever imported ACC, have gotten to actually experience the gameplay. These trailers that we have been seeing are meant for Japan, not us. Just something to keep in mind.

The only thing that bothers me is the age difference between Snow and Serah. :/
I want to see more of Lightning punching Snow. :monster:

That said I thought that trailer was fine. We got a bunch of gameplay in the beginning, we've gotten gameplay in other trailers, and remember that Japan got a demo so they, and whomever imported ACC, have gotten to actually experience the gameplay. These trailers that we have been seeing are meant for Japan, not us. Just something to keep in mind.

The only thing that bothers me is the age difference between Snow and Serah. :/

Finally, someone who doesn't completely trash the trailer.
I think it served the purpose to show us just how well the emotions will be conveyed in this game; I am impressed by the technology.

Are there any official statements about the age of Serah?
A quick search yields interesting results, though no age statement.
But like a guy on IGN says, I wouldn't be surprised if FFXIII gets banned in some countries due to the aforementioned pairing.


Higher Further Faster
Well sometimes I think people are too quick cry foul and don't bother looking at the big picture. SE isn't advertising in the US yet. The only reason why we see them is because we are on the internet looking for more content. And when compared wo what has been put out so far it's like, oh boohoo a trailer that was mostly story based cry moar.

However, if Serah turns out to be a minor while Snow is almost thirty I'm going to be quite weirded out. :/

But if she's like nineteen or something then at least she won't be a minor. lol


Double Growth There it is in HD.

And when are people gonna stop crying about seeing more gameplay. We've seen a lot, how much more do you need? And like Tennyo said, this trailer is for the Japanese who could play a freaking demo AT THE SHOW.

The J-pop was bad, but I think it looks pretty cool....I'd love to see something Japan related though in which the girl DOESN'T cry after kissing someone. Seriously, is that just what Japanese girls do when you kiss them? There it is in HD.

And when are people gonna stop crying about seeing more gameplay. We've seen a lot, how much more do you need? And like Tennyo said, this trailer is for the Japanese who could play a freaking demo AT THE SHOW.

The J-pop was bad, but I think it looks pretty cool....I'd love to see something Japan related though in which the girl DOESN'T cry after kissing someone. Seriously, is that just what Japanese girls do when you kiss them?

Nothing more sexy than vulnerability...?
Yeah, I think it's a disgraceful stereotype too. >_>
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